Springhill | Memories of Old Springhill | 150 Years of Springhill | Springhill, Missouri |
Springhill, Missouri:  Its History, People and Events
by Carolyn Leffler

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   Editor:  Miss Virginia Wall
Photographer: Wayne D. Leffler
   Author:  Carolyn Leffler

DEDICATION :  This book is dedicated to the people of the Springhill Community for their warm understanding and friendship which have made such an impression on my life. Without their interest, cooperation, and encouragement, this book could not have been written.

 Introduction                                                                                                           5
 Background Briefs                                                                                                  7
 Pioneer Life                                                                                                          10
 Growth of a Pioneer Settlement                                                                               13
 Obtaining Supplies                                                                                                15
 The Prosperous Pork Packing Business                                                                 17
 The Blacksmith                                                                                                      19
 The Country Doctor                                                                                                20
 Grist Mills and Saw Mills                                                                                           22
 More Early Springhill Businesses                                                                              24
 Gold Fever                                                                                                                26
 The Farm Life                                                                                                            27
 Area Churches                                                                                                           30
 School Days                                                                                                              33
 Springhill School                                                                                                        35
 Gibbs School                                                                                                             36
 Raulie School                                                                                                             36
 Potter School                                                                                                             37
 Girdner School                                                                                                           39
 Pinkley School                                                                                                             39
 The Farmers' Cooperative Store                                                                                  40
 Entertainment                                                                                                                 43
 The Homefront During War Times                                                                              46
 A Progressive Community                                                                                           48
 The Farmers' Bank of Springhill                                                                                  49
 Ahead of the Times                                                                                                    49
 The Fred McVey Quarry                                                                                            50
 Personal Mention                                                                                                         51
 Tragic Incidents                                                                                                         54
 Organizations                                                                                                             58
 The Springhill Area on the U. S. Census - 1860                                                            60
 The Springhill Cemetery                                                                                                62
 Additions to Springhill Cemetery List                                                                          70
 The Photo Album
 Picture Descriptions                                                                                                    73
 Bibliography                                                                                                                 81
 Index of Names                                                                                                           82


         Quietly nestled in a peaceful Missouri countryside, a small group of buildings and
homes are all that remain to attest to the once-thriving town of Springhill.  After several
years absence, I entered the main street, not knowing what to expect; I knew that in that
length of time many changes had taken place.  Eagerly, I sought out familiar landmarks
and found my mind recalling incidents of the every-day life of the former hub of this
farm community.

         Glancing at the blank windows of the empty store building, I recalled the
important role it had once played in providing the necessities of farm life, including
groceries, simple medical remedies, gasoline, hardware, and a social gathering spot
around the pot-bellied stove.  It provided simple luxuries such as cigars, cigarettes,
chewing tobacco, soda pop, and large assortments of candy and snacks.  However, due to
the increase in operational costs and a decrease in patrons, the store doors were closed
for the last time on April 16, 1973.  The closing of the doors signified the end of an era.
For possibly the first time since about 1834 when Jesse Nave opened a trading post at
what later became Springhill, this farming community was left without a market place.
As I turned around,  I  imagined I could still hear echoes of childish voices laughing,
shouting, and calling to each other from the schoolhouse across the street and down the
short lane from the vacant store building.  Presently being used as a community center
and the meeting place for the local 4-H Club, the school was built in 1899.  Classes were
available for the first through the eighth grades until the year 1961 when the school
closed, making a grand total of sixty-two years of outstanding service to the community.
It now stands in silent tribute to the many boys and girls who passed through its doorway
and went on to higher education and life's fulfillment.

         At the main street once more, I looked toward the spot where the Methodist
Church had stood, and, again, I imagined that if I listened carefully, I would possibly hear
music floating on the quiet air and maybe catch portions of hymns being sung, followed
by a preacher's voice rising and falling in his delivery of the Lord's message to a small,
devoted congregation.  Today, the church building is no longer there.  It was torn down in
1979, and the plot where it once stood is covered with a well-manicured lawn as though
still testifying to God's serene beauty and peace.

         Turning my head, I thought I could almost hear the ringing of steel against steel,
and I recalled the shouts and laughter of men and boys who gathered around the
horseshoe stakes for endless games of horseshoes,  Each resounding ring of the
horseshoes as they were thrust against the stakes that had been solidly anchored in the
ground would bring outbursts of friendly challenges and pending victory.  The stakes are
gone now, and so are the boisterous rivalries and good-natured jesting.

         In today's reality, the streets are silent except for everyday activities of the few
remaining residents; but was reminded that through the years, Springhill has touched and
enriched the lives and hearts of an abundance of people, thus leaving behind a rich
heritage and interesting history.

         In the following pages,  I have endeavored to capture highlights of Springhill past,
keeping in mind that history is merely a reflection of the people, their lives, and their
lifestyles.  I have tried to embrace and project the richness of life found in this farm
community, and its lasting effect on those it has touched.

Carolyn Cook Leffler


         President James Monroe issued a proclamation admitting Missouri into the Union
on August 10, 1821, making it the 24th state.  At that time, Missouri was a wilderness,
and many of the inhabitants were Indians.  Through treaties and peaceful bargaining,
most of Missouri land had been ceded by the Indian tribes by 1833, all except the Platte
Country, which was purchased in 1836, to become the Northwest corner of Missouri,
Forming the boundary as it remains today.

          Pioneer life in Missouri was rugged and hard.  Land had to be cleared so it could
be farmed, since farming was the main industry.  Sometimes guards had to be posted to
standwatch over the workers in a field in case of Indian attack.  Frequent epidemics and
the lack of proper medical facilities were always cause for great concern, many times
resulting in death.  Varmints and wild animals always posed a threat.  Bears, wolves,
panthers, and other predatory animals freely roamed the land.

         There were few roads or trails, and most trading was done by boat on the rivers.
The first steamboat appeared in St. Louis in 1817, proving to be cheap and quick

         Horseback riders and horsedrawn and/or ox-drawn wagons many times had a
100-mile journey to the nearest trade center.  For close to fifty years, the steamboat and
the wagon were the two main sources of transportation in Missouri.  Gradually, the roads
and trails were improved for travel, with the government making many of the
improvements in order to establish main routes.

         Droughts, cold weather, Floods, heavy snows, plagues, epidemics, accidents and
other destructive forces were constant factors the early settler had to deal with.  For
instance, in 1875, Missouri and surrounding states were invaded by large swarms of
grasshoppers, which darkened the sky and as a day of fasting and prayer for deliverance
from the plague.

         Aside from the many hardships, Missouri was indeed the "Land of Milk and
Honey."   There were many fur-bearing animals, wild turkeys, deer, wild honey, and
fresh-water springs.  Best of all, the land was available for a reasonable price.  In 1820,
the government offered a minimum purchase of 80 acres at $1.25 per acre.  For the
pioneer who was willing to sacrifice and suffer the hardships of the land, the rewards
were great.

         Missouri was divided in twenty-five counties at the time of admission into the
Union.  Later, these counties were divided into more counties as the population
increased.  Livingston County was formed from Carroll County on January 6, 1837, and
the first courthouse was built that same year in Chillicothe, which was chosen as the
county seat.  In IS11. Grundy County was formed from the northern portion of
Livingston, leaving Livingston's boundaries as they remain today.

         Statistics show that in 1839, there was heavy immigration (estimated at 50,000)
into the state of Missouri.  Then, again, in the years 1848 through 1850, there was a large
German immigration into Missouri, due to the news of the "land of plenty," about 1866,
there was a large colony of German immigrants expected to settle south of Utica.
Records show that during this period of time from 1839-1870, there was a large influx of
settlers in the Livingston County area.

         The first Missouri newspaper was established in St. Louis in 1808.  As areas
became more populated, and the need for news became more evident, other newspapers
were established.  In 1843, the Grand River Chronicle was founded, and has the
distinction of being the first newspaper in Livingston County. It later became the
Chillicothe Spectator in 1866, following the Civil War, and then in I866 it became The
Tribune.  Thus,the printed word was available to those who could read or were fortunate
enough to have someone to read to them, keeping all who were interested in being well-
informed on current politics and world news.

         Public schools did not appear in Missouri until the late 1830's.  Up until that time,
education was obtained through church-affiliated schools and tutoring in private homes,
some a few private schools.  In Livingston County, prior to the Civil  War, school
districts schoolhouses were humble log edifices.  However, following the war, county
schools and education took on new life.  It was a slow process, but eventually new
schools were built, districts were established, and better teaching methods were

         At the time of admission into the Union, Missouri was a slave state.  In 1820,
slaves numbered over 10,000 for the entire state.  In Livingston County in 1860, the total
population was 7,417 and of those, 705 were slaves.  Most slaves came with their owners
from the southern states and few were bought or sold in Livingston County since slavery
in the area was never profitable.  Following the close of the Civil War in 1865, slavery
was abolished.  Some of the resident slaves remained and settled in Livingston County,
while others moved to Missouri cities or migrated to Illinois and other surrounding states.

         Missouri, as other states before and after her, has suffered from growing pains,
but the people of Missouri have risen to meet the needs as they encountered them, thus
forming the fine state as we know it today.


         Pioneers, in search of freedom and a piece of land to call their own, migrated to
unexplored and unsettled regions, traveling by horseback, in horse-drawn wagons, or in
ox-drawn wagons, over rough terrain, through dense forests, and across dangerous rivers.
They camped overnight in the wilds, with only the wilderness for company.  At the end
of a day's journey there was no welcoming house nor warm fireside to greet them -- only
wild animals, possible Indians, and hard work.  "Survival of the fittest" was the unwritten
law as the pioneers encountered untold dilemmas and braved countless dangers, always
applying themselves in the true pioneer spirit, and proceeding to pave the way for others.

         Pioneer families were strong, courageous, and determined.  Survival meant hard
work, and at times nature and the elements seemed to struggle against them.  The pioneer
life required an understanding of the ways of the land and the knowledge for meeting the
basic needs for everyday existence.

         The man was faced with building and furnishing a dwelling.   He usually erected
a cabin of  logs when the trees were available for the necessary lumber.  He had to clear
the land for crops, and sometimes the only tool he had for felling the trees was an ax.  He
provided meat for the table by hunting, fishing, and trapping.  He tilled the soil, using
only the crudest of implements, which he also used to plant, cultivate, and harvest the
crops.  Wood was required for the fireplace, and the livestock needed his constant
attention.  The pioneer man was continually on the alert for possible dangers to his
family, and he tried to be always prepared for the unexpected.

         The woman shouldered heavy responsibilities in order to maintain the early
household.  Her work was both hard and demanding.  There were no "store-bought"
clothes, nor easy meals to prepare, and often the housewife worked by the side of her
husband in the fields.  Clothes were washed at either the spring or the creek, or water was
carried from the water supply to the dwelling where the clothes could be boiled in an iron
kettle over an open fire.  The wife made her own soap by pouring water over the
woodashes and catching the lye water which drained through.  She then mixed the lye
with tallow (grease) and boiled it, usually in the iron kettle over the open fire. After the
soap hardened, it was used for all the cleaning chores.

         Food preservation was accomplished by curing and drying the meats and drying
fruits and vegetables.  Herbs were collected and stored for both cooking and medicinal
purposes.  Grain was ground by hand for cooking and baking.  Milk and other perishable
foods were often kept under cool springwater to retard spoilage.
         Cooking was done over an open Fireplace which was also the source for heat in
the cabin during cold months.  During the warm summer months, the wife often moved
much of the cooking outside by building and using a fire in the open, where it  was much
cooler.  Sanitation posed a threat with flies and other disease-bearing insects causing
much sickness.

         Sewing and mending was done by hand and often done by the dim light from the
fireplace or homemade candles.  A spinning wheel and loom were used to make cloth
from wool, which made warm, sturdy clothing, and from flax, which made linen

         The hours were long and hard for everyone.  Even the children were expected to
carry their share of responsibility as soon as they became big enough.  Many times the
closest neighbors were several miles away, and there was seldom a chance for visiting.  It
was quite a treat if a neighbor family or traveler should happen by, and was an occasion
to bring out the best dishes and tablecloth, and set the table with the choicest foods.

         Many families reserved Sundays as days of rest, and would bring out the family
Bible for a short religious service and prayer.  If possible, neighbors would travel long
distances to attend small religious gatherings, which were held in the homes since there
were no church buildings.

          Trading posts soon became the connecting link for the pioneer families in the
wilds to the towns where supplies were available but out of reach due to the great
distances between, since all modes of transportation were slow, difficult, and often
dangerous.  The trading post carried a variety of supplies, including drugs, groceries,
hardware, and dry goods.  They made available guns and gun powder, shot, traps,
harness,and other necessary items for the pioneer life.  Cash was often unavailable to buy
supplies, so many transactions were made by trading and bartering.  Dried and cured
meats, furs, somegrains, and other useful and sellable products were traded by the settler
to obtain coffee, sugar, hardware, dress material, and other basics for survival in the

         Education was limited and usually was the "learn-by-doing" method.   If the
parents had any education, they often passed this knowledge on to their children,
teaching them to read and cipher.

         Life was hard, but the family was not without their forms The children played
games and often had a dog for a companion.  During the evenings, the father might bring
out his fiddle and play a lively tune, or play tunes on a homemade  flute or Jew's  harp,
or  he  maybe  would  strum  a  banjo or guitar.


         Nave Town was established in about 1834 or 1836, when Jesse and Isabella
(Dixon) Nave, and their family, opened a trading post at the present-day village of
Springhill in Jackson township, Livingston County, Missouri.  The Nave family came
from Tennessee in 1831.  They chose land which contained a large fresh water spring,
and built a double log cabin, which served as both home and business establishment
They cleared and cultivated the land, and opened the trade center as the need for one
became apparent.  Indians were still living in the vicinity.  In 1833, the United States
signed peace treaties and purchased land from the Indians.  The tribes gradually left for reservations
and other habitations; however, as late as 1845, they continued to return to the area in
hunting parties, looking for wild game which freely roamed the land. (According to
Douglass Stewart, who is well-known for his recollections of the Springhill area, Indians
still occupied a village on Indian Hill as late as 1850).   Less than a mile southeast of
Springhill, on the old John Volk farm, many Indian relics have been found, indicating
that an Indian village remained there for several years.   Indian burial mounds have been
located on Indian Hill and other locations in the area.
         After the trading post was established, other businesses were opened, and the
settlement became a thriving place of business.  A post office was established at the
trading post, with Jesse Nave named the first postmaster, and the settlement officially
became known as Nave Town.  The name was changed to Springhill in April of 1848,
when the town was platted.
         The duties of postmaster in those days were quite different than in later years.
The postmaster often found that he met more people on his daily hunting or business trips
than he did if he remained at his place of business; therefore, he often placed the
addressed letters in his hat and carried them with him and delivered them as he made his
daily rounds.  A small  storage area was all that was required to keep the mail, but within
a short time, a desk with lock and key was a regulation for keeping letters and parcels.

         In 1845, Thomas J. Martin, son of William and Anne (Duncan) Martin, was
postmaster.  He was also Justice of the Peace during the mid-1840's.  The Martin family
was from Virginia, moving first to Kentucky, then to Tennessee, and finally settling in
Missouri, at Nave Town along with other family members, namely the Duncans.

         William Martin (b.c. 1774) and his wife Anne (b.c. 1776) moved to Missouri
about 1820.  Around 1835, they settled on their farm near Nave Town.  William served as
judge at the first term of the Livingston County Court held April 6, 1837, and he was
generally known for his kindness and good nature.

         Levi Goben opened a tavern and blacksmith shop at the Nave Town settlement.
The Goben family was one of the first settlers in Nave Town.  Levi F. Goben and his
father, William, came from Kentucky to the banks of the Grand River in 1531 to a place
north of present-day Mooresville.  In 1833, Levi and his wife, Catherine (Crist), moved to
and settled in Nave Town.

         Levi operated a wool carding machine in the 1840's and 1850's.  (Wool carding is
the process for separating the Fibers of wool and completing the blending process,
making the wool into yam, and ready for spinning).  Levi and Catherine had fourteen
children, one of whom was Dr. G. A. Goben (b. April 12, 1844 in Springhill), who was
three times elected Mayor of Kirksville, Missouri, in 1880, 1903, and 1911.

         In 1860, along with Levi Goben, Charles Wilburn also operated a wool carding
machine in Springhill.  He and his wife, Tabitha J. (Crim), came to the area from West
Virginia in 1844.

         The new settlement of Nave Town was located on a well-traveled route, which
was used by pioneers going to the Northwest.  The route crossed Cox's Ferry on the East
Fork of Grand River, and continued up through Nave Town and on to the Northwest
territory.  Consequently, the trade center was visited by many people, and news of the
area which offered so many advantages, traveled far and wide, causing others to come to
settle there.  Tile settlement quickly became a prosperous business place.


         Supplies for the early settlement were obtained by ox-team which journeyed to
Brunswick, Missouri.  It was about a 120-mile round trip and required several days to
complete, since wagons averaged only about twenty miles a day or less.

         Flatboats were another source of transportation used for securing supplies.  The
boats followed the Grand River to the town of Brunswick, located at the junction of the
Grand River and Missouri River.  Occasionally the boats would continue on to St. Louis
to conduct their business.  These trips were both long and dangerous.

         Flatboats, sometimes called "Mackinaws," were thirty to fifty feet long, and were
rowed by five to eight men.  Oars and poles were used to both paddle and to "push" the
boat in shallow water.  There usually was a shelter, or, tent, of some sort erected at one
end of the craft, and a place fixed for cattle and a place for supplies.  Cooking was done
over a fireplace situated on a mud-covered spot on the bottom of the boat.  The boat was
meant to be more practical than comfortable, and the trips usually took several days to
complete.  Many times during the trip, the men would find it necessary to wade through
the water and scramble over rocks,  in order to propel the boat to its destination.

         In 1848, there were forty-two flatboats lying in the mainstream of Grand River
and its two forks, loaded with their various cargoes, waiting for the water to rise enough
for them to begin their journey.  It was pointed out at that time that much of the grain
would remain as dead weight on the farmer's hands because there was no means of
transportation to take it to market.

         Benjamin Hargrave was well-known for his flatboating on the Grand River, going
to St. Louis, where he traded pork, wheat, hides, furs, lard, wool, feathers, beeswax, and
honey for supplies to return to the Nave Town settlement.  He and his men used the boat
landing located on the Grand River a mile and a half west of where Graham's Mill was
later built.  (See map in map section.)

         Uncle 6en, as he was known, was born in Jefferson County, Tennessee, on July
26, 1808, the son of John and Hannah (Harrison) Hargrave.  He first moved to Howard
County, Missouri, as a boy in 1818, where he lived only two years.  He then moved to
Saline County, Missouri, and in 1835 he moved to Livingston County where he settled,
marrying Tabitha Nave, daughter of  Jacob and Elizabeth Nave.  After her death, Ben
married Eliza J. Bevell.  He was a staunch Baptist in his religion and donated the land on
which Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church was built in 1853.   He died June 5, 1891 and is
buried in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.

         Other men known to have operated flatboats in Jackson Township were Isom
Ware, who settled near Springhill in 1838, John Doss, and Andrew Winkler.

         John Doss  (b.c. 1806 in Kentucky) began merchandising in Springhill in 1838.  It
is recorded that he was killed near Weston, Missouri, while making his way to California.
While living in Springhill, he also engaged in the pork packing business.


         The pork packing business was a thriving enterprise in Springhill's prosperous
beginning.  Swine were allowed to roam freely, and ear markings were used for owner-
identification.  These markings were registered at the county clerk's office and consisted
of various clippings of the hogs' ears, such as two notches in the right car, cropping of the
left ear, or one ear cropped, the other clipped, etc.   It became suspect whenever men
brought their hogs to the packing plant already beheaded, which obliterated the markings
and made ownership doubtful.  Therefore, it was common practice for the hogs to be
driven in herds to the plant where they were slaughtered and processed.

         John Stewart was the first to open the packing business in Nave Town in 1846-47.
He was an Irishman by birth, and he and his wife, Margaret, operated a hotel and store in
addition to the slaughter house.  Incidents attesting to John's stormy temperament are all
well-documented.  It is recorded how, in June of 1854, John entered into an argument
with Lorenzo Dow Kirk, resulting in John shooting Kirk from ambush.  The wound was
serious but not fatal.  John barricaded himself in his hotel to elude the sheriff, who
merely waited for John's hunger and thirst to force him from the premises.  John was
acquitted of his actions, because once his anger wore off, he was sorry for his impetuous
deed, and claimed he had been afraid that his own life had been in danger.

         John's death, in about 1859, was the result of a gunshot wound from a woman
who resided in or near Springhill, and who claimed he has made improper advances
toward her.  Others of the area, however, believed that she had been bribed to shoot him.
Following John's death, his wife, Margaret, and their family, remained in Springhill with
Margaret operating a boarding house.

         Another packing house was operated by two brothers, James and John Leeper,
sons of James and Sarah (Ashby) Leeper, in l854.  They ran this business until the
beginning of the Civil War.  James Leeper, Sr., came from Hopkins County, Kentucky, to
Missouri in 1823, settling first in Chariton County), and coming to Jackson Township in
1835, where he remained until his death in 1863.

          James Leeper, Jr., carried mail from Keytesville, Missouri, in Chariton County,
to Springhill in 1842.   He continued this service until 1846, when he was elected sheriff
of Livingston County.  He was re-elected in 1848.  After his second term as sheriff, he
engaged in the pork packing business and other interests in Springhill for about six years,
after which he moved to Chillicothe where he served in various capacities for the County.
His brother, John Leeper, was a prominent businessman in Springhill for many years.  He
died June 12, 1877, and is buried in the Springhill Cemetery.

         Alexander B. D. Martin operated a packing house in Springhill about 1860.   He
and his wife, Experience, owned and operated a general store about that time, also.
Alexander was a well-known businessman in Springhill's early days, and was an active
member of the Masonic Lodge.  He died February 7, 1890, at the age of 76, and is buried
in the Springhill Cemetery.


         The ringing of the blacksmith's hammer on his large anvil was a familiar sound in
the  town of Springhill.  Blacksmiths provided a necessary service for farming
communities, and one of the best-remembered blacksmiths for the Springhill area was
Samuel Thompson (b.c. 1800 in Virginia, d. May 15,  1883, bur.  in Hutchison
Cemetery), who came to Missouri from Indiana.  His sense of humor, practical jokes, and
yarn-spinning made him a popular figure.  Some of his practical jokes, however, were
considered by some who knew him to go too far, resulting in acute embarrassment to
other locals.  (See picture in picture section.)

         Another blacksmith shop, which was located in the town of Springhill was
operated by George W. Wingo in 1860, and his father, Burrell W. Wingo, before him.
Then, in 1900, John Wingo operated the blacksmith shop, and George W. managed a
general store. The Wingo family came from Giles County, Virginia, and settled in Nave
Town in 1844.  George W. and his wife Martha J. (Leeper), daughter of John and
Amanda Leeper, are both buried in the Springhill Cemetery.

         James Brown, born in Virginia, was listed on the 1860 U. S. Census as
operating a blacksmith shop in Springhill, but no other mention of this establishment was
found.  A few other men in the area operated blacksmith shops on their farms.  A
blacksmith shop was a part of Springhill's business life as late as 1911-1912.  The last
shop was owned and operated by Les Stewart, who later moved his business to


         The old country doctor is usually pictured in a horse and buggy, with a little black
bag in hand, as he traveled to the bedside of a sick patient.  This picture holds true for
the doctors in Springhill who traveled either by buggy or horseback.  They were seldom
idle.  Their services were required for several miles around as they assumed
responsibilities as both physician and veterinarian.  Most "operations" were performed in
the homes, since hospitals were not available.

         Early doctors were faced with the dilemma that many of their patients distrusted
the "newfangled" medicines and preferred to use home remedies.  For instance, a
flaxseed tea was used for a Fever and cough; a mustard poultice was used for infections
and abscesses; onion poultices were used for colds and pneumonia; an alum and sugar
mixture was used for croup; small portions of turpentine were also used as a remedy for
croup; and alum and honey in sage tea was a common remedy for sore throats.  Many
other home remedies were used, and often times were effective.  As knowledge of
medicine increased, and physicians became better educated. people learned to rely on
their services, and trust in their judgments.  During 1890, an epidemic of LaGrippe was
sweeping through Livingston County, resulting in many area fatalities, and keeping the
doctor busy both day and night.

         Among the early physicians at Springhill were Dr. William Keith (1848-1858),
Dr. George S. Williams (1850), Dr. Isaac W. Gibson ( 1850), Dr. George Newman
(1860), Dr. Olin A. Williams (1860), Dr. G. A. Goben (1870), Dr. W. A. Sawyer (1887),
Dr. J. A. Waterman (1887), Dr. W. L. White (early 1900's).

         Probably one of the better-known of these doctors was Dr. William Keith, the son
of George Keith.  He was born on December 20, 1806, in Scott County, Kentucky, and
came to Springhill in 1848.  During the Civil War, he fought for the South, and served as
assistant brigade surgeon under General Slack, continuing after the latter's death as
hospital surgeon until1863.  He and his family returned to Missouri  in 1865 at the close
of the War, and located at Sturgeon, Missouri.

         Dr. William Langford White, the last resident doctor for Springhill, practiced
there during the early 1900's, residing with his wife, Nannie, and his son, Harold.  Dr.
White carried on the tradition of the old country doctor, traveling in all kinds of weather,
and at all times of the day or night, to the bedside of his sick or injured patients.  Many
present-day residents hold fond memories of this kindly man and the great service he
rendered to the Springhill area families.  In 1934, Dr. White accepted the position of
county coroner, and he and his wife, Nannie (Massingill), moved to Chillicothe.  Dr.
White died Oct. 4,  1937, and he is buried in the Edgewood Cemetery at Chillicothe.

         A drug store was located on the main street of Springhill in1860 and was operated
by the druggist, G. L. Williams.  Among some of the medicines which might have been
found on the shelves, and which were generally stocked by drug stores and general stores
alike, were sulfate quinine, calomel, paregoric, vermifuge, nerve and bone lineament,
liver pills, pain killer, and castor oil.


         During the absence or grist mills in the Springhill area, the early families had to
grind their grain by hand, often hewing a cavity in a hardwood stump and using a
hardwood pestle or iron wedge to crush the grain in the hollowed-out area.  They may
also have used two stones between which the grain was crushed.  These operations were
crude but were all that was available until grist mills were established.

         After grist mills became a part of the community life, residents took the grain by
horseback or in wagons to the mill, which was a long distance for some of the families.
The milling process was slow, and the families often made a holiday of the occasion and
spent the night by camping out.

         The mills at harvest time were very busy places, and the men, women, and
children alike would find many others at the mill sites with which they could visit, and
catch up on the latest news, recipes, games, etc.

         A grist mill and saw mill owned and operated by John A. Sidnor and powered by
Steam was located on the creek at the lower end of the main street of Springhill in the
1850's.  This mill remained in operation until the early 1900's and is remembered by
Lawrence Saale, son of John and Caroline (Miller) Saale, who recalls visiting the mill as
a young boy with his father.

         A horse-powered grist mill was located northwest of Springhill.  It was operated
by James Black, who later sold his operations to William Hicklin, who came from
Bourbon County.   Kentucky, and settled in Jackson Township in1840.

         Perhaps the best-known of the Livingston County mills was the Graham's Mill,
which was located southeast of Springhill on the Grand River.  It was powered by a water
wheel and was built in 1867 by James Graham, a native of Illinois, and the son of John
M. Graham,  This mill serviced a wide area, Including the Springhill area, for many
years,finally shutting down in 1910 or 1911.

         Saw mills also dotted the Springhill area and provided a most necessary service.
Many were powered by steam engines, and in January of 1890, an explosion occurred on
the Grand River about 200 yards north of Graham's Mill.  A saw mill,which was powered
by a steam boiler and owned by Harrison Hughes, exploded, resulting in the deaths of
John Runckle and William Hughes as they attempted to repair the old boiler.  The boiler
was the largest in the county, being 44 inches in diameter and 20 feet in length.
Following the explosion, it was estimated that within a quarter-mile radius, the trees were
peeled and bruised as a direct result of the explosion.

         One of the last mills in the Springhill area was owned and operated by Thomas
Nash at the foot of Jennings Hill.  He used a steam engine for power, and he closed his
operations down in the late 1920's.


         Robert Stewart, a native of Ireland, settled in Springhill about 1845.  He was a
stonemason by trade and established his place of business on the main street of town.  He
married Martha Porterfield, and they had six children, one of whom was Douglass
Stewart (b. Feb. 6, 1854) who later moved to Chillicothe and was a prominent
businessman of that city.

         During the 1850's and 1860's, a tannery was operated in Springhill by John
Simpson, a native of Tennessee, who settled in Jackson township about 1847.  According
to one source, the tannery was the only one in Livingston County.  Tanning is the method
for turning hides into leather, using mostly cattle hides, but also sheepskin, pigskin, and
goatskin.  The leather had many uses, including making shoes, saddles, harness,
furniture, gloves, belts, and handbags.  The tan yard was located on the creek at the lower
end of Main Street of Springhill, using the water for part of the tanning process.

         A rope works was located near the tan yard on the creek.  James Nave, born in
Tennessee about 1815, and the son of the founder of Nave Town, operated it during the
1850's.  The rope works was a factory for making ropes, using hemp which was
grown for that purpose.

         Richard W. Reeves, born in North Carolina about 1809, operated a horse-powered
novelty works during the 1860's in Springhill, and produced woodworking of many kinds,
including cabinets, furniture, and coffins.  Richard came to Jackson Township in 1840
and was married to Ann Ramsey, daughter of Samuel Ramsey.

         Samuel Baxter, Sr., was a shoemaker in Springhill during the 1860's.  He and his
wife, Julia Ann (Henry), came to Missouri about 1852 from Ohio.  Samuel died June 15,
1887, in Springhill at the age of 87 and is buried in the Springhill Cemetery beside his
wife.  (See picture in picture section.)

         A few of Springhill's residents and their occupations as listed on the 1860 U. S.
Census are as follows:  Henry Randolph, born in Germany, was a saddler; J. K. Bevell
was a wagoner; Samuel Worthington was a wagon maker; William Miller, who came to
Jackson Township in 1835, was a lawyer; Joshua Crumpacker was a chair maker;
Maurice Shaw, an Irishman, was a tailor; and M. P. Duncan was a wagon maker.  The
merchants for Springhill at that time were W. L. Lumpkin, J  H. T. Green, Charles
Leeper, and John L. Leeper.

         In  1865,  a stage coach  line traveled from Chillicothe to Bethany, stopping at
Springhill, Jamesport, Crittendon, and Bancroft.  It left Chillicothe at 6:00 a.m. and
arrived at Bethany at 6:00 p.m.  The line advertised that the stages were new,
commodious, and convenient for the passengers; however, the roads at that time were
usually rutted and full of deepholes, causing the trip to be a rough one.


         News of the big gold strike in California encouraged many men to leave their
homes in search of riches.  On May 1, 1849, the following men left Springhill to seek
their fortunes in the gold fields:  A. B. D. Martin; Gustavus Dryden; John Dryden;
W.  S.  Liggett;  Henry  Leeper;  Stephen Bills;  J.  T. C. Boyle; W. G. Frith; James
Liggett; Pulliam, Josiah, George W., Thomas A., James, and J. B. Anderson; Samuel L.
Harris; Giles McGee: William Ballinger; and John McGee.

         At Vermillion Creek, Kansas, cholera broke out among the men, and John McGee
died from the disease.  Then, Henry Leeper was accidentally shot and killed while bear
hunting in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

         Other Livingston County 49er's were John Trammell, James Trammell, 'Buena
Vista' Bell, George Wolfskill, Thomas Kirk, John Kirk, J. H. Kirk, Abe Gann, and
Reuben Wilburn.

         In 1550 another group of men from Livingston County formed a company and
went to the gold fields.  They were as follows: L. D. Kirk, Andrew McCoskrie, P. M.
Marlow, William H. Marlow, J. B. Francis,  Lewis M. Best, and Dr.  Lenox.

         Nearly all of these men returned to Missouri unsuccessful in their search for


         Mother Nature provided the Springhill area with fertile soil  which was covered
with dense forest and underbrush.  Some pioneers related how they literally had to cut a
path to the site on which they chose to build their homes.  This land had to be cleared
before it could be cultivated and planted.  It was a slow process, cutting down one tree at
a time and clearing the brush away.

         Farmers found that Mother Nature, again, was kind to the area in supplying
walnut, hickory nut, and pecan trees, a large variety of wild berries and wild grapes, and
wild fruit trees, such as plums, persimmons, and crabapples.  Wild honey bees were in
abundance, and the honey supplied the settlers with a sweetening agent in lieu of sugar.
Fresh-water springs dotted the landscape, providing water the year around, never freezing
in the winter months.

         One farmer, John Cooper, who settled in Jackson township, in 1839, discovered a
large deposit of coal on his land about 3/4 mile Southwest of the Mt. Pleasant Church,
and he opened in the winter months.  This mine remained in the Cooper family for many
years.  Two mule carts were used to remove the coal from the mine.  Finally, the mine
was sold to a man who was a circus performer, but whose name has been lost over the
years.  He operated the coal mine for a very short period of time, when in about 1910,
some small  incident triggered his temper, and he dynamited the mine entrance, which
caused the mine to be closed.  It was never reopened.

         Some area farmers planted large orchards.  Those having orchards as indicated on
the 1878 Atlas of Livingston County are as follows:  Andrew Prager, John Simpson,
James Girdner, John Hargrave. R. K. Dunn, Joseph H. Haskins, David Gibbs, and
M. Cole.

         Other farmers cultivated vineyards and made their own wine.  When the old John
Volk house was torn down in later years,there were racks found in the basement which at
one time held fourteen kegs of wine.

         The area, however, was the natural habitat for many snakes.  Rattlesnakes,
copperheads, and many non-poisonous snakes were numerous.  In the mid-1800's, several
area residents armed themselves with clubs and killed off a large number of the reptiles,
claiming to have killed over 400 rattlesnakes in a day's time.  As late as 1877, a large
rattlesnake, sporting nineteen rattles, was killed by Lawrence Saale in the village of
Springhill.  It measured over two inches across the back and draped easily over the width
of the tailgate of a pick-up.

         The early farmers worked with their hands, combining common sense and brute
strength to accomplish many of their tasks.  What implements were used in farming were
crude, and many farmers could not afford them.  Often times the only implement owned
by a farmer was a single-row walking plow which was pulled either by a horse or an ox.
Planting was done by hand, and the seeds were covered with dirt by using a simple hoe.
Harvesting was done by hand, and most of the crops were stored by the farmer for his
own use.  He sold any surplus.  Everything was grown for a purpose, and very  little
waste was allowed.   Farmers and their families were very frugal with the commodities
provided by nature and their own hard labors.

         Some farmers grew their own tobacco, and other crops included wheat,  corn,
barley, and flax.   Many farmers grew sorghum cane which they processed into molasses.
This process included stripping the leaves from the cane and grinding the cane in a
cylinder grinder, which was powered by a horse.  The juice from the cane was then
heated until it thickened to the desired texture.   (See picture in picture section.)

         In 1848, the reaper was introduced to farmers, and soon many of them were able
to harvest their grain at a much faster pace.  The reaper was pulled by a horse, and only
one man was needed to cut and rake the grain; but binding the grain was still done by
hand and was a slow process.   Later, the binder was invented, which cut, raked, and
bound the grain in bundles, dropping them on the ground.  It made the harvest much
easier and faster.  After the reaper and binder, other farming equipment was invented
which has made the farmers' work a little easier, and which has allowed larger crops to
be planted and harvested.  (See pictures in picture section.)

         The early farmers faced problems with predatory animals which freely roamed
the area.  In the late 1860's John Cooper, a farmer near the Mt. Pleasant Church, killed a
brown bear which had mauled a calf to death.  He tracked the young bear to a tree only a
few yards from the Raulie Schoolhouse, where he shot and killed it.

         A few of the early farmers, and the approximate year in which they settled in the
Springhill area before 1850, are as follows:  John S. Venable, son of William and Agnes
Venable, came to Jackson township about 1835; George W. Wingo came with his parents
to Jackson township about 1841; John Volk, son ofJacob and Mary Volk, settled about
1849; Samuel B. Campbell and his wife Elizabeth came about 1842; Andrew and Anna
Crockett came about 1843; Benjamin Hargrave, son of John Hargrave, settled about
1835; Charles H. Wilburn and his wife, Tabitha, settled about 1844; Stephen and Mary
Mathews settled about1848; Edmund and Elizabeth Manion came about 1846; Thomas
and Elizabeth Hoy came about 1846; Henry B. Saylor and his wife, Elizabeth, settled
about 1837; Robert Lauderdale came about 1837; John Boyle settled about 1839; Riley
Brassfield, son of James and Mary ( dau. of Peter Trammel) Brassfield, settled about
1833; David Girdner settled about 1834; William and Nancy Hicklin came about 1839;
James and Thomas Hutchison came about 1841; Andrew Jackson Hughes came about
1844; John Kirk settled about 1841-42; William O. Jennings came about 1838; Robert B.
Moss and his wife Sarah came about 1843.

         Robert B. Moss was a landowner at the edge of Springhill.  He was a Justice of
the Peace for many years, serving in the 1850's and 1860's.  He also taught school for
many years.  He and his wife, Sarah S. (Crockett) built a large colonial house which still
stands at the edge of present-day Springhill.  Robert purchased land at the northwest tip
of Springhill which became known as the Moss addition.  This addition was platted but
was never officially recorded at the Livingston County Recorder's Office.


        Springhill Methodist Church
         Three churches played major roles in the lives of Springhill area residents.  The
first of these churches was the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which was located in
the town of Springhill.  It was organized in April of 1843, and met in the home of Isom
Ware until the church building was erected.  The land for the first building was
purchased from James and Lucy Nave on September 23, 1851, and the first building was
made of logs.  The first trustees were as follows;  John Doss, A. B. D. Martin, D. R.
Martin,John Leeper, James Leeper, Samuel Pepper, and Alexander Ware.  The first building was
burned during the Civil War, and for fifteen years afterwards, the congregation met at the
Springhill Schoolhouse which was located on a corner of the Moss farm at the east edge
of Springhill.  In about 1877-78, the new building was built on the same plot of ground as
the old one.  The new building was made of lumber from the saw mill,and it included a
bell and bell tower.  (See picture in picture section.)

         Rev. John R. Vincil was the first pastor in 1848.  He resided at the parsonage
which was located next to the church on Springhill's main street.

         The church flourished for several years, but slowly the membership dwindled
away to a small handful who were unable to maintain the expenses of the building and
land.  Finally, in 1966, the church doors were closed for the last time, making a grand
total of 126 years of service to the Lord's Work. Then, finally, in 1979, the 100-year-old
building was torn down.

        Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church

         The second church to be established in the area was the Mt. Pleasant Baptist
Church, located about two miles southwest of Springhill.  It was organized July 23,
1852, and first met in the Frith Schoolhouse which later became Raulie School.
Benjamin Hargrave donated the land on which the church was built in 1853.  The first
building burned, and the second building was built in 1876.  It also burned, and the third
building was built in 1859.  (See picture in picture section.)  This building still stands
today, having been extensively remodeled over the years.

         In 1874, land for a cemetery adjoining the church property was donated by John
Grouse (b. 8 Sept. 1827  d. Dec. 23, 1894  bur. Mt. Pleasant Cemetery).

         The first pastor was Rev. James Turner, who helped to establish the church and
served as pastor for twenty-five years.  He died April 10, 1883, and is buried in the Mt.
Pleasant Cemetery.

         Some of the first families in the church were as follows: Frith, Boucher, Hargrave,
Street, McCallister, Allnut, Weaver, Sneed, Jennings, Cornelius, Sterling, Crews, and
Brassfield.  There were fifty members in all.  Descendants of these families are still
active in the church today.

         Mt. Pleasant initiated the tent revival meetings in the early 1920's.  Uncle Henry
Boon purchased a tent, which was used for annual meetings for about six years.
Meetings were held two years at the Mt. Pleasant Church yard, two years at the Graham's
Mill Bridge, one year at the Pinkley School yard, and one year at  Ludlow, Missouri.
During these meetings there were several conversions, and some of the baptisms were
held in the Grand River.   (See picture in picture section.)

         The church building was first lighted by gas lamps, using ceiling lights which had
to be 'pumped up' before being lighted.  For several years the music for the church was
supplied by a pump organ, and then in 1923, the first piano was purchased.   In about
1951, electricity was installed, and over the years further remodeling and modernizing
have kept the church current with the times.

        Zion Baptist Church

         Zion Baptist Church, the third church in the Springhill in the Brassfield
Schoolhouse which later became known as Potter School.  The first church building was
erected in 1878 on land donated by Elijah R. Dowell.  Marion Hughes, who was a
carpenter, helped to build it.  The church was heated by two pot-bellied stoves and was
lighted by coal-oil lamps mounted on wall brackets.
 On Sunday of November 1855, sparks from the chimney ignited some leaves in
the eaves, and the building caught on fire during the Sunday School hour.  After the
alarm was given, the members proceeded to remove the furnishings from the building
and managed to save everything but the church building itself, which was totally

         The second church building was built in 1956 and the original furnishings were
used to furnish it.  The original handmade walnut pews, built by Milton and Marion F.
Hughes, are still being used today.  (See picture in the picture section)

         The first members on the church roll in 1868 were as follows:  John F. Gillispie,
Robert Foster, Ephraim H. Foster, John Weaver, Thomas L. Gillispie, Adam Brassfield,
Milton Hughes, James B. McClelland, Riley Brassfield, Joseph M. Irwin, Mary Gillispie,
Elizabeth Foster, Delila L. Weaver, Catherine Gillispie, Mahulda McClelland, Malinda
Weatherford, Mary A. Brassfield, Elizabeth J. Seidel, Mahala A. Pond, Jane Hughes,
Rachael Brassfield, and Mary Caddell.

         The following men comprised the building committee in 1870:  Joseph M. Irwin,
James W. Webster, John H. Mathews, and Elijah R. Dowell.

         The first pastor was Rev. James Turner, and pastors who have served from 1868
to 1968 are as follows:  H. H. Turner; P. G. Booth; John Harmon (born in Kentucky, and
died Aug. 6, 1883, near Springhill at the age of 44 years); F. M. Wadley; N. M. Allen;
Elijah R. Dowell who came from Meade County, Kentucky, about 1861 and settled in
Jackson Township; J. Harris; Clay Morris; E. L. Wendell; W. L. Houser; Homer Harris;
W. B. Alsbury; C. E. Sharrah; G. A. Mitchell; Luther Rosson; F. A. Funk; Laverne Wood;
Avery Wooderson; Cecil Hart; Lawrence Hammond; Norton Feathers; Charles Burrows;
and Ernest Akers.

         Baptisms were held in the creek west of the church, and many members recall
having to cut the ice before some of the baptismal services could be performed.

         The church is still active today, though the membership is small and their
meetings sometimes have to be on a limited basis.  However, their devotion to the Lord's
work is still strong and can be, evidenced by an all-night prayer vigil  held by devoted
members to pray for the salvation of one man, who, by the way, did come forward for


         One-room country school houses are a thing of the past for the Springhill area.  At
one time the schools provided educational instruction to all the area children.  Today, the
children are bussed to Chillicothe schools.  Many of the old country school buildings are
still standing, but are used for various purposes other than schooling.

         The country school children often did their morning chores before riding their
horses or walking to school, sometimes having to travel several miles.  Most of the
children never thought it was too far nor too much of a sacrifice to walk the distance,
because receiving an education was a privilege, and they appreciated the opportunity to
gain it.  The school bell, whether a large one in a bell tower, or a small hand bell,
announced the beginning of the school day.

         The earlier schoolhouses were simple log structures, boasting only one room with
rough split-log benches for the children to sit on.  The children were expected to sit
quietly,and retain a good posture, even though there were no backs to the seats.

         Yearly school functions often became the social highlights for the community.
The annual box supper was one such event. The ladies, young and old alike, would pack
a decorated box, or pretty dish with sandwiches, fresh fruit, cakes, candy, and other
delicious goodies.  The boxes would be auctioned off to the highest bidder.  There often
would be a contest between two or more boys who were bidding on the same girl's box,
each hoping to be the one to share the treats with his girl.  Sometimes, just for fun, the
bid would be run up on a young husband who was faithfully bidding on the box his wife
had prepared.  It was a fun occasion, and the proceeds helped to offset some of the school

         Another annual event was the Christmas party.  Often, the schoolboys chose and
cut down an evergreen tree, which they set up inside the schoolhouse, and which was
decorated by the students, using handmade ornaments.  A mistletoe was often hung
where it would cause the most excitement.  Bittersweet, colored popcorn and cranberries,
and colorful paper chains were used to decorate the room, and the whole school took on a
festive air.  The Christmas party was usually celebrated with a simple gift exchange for
the children, a visit From Santa Claus, holiday singing, and refreshments which were
served afterwards.

         Yet another annual event was the last-day picnic.   It was a delightful occasion for
the children and their parents to eat the noon meal picnic-fashion, if the weather
permitted.  If the weather was disagreeable, then the meal  was eaten inside the
schoolhouse or other suitable shelter.  The children played games and said their farewells
to their chums until the next school term.

         During the school year, it was not uncommon for one school to challenge another
school to a spelling bee or a ciphering match.  Occasionally schools would challenge
others to a baseball  game.  These matches and games were eagerly attended by the
children who loudly supported their respective schools.

         A teacher for a one-room school taught all eight grades, and was the sole
disciplinarian, which, at times, was a difficult task when some of the students remained
in school until twenty years of age or older.  The teacher also was in charge of all clean-
up and custodial duties at the school.

         Most one-room schools closed for basically the same reasons -- consolidation
with larger schools and the decline in the number of students.  Many schools closed down
with an enrollment of only five or less children.

        Springhill School

         The first schoolhouse in Springhill was built of logs and was located on the back
road into the town on a corner of the Moss farm.  In 1899, the families in and around
Springhill built a new building which still stands today in the village.  A "living well"
was dug at the back of the schoolyard, and it provided water not only for the school but
also for many of the residents in the town.

         In  1910, the teacher was Clarence H. Prager, son of Henry and Nora Prager.  He
signed a contract for an 8-month school term at $50.00 per month.

         According to one student who attended the Springhill School in 1908, there was
no playground equipment at that time, and the children played games like Andy-over,
Blackman, Darebase, baseball, and Fox and Geese.  The school was heated by a wood
stove.  There were three rows of desks, and each desk seated two students.  A bench was
built against the back of the room where visitors could sit.  There were windows on both
the northwest and the southeast sides of the building, and a hall stretched across the
entire northeast side, which had shelves on which the lunch boxes were kept, and a place
to hang coats.  The drinking water was also kept in the hall.

         At a later date, the northwest windows were closed in, making a solid wall on that
side, except for one high window.  Later, too, a portion of the front hall was enclosed on
the northwest to form a small room with shelves which was used as a library.

         Springhill School closed at the end of the 1960-61 school term with fifteen pupils
enrolled.  The final teacher was Mrs. Oakland Douglas, wife of Ernest Douglas from
Sampsel township.

         The schoolhouse was sold and stood empty for a short period of time, when a
Springhill resident, Ernie Sneeden, purchased the building for use as a community center.
After his death, his wife, Linnie, deeded the building and land to the Springhill
Community, naming trustees who are responsible for its upkeep and care.  Today, the
building is used by organizations and families as a meeting place.

        Gibbs School

         Gibbs School, located about two and one-half miles south of Springhill, was built
on land which was donated by David Gibbs.  In 1901, a new building was built to replace
the old one at the same location.  Enrollments for the school were sometimes as high as
65 to 70 students, and the students had to crowd together the room seated only about 50
students comfortably.  The schoolroom was heated by a wood stove at first, and later coal
was used as the fuel in the cold months. The school closed at the end of the 1954-55
school term with Vivian Eads as the final teacher.  The building was then sold and
renovated.  It still stands today as a comfortable residence, being completely re-modeled,
both inside and out.

        Raulie School

         Raulie School, located about two miles southwest of  Springhill, was first known
as Frith School.  The schoolroom was heated by a wood stove, using logs about three feet
in length.  A large blackboard was across the front wall and a long bench was across the
back wall.  The desks were the double-type which seated two students.  The south wall
had a small addition on it, which was just large enough to hang coats in and store the
lunch containers.  There was never any playground equipment.

         The school closed in 1944, with the last teacher being Mrs. Ola (Stewart) Young,
daughter of Frank and Malinda (Wagner) Stewart, and wife of Harry Young.  The only
students that final year were Eugene Lucas, Dwayne Lucas, Shirley Noah, and Warren

         The old school building still stands, but is not presently being used.

        Potter School

         Potter School,  located about 1 3/4 miles east of Springhill, was first known as
Brassfield School.  In 1906, a new building was built at a cost of $600.00, which
included the price for the furnishings.  This building burned in 1935 and a new building
was built which still stands and is used for storage.

         In 1904, John A. Schwab signed a contract to teach for a 6-rnonth school term at
$40.00 per month.   He resigned in January due to illness, and the school hired Cora
Clark to finish out the school term at $28.00 per month.

         The 1904 school term began September 5th and had the following enrollment of
51 students:

 PARENT/ GUARDIAN                       STUDENT                      AGE
 John Volk                                              Bertha Volk                      16
                                                               Cora Volk                        14
                                                                Elmer Volk                      13
                                                               Stella Volk                        11
                                                               Josie Volk                          9
                                                               Lena Volk                           7
 Ed Schwab                                            Francis Schwab                 18
                                                               Barbee Schwab                 13
 M. S. Lugenbeal                                    Elmer Lugenbeal                 15
                                                              Icy Lugenbeal                      11
 Fred Lamp                                             Joe Lamp                           20
                                                               Sadie Lamp                      15
                                                                Stirl Lamp                         13
                                                              Minnie Lamp                       9
                                                              Bessie Lamp                       7
J. S. Dowell                                           Frank Dowell                      19
                                                             Willie Dowell                        17
                                                             Clarence Dowell                   13
                                                              Arthur Dowell                      15
                                                              Burnie Dowell                      8
                                                              Clara Dowell                      11
A. J. Hughes                                         Oscar Hughes                      17
                                                              Noel Hughes                      11
Henry Long                                           Earnest Long                      15
                                                             Charley Long                      13
                                                             Logan Long                          11
                                                             Claridon Long                       7
 J. M. Young                                         Maggie Young                      18
                                                              Everett Young                      15

 J. R. Hughes                                          Charley Hughes                     13
                                                             Ezra Hughes                          11
                                                             William Hughes                      8
                                                             Hobert Hughes                      6
 William Hilt                                           Irvin Hilt                              13
                                                             Alpha Hilt                              11
                                                             John Hilt                               9
                                                             Viola Hilt                               6
 Albert Parks                                       Adison Parks                          19
                                                             Charley Parks                       9
                                                             William Parks                       9
 W. B. Wenke                                     Arthur Wenke                          16
 Geo. Raulie                                           Ora Raulie                          18
                                                             Noble Raulie                        6
 Gus L. Dowell                                      Leafy Dowell                       11
                                                             Claudis Dowell                     10
 W. L. Schwab                                       Ida Schwab                         17
 J. C. Weaver                                       James Weaver                        16
                                                             Robert Weaver                     13
                                                        Total     51

         The school used a cistern as their water supply and burned wood for heat, later
converting to fuel-oil.  The school closed at the end of the 1960-61 school year.  The
final teacher was Mrs. Howard (Bertha) Timbrook, who had taught the last four school
terms at Potter.

Girdner School

         The 1878 Atlas of Livingston County shows that Girdner School was first located
on a creek on the Dave Girdner farm.  It was  later moved to its  location about 2 miles
southeast of Springhill, where it remained until it closed in the mid-1940's.  (See the map
of Springhill area.)  The building was torn down in the fall of 1968.

        During the 1929-30 school year, the pupils numbered only three, and were as follows:
Anna Rachaw, Marjorie Dowell, and Russell (Jack) Volk.  The teacher at that time was
Faye Mast, daughter or Scott W. and Scottie (Piper) Mast.  She signed a contract for an 8
month school term at $45.00 per month.  She recalls hiring a boy at 10 cents a day to
build a fire in the stove on cold mornings.

Pinkley School

         The 1887 Atlas of Livingston County shows Pinkley School located on the
Charles and George Pinkley farm about one and one-half miles from Springhill.  When
the Pinkley School district and the Black School district merged, the schoolhouse was
relocated to where the school building now stands, about 2 miles northwest of Springhill.
It retained the Pinkley name.  That school building burned in the spring of 1923, and
classes were held in a tenant house close by where the school year was completed.
During the summer of 1923, the new building was erected.  It still stands today and is
used for storage.

         Mrs. Ola Young, a former schoolteacher, recalls that one regulation during her
teaching at Pinkley required at least one hot dish served at the noon meal.  A small oven
was in-stalled in the stove pipe of the wood stove, and parents of the students donated
potatoes which the teacher and students prepared for potato soup.  It was served steaming
hot for an enjoyable luncheon.

         The school closed at the end of the 1960-61 term due to consolidation with
Chillicothe schools.  The final teacher was Mrs. Bertha Brewer


         The Farmers' Cooperative Store was opened in 1920, using the downstairs of the
lodge building until the new store building was built.  The Co-op built its new and larger
building, made of brick, in 1921, and it still stands today.  It was operated by managers
and clerks, some of whom were the following: Sherman Baxter (first manager), Charley
Baxter, Charles Ramsey, Jesse Lay, Fred Wrightman, Oscar Tout, Joe Lamp, and Joe
Chambers.  Ruda Grouse was the last manager, and Stirl Lamp the last clerk, after which
the Cooperative dissolved about 1952, and the store was sold to Francis Boyles.  Other
owners through the years have been Harry Boyles, Francis Boyles ( For a second time),
Lawrence Prewitt, Jesse Lay, Quinten Van Dusen, Lawrence Saale, and Ray and Eileen

         The Farmers' Store served as a community center and gathering spot for many of
the area families.  Another store was owned and operated by Alva Mast, and later sold to
Mr. Hutchinson, and managed by Joe Chambers, shared in supplying the area with goods
until it closed in the early 1940's.  Also, during the early l900's Horace and Charley
Ramsey ran a general store in the lower floor of the Lodge building and it closed down
just before the Co-op opened their store.

         The Farmers' Store was always the gathering place for the locals who wanted to
relax and visit, discuss politics and other current issues, or play horseshoes or cards or
checkers.  Men, women, and children alike would find a welcome spot near the
pot-bellied stove.  Wooden benches were placed near the stove for those who wished to
pass their time visiting or playing checkers.  The benches were often used to whittle on
and had to be replaced when they became badly carved.  The old brass spittoon sat near

         The store always remained open until midnight or later, ready to serve the farmers
whenever they were able to get there.  There were counters on both sides of the store
with canned goods on one side and dry goods and hardware on the other.  It was not a
self-service store,  so the clerks would get every-thing from the shelves as the customers
requested them.

         Outside, on the northwest side of the store, a wooden runway was built and fitted
close to the building.  It was covered with chicken wire, and went all the way to the back
of the store to the chicken coop.  The chickens, purchased from the farmers, were kept
there until they were crated and taken to Chillicothe to be re-sold.  The store bought
chickens, eggs, geese, and ducks from area farmers.  An amusing anecdote was
remembered by a former resident, who told that on one occasion two young men brought
in a couple of chickens to sell.  They told the clerk that their mother had sent them to get
a loaf of bread and some sugar.  They purchased the meager amount of groceries  and
placed the rest of the money in their pockets to fund their Saturday night dates.  Later,
when the clerk told "Mother" of the transaction, she revealed that she knew nothing of it,
nor did she know whose chickens had been sold!

         Inside, at the back of the store, was a screened-in room complete with a screen
door.   Inside this room was located the cream-testing machine which tested the amount
of butterfat in cream which was sold by the farmers.

         The store utilized an egg-candler machine which operated by a flashlight battery.
By placing an egg inside the machine, the manager was able to tell whether or not the
eggs were good.  It took hours to do thirty dozen eggs, which was not an uncommon
amount to be tested before taking them to Chillicothe for re-sale.

         An additional feature of the store was the candy counter.  It was a large glassed-in
case with sliding doors at the back.  In the bottom of the case were four metal trays which
contained large assortments of candy.  Candy bars were 5 cents each, but weren't sold
during the summer months because the heat melted them.  A scoop was used to remove
the candy from the trays.  The candy was measured by the sackful, using three sizes of
sacks.  The small sack cost 5 cents,  the middle-sized one was10 cents, and the large
sacks cost 15 cents.  Stick candy was one cent apiece.  Sometimes, during Hallowe'en,
neighboring children were welcome to a "treat" from the counter.

         Since there was not any refrigeration, soda pop was kept in an icebox where block
ice kept the pop chilled.  Ice cream was used only for special occasions and would be
brought directly from Chillicothe with the containers wrapped in burlap, papers, leather,
and cloth of all kinds to keep the ice cream frozen.

         The store manager ran a huckster route, buying eggs, chickens, and cream from
area farmers.  The managers always carried an assortment of goods like flour, salt, and
feed to sell to the farmers who were unable to come to the store to trade very often.

         During the depression times, the store extended limited credit to its customers,
and during later years it continued this policy.  Gasoline, as well as groceries and other
items could be charged.  One resident recalls how in the 1930's gasoline was only cents a
gallon, and the young men would purchase 10 cents worth of gasoline for their Saturday
night dates.

         After the Farmers' Bank went out of business, the Co-op purchased the former
bank building which adjoined the store building.  Those rooms were fixed into living
quarters for the managers of the store.  In later years, this space was utilized as a
recreation center with a pool table.

         The Cooperative went broke in 1932, during the depression years, but the
Springhill residents would not accept defeat and do without their market place.  Several
stockholders loaned $2,000 to the board of directors, after which the store was re-
organized, and business continued as usual.

         During the early 1930's, the Missouri Highway Department widened the main
street in Springhill, which afforded the store's customers an easier access to parking
while doing their shopping and visiting.

         Ray and Eileen Miller, the final owners of the store, closed the doors for the last
time on April 16, 1973, shutting down the store's operations because of a decline of
customers and increased operational expenses.  The store building was sold to Ernest
Akers, Jr., who uses it for storage for the Springhill Enterprises.


"All jump up and never come down;
All grab hands and let's go 'round."
         This square dance call was responded to by those who attended the Saturday night
dances held over the Moss Store in Springhill during the 1930's.  People from miles
around would attend these functions which lasted well into the early morning hours and
which left the caller hoarse from calling the dances.

         The hall over the Moss Store, where the dances were held, was an open area with
benches lining the walls.   Coats and other wraps were piled on the benches, and children
would sometimes snuggle up in the warmth of them, and sleep while their parents
enjoyed the dancing.

         Archie Crumpacker and Faye Strait played for most of the dances, with Archie
playing the guitar and Faye playing the fiddle.  Bill Raulie and Bob Moss also teamed up
to supply music for some of the dances.  Bill played the fiddle and Bob played the guitar.
Ralph Figg, Lawrence Saale, Bill Tyler, and others called for the square dances.

         Horseshoe stakes were located along the main street of Springhill close to the
Farmers' Store during the l930's and1950's.  The men and boys would gather there for
hours of enjoyment.  Electric lights were eventually installed near the stakes, and the
games then continued well into the night.

         During the late 1890's and the early 1900's, oyster suppers were a form of
neighborhood get-togethers.  They were considered to be elegant affairs since the oysters
were quite a delicacy.  In February of 1890, the James Hutchison's entertained with an
oyster supper with at least thirty-five people in attendance.   They were as follows:
J.  L. Boyle and wife; Bill McCarthy and wife; Mrs. Venable; W. F. Schuler; Ben
Marlow; Dee Allen; Dan McCarthy; Wood and Boyd Wingo; William Hicklin; Charley
Venable; Will Anderson; Oliver Griffin; Clayton Hutchison; Eva Hutchison; Lodusca
Hutchison; Barbee and Ethel Boyle; Flory Dowell; Minnie Wilburn; Mamie Anderson;
Maggie and Lillie Ramsey; Ida Curtis; Emma Young; Jennie, Bettie, and Sallie Hicklin;
and Minnie Hutchison.  The Springhill Fair was an annual event during the early 1900's.  The fair grounds
were located west of Springhill about one-half mile.  People came from miles around  to
join in the festivities.  Booths and exhibits offered many hours of enjoyment and
opportunities for visiting for the entire family.  Women brought their quilts and canned
delicacies for judging contests.  Men and boys showed off their riding abilities and
handsome horses and rigs.  The children found the merry-go-round a source of great
enjoyment.  The fair closed down about 1912, but the fair grounds continued to be used
as a ball park for many years afterwards with ballgames every Sunday.

         During the 1860's, shooting matches gave men and boys a chance to demonstrate
their marksmanship.  A beef was slaughtered and offered as a prize for a first-place
winner.  It is told how Israel Prewitt became such a good marksman that he had to be
barred from these matches in order to give others a chance.
         Hallowe'en pranks have always been a favorite pastime the more adventurous
persons of any community.  Springhill residents experienced some secretive visits on
Hallowe'en nights, and recall tipped-over privies, cows left stranded in haylofts,
completely assembled wagons left on top of barns, and strange noises in the night.  These
incidents were always followed by many innocent-looking faces the following day.

         One former resident recalls that New Year's Eve was once celebrated when three
boys climbed upon the Methodist Church building in Springhill at midnight and rang the
bell to announce the New Year to all residents.

         About 1861, some young men at Springhill celebrated Christmas by ramming a
long pole through a barrel of tar, and setting the tar on fire.  They ran through the streets
with the pole on their shoulders, and the tar flaming, making quite a spectacle.  It is told
how other boys took bells of candle wicking and soaked them in turpentine.  These they
set on fire, and tossed them from one boy to another, proceeding to play a dangerous
game of "catch."

         Yarn-spinning, or story-telling, became quite an art for many of the locals around
Springhill.  When Springhill was young, the roads and trails in the area were cut through
the dense forests which surrounded the town.  The trees hung over the trails, which lent a
"spooky" atmosphere, and encouraged ghost stories of all kinds.  Dr. George Williams, a
resident physician during the 1850's, claimed that when returning from some of his late-
night visits, a ghost would jump up behind him and ride home with him on his horse.
Some of the store buildings were said to have rooms that were haunted.  Women, who
attended the sick beds of other residents, recounted how they saw unexplainable "things"
during the late hours.  Balls of fire were said to be seen flying up and down the hollows
around the town.  Following the hanging at Springhill in 1861, which is related elsewhere
in this book, the ghost of the hanged man is said to have ridden his horse along the Dutch
Lane at all hours of the night.

         Yet another form of entertainment was during the 1920's, when boxing matches
were held at the corner garage in Springhill.  Almost every evening, the men and boys
would gather at the garage, where they took turns wearing the gloves for a round of
boxing.  Howard Moss was both instructor and referee for these matches.


         The Mormon War stirred much unrest with the natives of Jackson Township who
did not agree with the Mormon belief in polygamy, which is the taking of more than one
wife at the same time.  Many men from the area rode to Haun's Mill, in Caldwell County,
and took part in that infamous battle on October 30, 1838, where eighteen Mormons were
killed and their bodies dumped into a well.  W. O. Jennings, sheriff of Livingston County
at the time, and a resident of the Springhill area, led the men from Livingston County in
this battle.

         The Civil War was a period of time when fighting actually took place on Jackson
Township's Homefront.  Slavery was practiced in the Springhill area, as can be evidenced
with the sale of a slave girl named Mary, aged 20, at an auction held in Springhill in
1855.  Many Livingston County residents sympathized with the Southern cause.  Even
though Confederate and Union troops never had any major battles in the area, there
were plenty of skirmishes, which resulted in many wounded and some killed.  Neighbor
fought neighbor; friends were against friends; and even families were divided in their

         The natural boundaries provided by the Grand River allowed the Southern
sympathizers in the forks of the river to hold strategic positions where they were able to
ward off attack from the Union troops and to fight from ambush, thus earning Captain
Joe Kirk and his band of men the name of "Bushwhackers."  Their many daring
escapades are well-documented" in Livingston County history books.  It is believed that
the "Bushwhackers" burned the Methodist Church in Springhill while some Union
soldiers were quartered there.

         Following the war, many of the men, both Northern and Southern, who had been
divided in their sympathies, were to lay their differences aside.  In time, they resumed
activities once again as neighbors, friends, and families.

         Through the years, the men from Jackson Township have always responded to
duty's call, willing to give their lives for their country and families.  Many did actually
give their lives, and others lost limbs or their health.  Families at home did all they could
to make things easier for the fighting men and aided in any way possible while they were
away.  The remaining men and women found they had to assume extra responsibilities
on the farms and at home during the absence of the younger men.

         During World War I the women in the Springhill area formed Red Cross groups
which made useful articles such as bed shirts, sweaters, scarves, socks, undergarments,
bandages, pinafores, washcloths, and other necessary items to aid the sick and wounded.

         The book, Honor Roll of Livingston County 1917-1918-1919, published by the
Chillicothe Constitution, includes the following information:  "The Springhill Branch of
the Red Cross was organized March 29, 1918, with a membership of thirty-one.  The
officers were as follows:  Chairman, Mrs. Nannie White; Vice Chairman, Mrs. Kate
Moss; Secretary, Mrs. Maye C. Stith; Treasurer, Miss Lillie McCarty; Finance Chairman,
Mrs. Ruby McCarty.

         "The Gibbs Auxiliary of Springhill was organized June 25, 1918, with eighteen
members.  The officers were as follows: Chairman, Miss Linnie V. Mast; Secretary, Miss
Stella Hargrave; Treasurer, Mrs. Mamie Mast."  (See picture in picture section.)

         During World War II, the families at home sacrificed conveniences as their
contribution to the war effort.  They dutifully accepted the rationing of sugar, coffee,
gasoline, tires, and shoes.  They saved aluminum and tires for recycling and helped with
any other means to aid their men in the service.  During World War II, the Springhill
Community suffered the first war casualty of Livingston County.  Alford Edward
McCollum was killed in action on May 8, 1942, in the Battle of the Coral Sea.  He was
born December 19, 1922, in New York City,the son of Joseph Vincent and Anna
Elizabeth (Skinner) McCollum, and he moved with his parents and sister, Eileen, to the
Springhill area in 1931


         As early as 1905, the switchboard in Springhill serviced the area around the town
for several miles.  The switchboard central was always located in Springhill, with Ppoles
and wires strung to the houses of paying customers.  The poles were crude, being made
from small trees.  Among those in Springhill who have operated the switchboard from
time to time are Mrs. Mansfield. Mrs. Maye Stith, Roy Boon, and Mrs. Martha Mathews.

         The call signals were various combinations of short and long rings.  For an
emergency one long insistent ring on the switchboard would be the signal for party
members to listen in and respond with any necessary action.  The cost of the service was
25 cents per month, and the upkeep of the lines was left up to the individual customer.

         One former resident, Mrs. Dorothy (Dotty) Greever, daughter of  Jesse and Zepha
(Harrell) Lay, recalls hearing her first radio broadcast over the switchboard, when Mrs.
Maye Stith, who operated the switchboard at that time, opened the board and played
musical programs over the wires.

         The switchboard closed down before the Bell system came to the area.  After it
closed down, one telephone, which was connected with the Chillicothe lines, was
installed at the Springhill Store and was used mainly for business and emergencies.  The
Bell telephone system came to the Springhill area in the late 1940's, and soon, almost
everyone had a telephone at their fingertips.
         Rural electricity came to the area in the early 1940's. Before that, however, Ralph
Mast, son of William and Nina (Crumpacker) Mast, and his wife, Hazel (Walker)
installed a windcharger at their home southwest of Springhill about 1940.  The
windcharger consisted of a windmill which powered a generator, which, in turn, charged
six car batteries, and supplied their home with electricity long before rural electricity
became a part of everyday life.
         A barber shop was located on Springhill's main street, across from the Farmers'
Store during the early 1900's.  It closed down in the mid-l930's, with Jess Harris as the
last owner.  The shop had only one chair, and haircuts were given at the cost of 25 cents


         In 1919, Glade Ware formed the Farmers' Bank when he sold bank stock to area
residents and built the bank building which still stands in the village of Springhill today.
He was the cashier for a brief time, then in August of 1922, he sold his interests and
building to Charley Baxter, and moved to Kansas City, Missouri.

         Other cashiers for the bank were Charley Ramsey and Ray Barnes, who was
cashier at the time the bank closed in 1928.  Glade Ware and his wife, Jessie (Wilson),
were from the Sampsel area.  They encouraged Lial Dowell, a brother-in-law of Glade's,
to come to Springhill, also, and build a garage to service automobiles.


         Springhill proved to be ahead of the times when in 1920 Lial Dowell  installed a
generator at his garage in the town.  Lial placed street lights on the main street in front of
the stores and furnished power from the generator to light the store fronts.  This was over
twenty-five years before rural electricity came to the area.

         Lial built the 2-story building, with living quarters up-stairs.  He operated the
garage business for about three years, at which time he sold his business to the Sutton
brothers.  The garage building then burned to the ground about 1927 or 1928.

         Lial Dowell (the son of Isaac S. Dowell  from northwest of Jamesport) was
married to Lucille (Ware), whose brother, Glade, started the bank in Springhill in 1919.
Lial and Lucille moved from Springhill about 1923 and went to live at Bethany,


         In  1938,  Fred McVey purchased a rock quarry located about a mile west of
Springhill, from Paul Slattery, who had started the business only a short time prior to

         The quarry crushed rock and ground lime and serviced a wide area.  Fifteen to
twenty men were employed at first when the quarry worked two shifts; but later, when
only one shift was necessary, seven or eight men were all that were needed to run the

         Fred McVey retired in 1970, at which time he sold all the quarry's equipment at
an auction, and closed the quarry.  It was never re-opened.  Fred was killed in a car
accident on June 10, 1974, and his widow, Esther (Archer) McVey, now resides in


James M. Wilson
         Some residents of the Springhill area have lived quiet, unassuming lives though
were responsible for some very thoughtful and compassionate deeds which have not been
recorded in history books.  One such man was James M. Wilson, who, though he never
had any children of his own, raised thirteen orphan children.  (See picture in picture

         James M. Wilson was born August 1, 1839, at Mt. Sterling, Illinois.   His parents,
Benjamin and Elizabeth Wilson, came to Springhill when James was twelve years old.
They left James in Mt. Sterling to complete his schooling, but he ran away from school
and walked from Mt. Sterling, Illinois, to Springhill at the age of thirteen.  His father,
Benjamin, died a year later, and his mother, Elizabeth, died in 1910, at the age of ninety-

         James was known for his honesty, sense of humor, and his well-developed art of
telling stories or his interesting life.  He hired out as a farm hand for many years,
eventually purchasing  his own farm.  In April of 1866, he married Miss Mary "Molly"
Lyons.  She died January 5, 1900, James then married Mrs. Amanda (Jones) Gann,
widow of Tom Gann.

         "Uncle Jim", as he was known, served in the Civil War, and fought for the Union.
He joined the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in March of 1876, and served as church clerk
for many years.  He was ordained as a deacon in 1884.  He was also a member of the
Masonic Lodge.

         He was proficient with interesting anecdotes alluding to his life.  He often told
how he had lived close to the Lincoln family in Illinois, and had known Abraham Lincoln
personally, and who, on one occasion, told James that he would make a good soldier one

         He also told the story of how Jesse James and his gang had spent the night at his
house following their bank robbery of the Gallatin, Missouri bank.  He related how they
had left him some money in appreciation for his hospitality, as was their usual custom.
  (This is said to not have actually happened - author)

         One humorous incident he told of occurred while he was laid up with his "room-
a-tiz."  As he had laid on the bed, hardly able to move at all, a black snake had fallen
through an opening in the ceiling, and landed in the middle of the bed.  James related
how he had very quickly jumped off the bed, and as a result he was never again bothered
by his "room-a-tiz!"

         One of the children James and his wife helped along life's path was Mrs. Ola
Stewart Young, wife of Harry Young.  She holds some very fond memories of this
generous man

         James died February 21, 1933, at the age of 93, and is buried in the Mt. Pleasant

Thomas J.  Nash
         A well-remembered resident of the Springhill area was a man named Thomas J.
Nash.  He operated a sawmill for several years at the foot of Jennings Hill during the
1920's and was a devoted member of the Masonic Lodge.

         He was said to be very clever with numbers and math problems.  The story is told
of how some students and their parents, and even the local school teacher, were stumped
by a particularly difficult math problem in the school textbook.  It seems that someone
finally thought of taking the problem to Thomas Nash, who was able to solve it for them
in a very short time.

         While living at the foot of Jennings Hill, he lived in house built of rough lumber,
paper, and tar.  He sported a long flowing white beard, and his personal habits, eating
habits, and living habits were very crude.  He kept to himself seldom talking about
himself or his family, always to remain somewhat of a "mystery man."

         He spent his last years northwest of Springhill about 3/4 of a mile, in a one room
house located in a secluded spot.   He was born in 1865, died in 1931, and is buried in the
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.

David Thomas Dowell
         Another resident of the Springhill community, who chose the quiet  life, was
David Thomas (Dave) Dowell.   He is said to have had a college education, but chose to
live the life of a recluse.  He lived in an old house north of Springhill, in the hills.
Almost every day he would walk to the Springhill Farmers' Store where he'd purchase his
usual nickel's-worth of cheese and crackers, then talk someone into playing a game of
checkers.  After the game was over, he would return home.  He hired out as a day-laborer
to supplement his income from his small acreage.

         Dave was born January 19, 1867, at Garnetville, Kentucky, the son of John A. and
Judith A. (Jarred) Dowell.  Dave came with his parents to Jackson Township in the late
1880's, where he helped his father with farming.

 Dave died March 18, 1947, and is buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery along with his


         April,  1861 - A feud existing between the Jennings and the Kirk Families in the
Springhill vicinity resulted in the death of two men.  On April 12, 1861, it is recorded
that J. T. (Tom) Jennings shot and killed Lorenzo Dow Kirk and Thomas Curtis on the
streets of Chillicothe.  Lorenzo Dow Kirk was the intended victim, and the death of Tom
Curtis was an unfortunate accident.  Jennings turned himself in to the authorities.

         While awaiting his trial in the Chillicothe jail, he obtained a key to the cell and
made his escape to the Nebraska Territory.  A large reward was offered for his arrest, and
he was captured and brought by train as far as Breckenridge, Missouri, where some of his
friends from "the forks" blocked the train tracks, thus stopping the train.  Jennings made
his escape but was eventually captured and brought to trial in July of 1862, at which time
he was tried and acquitted of charges against him for the killing of Dow Kirk.  Charges
were never brought against him for the accidental killing of Tom Curtis.

         August, 1861 - A feud started between two citizens of the Springhill area over a
boundary line, and their tempers flared, which caused many hard feelings between them.
William Avery and Samuel Husher were the two men involved.  When Avery was shot
and killed on August 31, 1861, and his body hidden under some bushes, the blame fell on
Samuel Husher.  He pleaded his innocence, but the overwhelming evidence against him
proved to be stronger then his defense.  The verdict came in "guilty." and the sentence
was "death by hanging within 24 hours."

         As was the custom of those days, people came from miles around to witness the
hanging, which took place just outside Springhill on September 4, 1861.  Husher was laid
to rest in a grave on his farm in the bend of the Dutch Lane, going into the town.  (See
map of Springhill area.)

         Samuel Husher was a Frenchman by birth, and was about 46 years old at his
death.  He came from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Springhill in the late 1850's.  He and his wife,
Barbara, are listed on the 1660 U. S. Census with the following children: William, Mary,
Jacob, Louisa, and Sarah.  They lived near Springhill on a farm located on the west side
of  Dutch Lane.

 While awaiting his execution, Samuel wrote the following will:

  I, Samuel Husher, of Livingston County, State of Missouri, being
  fully at myself and of sound mind, do make and constitute this my
  last will and testament.  First it is my will that my funeral expenses
  and all just debts shall be fully paid.  Second, I give and bequeath
  to my wife, Barbary Husher, my farm, it being in Livingston County
  and State of Missouri, known by the following numbers to wit.  The
  South East Quarter of section six (6) in the township fifty-eight (58)
  and Range (24) containing one hundred and sixty acres more or less,
  also all my personal property except one bay mare.
  The above property I give and bequeath to my wife, Barbary Husher,
  just so long as she lives, and at her death this property is to be equally
  divided between my son Jacob, my daughter Louisa, Sarah Ann, and
  my son Edmond--and thirdly I give and bequeath to my son, William
  Henry Husher, the sum of five dollars; and fourthly I give and bequeath
  to my son-in-law, John Volk, the sum of five dollars; and fifthly, I give
  and bequeath to my son Jacob Husher my two-year-old Bay filly--and
  sixthly and lastly I do appoint and constitute George Lindenberger my
  administrator, to carry out this my last will and testament revoking all
  former wills in testimony whereof  I have hereunto set my hand and seal
  this 3rd day September  A. D. 1861
  Samuel Husher
  Witnesses: Robert B. Moss
    John A. Ewen       Melvin Gutheridge
    James L. Boyle      John A. Porterfield

         January, 1862 - A well-known resident of the Springhill vicinity, Col. William O.
Jennings, was assassinated in Chillicothe on January 30, 1862.  His murderer was never
found.  He was the first sheriff in Livingston County in 1837 and led a company of men
during the Mormon War.

         February, 1890 - The tragic, accidental shooting of Mrs. Ollie Dowell occurred
February 22, 1890, within the city limits of Springhill.

         Mrs. Gustavas (Ollie) Dowell was shot by a shot gun rigged in a corn crib at her
mother's residence  in Springhill.  The gun had been installed in the crib only that
morning by Ollie and her husband, Gus, with the intentions of scaring away a thief who
had been stealing the corn.  Whatever the reason was which caused Ollie to return to the
crib and open the door which caused the gun to go off, striking her in the chest, will
always remain a mystery.

         Mrs. Dowell  lived only a few minutes following the shot gun's blast.  An inquest
was held on the scene of the accident that afternoon with the following men on the jury:
Porter Massengill, Shelby Black, Samuel Anderson, John Peniston, T. R. Wingo, and
John H. Mathews.  Coroner Henderson presided over the inquest.  Gus Dowell was found
innocent of any criminal actions.

         Ollie and her husband, Gus, had been married only about a year and were living
with her mother, Mrs. Albert Lewis.  They planned to move into their own home the
following week.  Gus Dowell, the son of John H. Dowell, was completely cleared of any
guilt.  Ollie was buried in the Springhill Cemetery.

         July, 1917 - The Piper family, living just east of Springhill about a mile, received
the devastating news of the drowning of their son, Van, on Sunday, July 29, Van and his
brother, Chauncey, and Charley Reeter, and Harold White had chosen to spend the hot,
muggy afternoon swimming at the "Miller Hole," located about a mile east of Graham's
Mill Bridge on the Grand River.  Young Van, aged 19 years was dragged to the bottom of
the river by a whirlpool and all efforts to rescue him were fruitless.  It took experienced
divers nearly three hours to recover the body of the young man while many people from
the area gathered to offer their help, and condolences to the stricken family.

         Van's parents, Vernon and Estella (Hale) Piper, were well-known residents of the
Springhill community, with Mrs. Piper teaching piano lessons for several years.
         November, 1932 - On November 24, 1932 a fourteen-year old boy, named Russell
(Jack) Volk, accidentally shot himself while hunting rabbits.  He was standing on a
brushpile trying to frighten the rabbits from their hiding place, using the rifle stock to
shake the brush.  The trigger caught on a twig causing the gun to discharge.  The blast
struck the boy in the side of the head and caused his instant death.

         Jack was the son of Charles and Fannie (Raulie) Volk and was born July 19,
1918.  He  attended the Springhill, Gibbs, and Girdner schools, and showed great artistic
ability.  He had four brothers, Wallace E., Roger W., Arthur, and Charles Lester.  The
latter brother, Lester, preceded Jack in death.  Both boys were laid to rest in the family
plot at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.

         Jack's grandfather, John Volk, along with his half brother, George, came to
Jackson township in 1848 and settled.  John left for California during the gold rush, but
soon returned and remained in the Springhill community until his death in 1899.   He
married Mary Husher, and they purchased a farm just outside Springhill on the east side
of Dutch Lane.  This farm remained in the family for many years and was the home of
young Jack when he met his untimely death.


Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Springhill Lodge No. 155

         On the 16th day of December in 1854, the following men petitioned the Mason's
Grand Lodge of Missouri to open a Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in the
town of Springhill:  Robert Faulkner, Willie Griffin, G. P. Pepper, G. W. Haskins, Robert
Lauderdale,  Runyon Conklin.

         The Charter was granted on June 2, 1855, and the names of the members at the
ending of the first year on May 1, 1856, were as follows:  J. B. Anderson, Joseph Crewes,
Rev. R. Minchell, J. Chenoweth, J. T. Bevell, R. Faulkner, Wm. L. Bevell, R. Lauderdale.
J. S. Moseley, John Specht, A. B. D. Martin, Wm. Miller, Willis Griffin, G. P. Pepper,
J. R. Conklin, W. O. Jennings, Sml. L. Harris, Jas. W. Peery, G. W. Martin, J. H. Bell,
J. Muchmore, E. H. Culhertson, J. S. Wilson, Lemuel Chenoweth, Edward Smith, H.
Liggett, G. W. Haskins,  L. G. Thompson, J. S. Norvell, Thos. G. Witten, John L. Leeper,
D. T. Calahan, A. Anderson, J. P. Hutchison, A. A. Sportsman, Wm. H. Marlow, T. W.
Harper, T. B. Brookshire, W. G. Frith, Wm. Hutchinson.

         The Charter was arrested on March 28, 1949, and the few remaining members
joined neighboring Lodges.

         Land records show the following information pertaining to the Lodge Building  in
Springhill which still stands today.  (See picture in picture section).  An Article of
Agreement was recorded on Dec. 12, 1891, for the purchase of the South one-half of Lot
four (4) in block two (2) in the town of Springhill, and the house thereon, for the sum of
$200.  It was signed by the following men and their wives:  J. H. and Georgia A. Lowe,
George H. and Malinda Mast, Moses and Sarah Cole, R. V. and Martha A. Peniston,
Samuel and Eva Anderson, N. J. and Martha Hicks, J. B. and M. J. Francis, Robert and
Cynthia J. R.Lauderdale, George W. and Martha J. Wingo, Wm. F. Pfifer.

         The deed was signed June 22,  1893, with the following information:  The SE
one-half of lot four (4) in block two (2) was purchased from Lee Christison by the
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons for the sum of $100.

         The Masons sold the building in February of 1951 to the Royal Neighbors
Organization, which still holds the deed.

Modern Woodmen of America
Springhill Camp No. 5491

         The Modern Woodmen of American, a fraternal insurance group, used the
Mason's Lodge building for their regular meetings after they organized in 1898.  Since
the Modern Woodsmen's home office did not have any old records of the Springhill
Camp, the following information is extracted from HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON
Vol. I. by Major A. J. Roof, 1913:  Charter Members of Modern Woodmen of America,
Springhill Camp No. 5491, April 18, 1898-- William A. Anderson, John F. Arnel, Chas.
Cooper, William Girdner, Oscar Hicks, Roy Lewis. Daniel McCarthy, James Sanson,
William Sneeden, J. E. Williams, W. H. Anderson, J. P. Arr, J. W. Davis, S. H. Harvey,
H. P. Lewis, Charles W. Patton, Charles M. Piper, John Shaffer, J. O. Whitworth.

Royal Neighbors of America
Oak Leaf Camp No. 6611

         The Royal Neighbors of America was instituted October 29, 1910, at Springhill,
Missouri.  The Charter Members were as follows: Ida Hilt, Anna Anderson, Josie B.
Anderson, Margaret T. Anderson, Kathryn Davis, Leona Garman, Maggie Grouse, Jane
Hutchison, Mary Mast, Myrtle Mast, Ruby McCarthy, Amanda Nothnagel, Ollie Prager,
Mary E. Smith, Nannie White, W. L. White, Etta E. Wood, Lizzie Young.

         "We come with neighborly greeting...." which is the beginning of the Royal
Neighbors charter, has been the governing motto for this organization during the years
and they are still active today.  Today's active members are as follows:  Doris Breeden,
Dorothy Lipp, Lois Long, Elsie Prayer, Donna Reeter, Sherry Savage, Gloria Simmer
(Oracle), Eula Summers, Eugenia Tout, Fleeta Young, Ola Young, Mary Emma Zullig,
Opal Zullig, and Rosetta Zullig.

NAME                      AGE      OCCUPATION               BIRTH
L. H. Kirk                   26               Farmer                         Va.
J. B. Kirk                    30            Constable                       Va.
John Hargrave             77             Farmer                            Mo.
Benjamin Hargrave      52             Farmer                             Tn.
James Waddell            37             Farmer                            Va.
J. S. Pepper                34              Farmer                              Va.
Samuel Pepper            67          Farmer                                Va.
George Newman         24            Doctor                                 Ky.
W.  L.  Lumpkin          29           Merchant                             Va.
J. H. T. Green             45              Merchant                           Tn.
B. W. Wingo               51               Blacksmith                     Va.
Charles Leeper            24            Merchant                           Va.
Charles Williams          28           Wool Carder                       Va.
G. W. Wingo               24              Blacksmith                      Va.
John Law                     26            Carpenter                         Ohio
O. A. Williams             23             Doctor                             Ohio
G. L. Williams              43             Druggist                             Va.
James Shaley                33            Mechanic                          Va.
J. S. Mosley                 38           Farmer                              Va.
R. R. Moss                  54             Farmer                            Va.
William Miller               41             Lawyer                              Va.
John Leeper                 46           Merchant                             KY.
John Boucher               38           Farmer                               Tn.
Thomas Cravens        26             Farmer                                Mo.
Jackson Rumbly         27             Farmer                             N. Car.
Joshua Crumpacker   50              Chair Maker                        Va.
Nicholas Gann           28            Farmer                                Mo.
Sarah Poe                  55             Farmer                                 Pa.
Marion Hicks             21              Farmer                                Ind.
Reuben Wilburn         56              Farmer                                Va.
Eliza Hicks                 29             Farmer                                 Ind.
Lewis Winfrey            51                Farmer                             Ky
Jessee Stephens         56            Farmer                                    Tn.
Robert Johnson          53            Farmer                                    Ky
Maurice Shaw           44            Seamstress                            Ireland
M. P. Duncan            35             Wagon Maker                        Va.
Samuel Worthington   36            Wagon Maker                       N. Car.
Margaret Stewart       65            Boarding House                        Pa.
R. M. Stewart            45               Stone Mason                       Ireland
John Simpson            46               Farmer                                   Tn.
L.  F.  Gohen            49                Machinist                              Ky.
Rebecca Tuttle          36             -------                                     Dela.
R.  W.  Peeves          51                 Cabinet Maker                    N. Car.
J. M. Brown             29             Blacksmith                                 Va.
Henry Randolph       25            Saddler                                       Germ.
William Bevell          30             Farmer                                         Va.
J. K. Bevell              26             Wagoner                                    Va.
N. G. Dyes              43             Clerk                                          Va.
George Sefley          31            Farmer                                        Germ.
Samuel Usher           45            Farmer                                     France
Matthes McGaugh        40            Farmer                                    Tn.


         The Springhill Cemetery, located on the edge of the prairie about one-fourth of a
mile northwest of Springhill, is probably one of the oldest cemeteries in that part of
Jackson township.  Many of the pioneers to the area are buried there.  Some of the
tombstones have either been destroyed or covered over with prairie grass, leaving many
graves unmarked.  In the following pages is a list of the remaining stones, and also a list
of names of those known to be buried there, though no markers are left to indicate the


ANDERSON, Eva                                                               b. Jan. 18, 1857
 wife of S. H. Anderson                                                  d. Sept. 14, 1915

ANDERSON, Rainere                                                             b. Sept. 13, I803
 son of W. H. and A. Anderson                                        d. Oct. 29, 1908

ANDERSON, Samuel H,                                                        b. Jan. 27, 1555
                                                                                       d. Feb.  15,  1900

BAXTER, Charles Sherman                                                   b. 1864
                                                                                        d.  1925

BAXTER, Anna                                                                       b. 1870
                                                                                        d.  1914

BAXTER, Beatrice                                                                b. Oct. 3, 1900
 1st Lt. W. W.  II  U. S. Army                                       d. Nov. 25, 1977

BICKNELL, Lucy B.                                                           b. Sept. 4, 1852
 wife of J. C. Bicknell                                                     d. Jan. 8, 1904

BONE, H. C.                                                                 d. Oct. 24, 1845

BOYLE, Jane                                                                 d. Jan. 21, 1854
 wife of James Boyle                                                     aged 73 yr. 5 mo. 7 da.

BURKE, Lucy J.                                                                      b. Jan. 10, 1658
 dau. of B. J. and A. H. Burke                                            d. April 25,  1866

 Co. K., 4th Mo., Prov. E. M. Cav.

CHRISTISON, Harry Louis                                            d. Feb. 17, 1890
 son of L. H. & P. R. Christison                                      aged 10 mo., 21 da.

CHRISTISON, infant                                                      b. & d. Dec. 30, 1894
 son of L. H. O P. R. Christison

CHRISTISON, Patsy R.                                                    d. Jan. 28, 1897
 wife of J. H. Christison                                                    aged 44 yr. 9 mo. 2 da.

CLARK, Lewis M.                                                           b. June 7, 1805,
             in Randolph Co., N. Car.
                                                                                        d. Jan. 2,  1585

CLARK, Mary C.                                                            d. Aug. 29,  1852
 dau. of John K. &  M. A. Clark                                        aged 16 mo. 18 da.

COLE, John                                                                     d. Oct. 9, 1869
 infant son of Moses & Sarah Cole                                     aged 8 mo. 21 da.

CRAVENS. Thomas J.                                                  d. Jan. 16, 1903
                                                                                    aged 67 yr. 9 mo.16 da.

CRAVENS, Sarah A.                                                       d. Jan.1, 1901
                                                                                            aged 59 yr. 5 mo. 4 da.

DAVIS, James A.                                                             d. Oct. 1, 1864
                                                                                        aged 64 yr. 7 mo. 19 da.

DAVIS, Pernesia                                                                 b. May 16, 1806
 wife of J. A. Davis                                                               d.1879

DAVIS, Justa May                                                                d. July 28, 1895
 dau. of J. H. & ______ Davis                                                aged 2 yr. 2 mo. 20 da

DOWELL, Ollie                                                                     b. Dec. 23, 1872
 wife of Gus Dowell                                                                d. Feb. 27, 1890

DOWELL, Arabella                                                          d. May 16, 1876
 dau. of John R. &  Elizabeth N. Dowell                            aged 2 yr. 3 mo.15 da.

FRITH, Linea J.                                                                 d. Mar. 29, 1870
 wife of James H. Frith                                                        aged 24 yr. 17 da.

GAMBLE, Henry                                                               d. Sept. 10, 1870
                                                                                            aged 46 yr. 5 da.

GILLISPIE, Gillis G.                                                            d. July 16, 1895
                                                                                            aged 68 yr. 5 mo. 9 da.

GIRDNER, David     .                                                           d. Jan. 29, 1864
                                                                                               aged 70 yrs.

GIRDNER, Elizabeth                                                              d. Nov. 22, 1862
 wife of David Girdner                                                                 aged 74 yr. 7 mo.14 da.

GOBEN, Levi F.                                                                    d. Nov. 6, 1910

GOBEN, Catherine                                                                 b. Oct. 5, 1810 in Ky.
 wife of Levi F. Goben                                                                d. Oct. 33, 1892

GOBEN, Levi C.                                                                     b. June 4, 1850
                                                                                               d. July 1855

GRIFFITH, John P.                                                                   b.1842

GRIFFITH. Hester A.                                                                  b.1852

GRIFFITH, Agnus                                                                     b. Sept. 10, 1904
 dau. of R. E. & _____  E. Griffith                                                d. Sept. 24, 1904

HAVEN, Sarah C.                                                                       d. Dec. 12, 1881
 wife of B. P. Haven                                                                    aged 29 yr. 6mo. 28 da.

HISKETT. Helen (Lewis)                                                              b.1913
                                                                                                   d. 1934
HUGHES, Sgt. Harrison
Co. L., 7 Mo., S. M. Cav.

JENNINGS. Donald Dean                                                             d. Mar. 1, 1942

LAUDERDALE, Horace Griffon                                                 b. Jan. 3, 1857
 son of R. &  C. J. Lauderdale                                                     d. Oct. 1, 1857

LAUDERDALE. Henry Bascum                                                   b. July 23, 1851
 son of R. & C. J. Lauderdale                                                         d. Aug.26, 1857

LAUDERDALE, Robert                                                                 d. Oct. 5, 1894
                                                                                                    aged 70 yr. 3 mo. 17 da.

LAUDERDALE, Robert V.                                                         b. Nov. 21, 1859
                                                                                                    d. May 18, 1902

LEEPER, John L.                                                                           d. June 12,  1877
                                                                                                        aged 65 yr. 5 da.

LEWIS, Marcia A.                                                                              b. Oct. 2, 1850
                                                                                                            d. May 25,  1922

LEWIS, Annie W.                                                                               b. 1870
                                                                                                            d.  1970

LEWIS, Henry P. (Penn)                                                                       b. 1874
                                                                                                                d. 1963

LIGGETT, Andrew                                                                               d. May 5,  1865
                                                                                                            aged 76 yrs.

LUMPKINS, Nancy E.                                                                           d. Dec. 29, 1868
 wife of Wm. I. Lumpkins                                                                     aged 33 yr. 3 mo. 13 da.

MARTIN, George W.                                                                               b. June 30, 1810
                                                                                                            d. Feb. 25, 1889

MARTIN, Nancy J.                                                                            b. April 11, 1819
 wife of George W. Martin                                                                     d. Jan. 13, 1892

MOSELY, James S.                                                                                b. June 21, 1802
                                                                                                            d. Nov. 19, 1879

MOSELY, Eliza                                                                                       b. Nov. 3, 1808
 wife of .I. S. Mosely                                                                               d. June 11,  1872

MOSELY, Nora E.                                                                                   b.1883

MOSELY, J. A.                                                                                 b. July 1835
        d. Dec.21,1893

MOSS, Marshall A.                                                                                 b. Oct.17, 1850
        d. Apri1 20, 1923

MOSS, Catherine                                                                                   b. Dec. 3, 1868
 wife of Marshall Moss                                                                            d. Oct. 19, 1933

PENISTON, M. A.                                                                                 b. June 9, 1831
 wife of R. P. Peniston                                                                             d. Aug. 9, 1906

PFISTER, Anne E.                                                                                  b. Oct. 2, 1859
 dau. of J. J. & Elizabeth Pfister                                                               d. May 2, 1885

PIPER, Paul                                                                                           b. Feb. 22, 1909
 son of Estella & Vernon Piper                                                                d. Mar.15, 1909

PIPER, Van H.                                                                                       b. Dec. 5, 1898
                                                                                                                d. July 2Y.

PIPER, Estella Hale                                                                                    b.1873

PIPER, Vernon                                                                                           b.1872

PRAGER, Barbara                                                                                   b. Feb.17, 1829
 wife of Andrew Prager                                                                             d. Jan. 14, l897

PRAGER, Andrew                                                                                  b. May 13, 1826
                                                                                                                d. June 19,  1907

PRAGER, May F.                                                                                      b. Nov. 1894
 dau. of Henry & E. N. Prager                                                                     d. July 20, 1895

RAMSEY, Ruby                                                                                              b. April 20, 1898
                                                                                                                    d. Nov. 29, 1900

RAMSEY, Winnie                                                                                        b. Dec. 27,  1893
                                                                                                                        d. Sept. 20, 1894

 Co. K., 23rd Mo. Inf.
SIMPSON, Samuel                                                                                        b. Sept. 25, 1818
                                                                                                                    d. Oct. 7, 1871

STERLING, John                                                                                             b. May 10, 1846
                                                                                                                        d. Dec. 1, 1925

STERLING, Maggie                                                                                           b. Jan. 9, 1861
 wife of John Sterling                                                                                             d. June 1, 1932

STEWART, Frank S.                                                                                          b. 1863
                                                                                                                            d. 1927

STITH, James J.                                                                                                      b. 1838
                                                                                                                                d. 1929

STITH, Irene A.                                                                                                      b. 1848
 wife of James Stith                                                                                               d. 1923

WARE, Justa Lee                                                                                                     b. Nov. 21, 1883
 dau. of I. C. P. B & M. E. Ware                                                                         d. Mar. 2, 1894

WARE, Mary E.                                                                                                    d. Dec. 7, 1895
 wife of Isom C. Ware C.                                                                                         aged 29 yr. 3 mo. 13 da,
 dau. of J. J. Pfister

WILBURN, Charles W.                                                                                            b. Jan. 14, 1834
                                                                                                                                d. July 4, 1897

WILBURN, Tabitha                                                                                              b. Oct.10, 1837
 wife of C. W. Wilburn                                                                                            d. Nov. 4, 1905

WINGO, George W.                                                                                             b. Nov. 28, 1835
                                                                                                                                d. June 28, 1904

WINGO, Martha J.                                                                                                b. Dec.10,1838
 wife of George Wingo                                                                                             d. Feb. 2, 1904

WINGO, Dr. D. B.                                                                                                b. Oct. 21, 1871
                                                                                                                            d. Nov. 9, 1898

YOUNG, William                                                                                                  b. 1867
                                                                                                                                d. 1950

YOUNG, Ruben                                                                                                        b.1872

YOUNG, Andrew                                                                                                 b. Jan. 6,1825
                                                                                                                            d. Feb.12, 1910

YOUNG, Mary Catherine                                                                                      b. Jan 12,  1838
 wife of Andrew Young                                                                                         d. Oct. 7, 1921

Additions to Springhill Cemetery List

Burials in Springhill Cemetery as indicated on the Livingston County Death Register:

BAXTER, Samuel, Sr.                         d. June 15, 1887
        aged 87 yrs.

STITH, Emma                                   d. June 16, 1887
        aged 27 yrs.

WADDELL, Lloyd Arthur                      d. Jan. 29, 1888
        age 9 mo.

Burials in Springhill Cemetery as indicated by family records:

BAXTER, Julia Ann (Henry)                  d. 1910
 wife of Samuel Baxter, Sr.                   aged 74 yrs.

BAXTER, Samuel H., Jr.                      d. abt. 1912

3 BAXTER Children
 children of Samuel and Julia Baxter

BLACK, William                                b. Jan.11, 1755
        d. Mar.13, 1843

2 JENNINGS Children
 children of Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Jennings

MANION, Edmund             (date of death is unknown, but will probated Sept. 28, 1861)

MANION, Elizabeth                            (date of death unknown)
 wife of Edmund Manion

NAVE, Isabella                                d. 1848 aged 40 yrs
Burials in Springhill Cemetery as indicated in old ChillicotheConstitution Newspapers:

JENNINGS, Hannah                            d. Oct. 3, 1937

MARTIN, Alexander B. D.                    b. 1814
        d. Feb.7, 1890

Burials in Springhill Cemetery
as indicated from personal cemetery records of Mrs. Ola Young:

ANDERSON, Black                             d. April 17, 1878
        aged 35 yr. 6 da.

BEVEL, William                                     d. Jan.18,1855
   John       d. Jan.15,1855

BEVEL, Malinda                                b. 1840
 wife of H. J. Bevel                           d. July 8, 1861

CHRISTISON, Mary                            d. Aug. 2, 1877
 wife of James Christison                     aged 68 yr. 7 mo. 24 da.

CHRISTISON, James                           d. Mar. 24, 1877 aged 80 yrs.

HARGRAVE, William                          d. Nov. 4, 1870
 son of J. & T. Hargrave                      aged 4 mo. 7 da.

HUTCHISON, John                             no dates

HUTCHISON, Narcissus                       d. July 20, 1848
 wife of J. Hutchison                              aged 20 yr. 6 mo. 28 da.

JENNINGS, Jeff                                  d. 1928

KEITH, Elizabeth                                d. Jan. 21, 1855
 dau. of D. W. & M. J. Keith              aged 1 yr. 5 mo. 2 da.

LAUDERDALE, Cynthia J.                     b.1894

LIGGETT, Jane L.                                b. 1791
        d. Aug. 23, 1865

LIGGETT, Charles C,                           d. Sept. 2, 1855
        aged 18 yr. 10 mo. 11 da.

MILLER, Charles E.                            d. Mar. 9, 1555
 son of W. T. & I. T. Miller                  aged 7 yr. 10 mo. 11 da.

PENISTON, R. P.                                 b. 1813
        d. 1898

PEPPER, Samuel                                d. Oct. 4,  1865
        aged 73 yr. 13 da.

PEPPER, Nancy                                 d. Dec. 1567
 wife of Samuel Pepper                        aged 67 yr. 2 da.

PFISTER, John                                 d. 1869

PFISTER, Elizabeth                           d. ??

POND, Rachel                                  no dates

POTTER, Mrs.                                 no dates
 Mother of Ada Girdner & Grant Potter

WINGO, Ivan                                    b. Nov. 2, IY96
 son of D. B. & Hallie Wingo               d. Dec. 15,  1898

WINGO, Zenith Frances                       d. Nov. 20, IX93
        aged 2 yr. 8 mo. 27 da.


1. THE SPRINGHILL STORE, April, 1960, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle.
Picture contributed by Bill Plummer of the Chillicothe Constitution Tribune.


Picture contributed by Lillian Baxter Karst.

4. SAM THOMPSON, a blacksmith in Springhill during the mid-1800's.  He was well-
known for his sense of humor.  Picture contributed by Lilian Baxter Karst.

Picture contributed by Bill Plummer of the Chillicothe Constitution Tribune.

6. ORIGINAL HANDMADE PEWS, built in 1878 by Milten and Marion Hughes for the
Zion Baptist Church.  They are still used today.

7. OLD MILL STONE From the grist mill at the edge of Springhill.
The stone is presently located in the front yard at L. B. Saale's residence in Springhill.

8. PLEASANT BAPTIST CHURCH - 1916.  Picture contributed by Ola Hargrave Noah.

9.  ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA - 1914.   Springhill's Oakleaf Camp.
Back Row:  Katherine Raulie, Mabel McCarthy, Ethel Reeter, Nanny White, Maye Stith,
Cora Griffith, Beulah Young, Lena McCarthy, Ruby McCarthy & baby, _____ Young,
Gaye Maxwell, _________ , Mamie Mast.
Second Row:  Mern Raulie, Clara Williams, Louise McCarthy, Kate Grouse, Jane
Hutchison, Josie Anderson, Linnie Schwab, Margaret Grouse, Lizzie Young, Margaret
Third Row:  Ollie Prager, Ida May Hilt, Mabel Arr, Annie Anderson, Grace Mast, Mollie
Allen, Cirelda Young, Mary Mast, Lena Volk, Sarah Stevens.
Fourth Row:  Lona Dowell, Fern Anderson.
Children :  Lorraine Williams, _________ , Frances Williams, _________ , _________ ,
Helen Anderson, Marie Grouse.
Picture contributed by Opal (Hutchison) Zullig, and names by Ola (Stewart) Young, Faye
(Mast) Brackey, and Lillian (Baxter) Karst.

10. SAM BAXTER'S SHOE SHOP and residence on Springhill's main street.
It was built before 1860.  Picture contributed by Lillian (Baxter) Karst.

11. BAPTISM AT GRAHAM'S MILL BRIDGE following Mt. Pleasant's Tent Revival
Meeting, August 25, 1916.  Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

Back Row:  Alva Mast, Charley Baxter, Vernon Piper, Charley Mast, Goodlo Grouse,
Scott Mast, Howard McCarthy, Chauncey Piper, Harold White, Everett Stith, Willis
Cole, John Christison, Davy Girdner.
Second Row:  Bill Nothnagel, George H. Mast, Lank White, James M. Wilson, Bill
McCarthy, Sherman Baxter, Ben Young, Charley Hughes.
Children:  Richard Mast, Christison, Roger McCarthy, Jim White, Raymond Girdner.
Picture contributed by Ola (Stewart) Young, names by Ola Young, Faye (Mast) Brackey,
and Lillian (Baxter) Karst.

Back Row:  Lena Most, Mabel McCarthy, Laura Girdner, Nora Moseley, Maye Stith,
Grace Barnes, Mandy Nothnagel, Scottie Mast, Ruby McCarthy, Carrie White, Fanny
Hughes, Helen Christison.
Second Row:  Ola Stewart, Cirelda Young, Stella Young, Louise McCarthy, Mary Mast,
Mrs. John (Mary) Mast, Mary C. (Mayme) Mast.
Children:  Marjorie McCarthy, Mary McCarthy, Eva Christison, Mary White, Dorothy
Girdner, Zelpha Mast, _________ , (standing in front), Eglantine Christison, Faye Mast,
Mabel Volk, Pearl White.
Picture contributed by Ola (Stewart) Young, names by Ola Young, Faye (Mast) Brackey,
and Lillian (Baxter) Karst.

Back Row:  Hazel Hargrave, Ola Hargrave, Mary C. (Mame) Mast, Sadie Boone, Mary
Front Row:  Linnie Mast, Estella Hargrave, Mamie Mast, Melinda Mast,
Rachel Hargrave.
Picture and names contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

15. MAKING MOLASSES.  The Hargrave Family, 1917.
Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

18. HAULING SAW LOGS TO SAW MILL - 1922.  Charles (Bud) Noah in foreground.
Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

Charles (Bud) Noah on binder.  Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

20. HAULING HAY in early 1900's. Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

21. JAMES (UNCLE JIM) WILSON - Born in 1839, died in 1933.
Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

22. USING A CRADLE TO HARVEST WHEAT.  Mr. Miller is using the cradle in
foreground, and Jim Sterling is gathering wheat.
Picture contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

23. GIRDNER SCHOOL - about 1916
Back Row:  Roy Volk, Fannie Dowell, Dora Devers, Agnes Nothnagel.
Second Row:  Birdie Nothnagel, Lena Dowell, RogerVolk.
Third Row:  ______ Vanscoy, May Jennings, Grace Dowell, Lois Nothnagel, Austin
Frith, Howard Williams, Buel Williams, Harry Frith.
Front Row:  Rill Nothnagel, _________ , Lee Vanscoy, _________ , Pansy Frith,
Margaret Wingo, Faye Mast, Arthur Volk. Teacher:  Mabel Mallory
Picture and names contributed by Buel Williams.
24. GIRDNER SCHOOL - October 30, 1914
 Back Row: Fannie Dowell, Agnes Nothnagel, Dora Devers, Roy Nothnagel, Paul
Dowell, Gladys Nothnagel, Wallace Volk.
Second Row: Eva Dowell, Grace Dowell, _______ Bartholomew, Howard Williams,
Bertie Nothnagel.
Front Row:  May Jennings, Buel Williams, Faye Mast,Anna Dowell, Lena Dowell, Lois
Nothnagel. Teacher:  Lena McCarthy
Picture and names contributed by Buel Williams.

25. POTTER SCHOOL - October 31. 1899
Back Row:  Charles Bruce (teacher), Maude Lugenbeal, Walter L. Schwab, Maggie
Young,  _________ , Calvin Lamp, Joe Lamp, Francis Hughes, Oscar Hughes, Ora
Middle Row,  _________ , Barbara Schwab, Sadie Lamp, ______Wrightman, ______
Wrightman,  _________ ,  _________ , Willie Dowell, Elmer Lugenbeal.
Front Row:  _________ , Arthur Young, Fred Wenke, Elva Wenke, Noel Hughes, Clara
Dowell,  _________ , Icey Lugenbeal, Minnie Lamp.
Picture and names contributed by Minnie (Lamp) May.

26. POTTER SCHOOL - 1912
Back Row:  John Volk, Lena Young, Pearl Long, Bessie Lamp, Mamie Morris, Elva
Wenke, Lena Volk, Fannie Rose.
Second Row:  Harriett Vanscoy, Annabelle Lamp, Mayme Volk, Lillie Hughes, Millie
Hughes. Ellen Long, Amy Mathews.
Third Row:  Earl Hughes, Virginia Moseley, Paul Schwab, Ruby Moseley, Francis
Wenke, Audrey Schwab, Troy Long, Pearl Hughes.
Front Row:  Fred Wenke, Tom Brassfield, Selma Dowell, Hobert Hughes.
Picture and names contributed by John Volk.

Back Row:  Billy C. Christison, Tom Wigfield, William Wilson.
Second Row:  Pearl White, Helen Wigfield, Dan McCarthy, Howard Chambers.
Third Row:  Johnny Schenkel, Beulah Chambers, Eglantine Christison, Jack Wigfield.
Fourth Row:  Elmer Wilson, Ralph Wigfield, Jim White, Gene Chambers, Eva
Christison,  _________ , Mary White,  _________ , Roger McCarthy.
Front Row:  Mary McCarthy, Dorothy Schenkel, Marjorie McCarthy, _________ ,
Herschel Chambers. Teacher:  Mrs. Ola Young (not pictured).
Picture and names contributed Beulah (Chambers) Dowell.

Top Row:  Velma Wilburn, ______ Anderson, Lena McCarthy, Beulah Young, Clarence
Wilburn, Howard McCarthy, Opal Davis, Chester McCarthy, Faye Strait, Frank Wilburn,
_______ Horton.
Front Row:  Lily McCarthy, Fern Anderson, Elene Anderson, Letha Chumbley, Alta
Chumbley, _______ Horton, Harry Young, Danny Anderson, Lester Chumbley. Earl
Anderson, Earl Stevens. Teacher:  Frank Jordan.
Picture and names contributed by Ola (Stewart) Young.

29. PINKLEY SCHOOL - 1920-21
Back Row:  Wade Hague, Hazel Wilson, May Reeter
Second Row:  Robbie Boone, Herman Long, RaulieReeter, Bill Wigfield, Mrs. Kathrene
Donoho (teacher), Harry Christison, ______ Hague, Bud Wigfield, Alberta Anderson.
Third Row:  Edna Hague, Clyta Anderson, Pearl White, Minnie Reeter, Helen Wigfield,
James Harper, William Wilson, Dan McCarthy, Johnny Schenkle, Tom Wigfield.
Front Row:  Harold Parkey,  _________ , Roger Parkey, Ralph Wigfield, Jack Wigfield,
Mary Grace Harper, George Reeter, Eglentine Christison, Roger McCarthy, Elmer
Wilson, Ruth Wilson, Eva Christison, Jim White.
Picture and names contributed by May (Reeter) Akers.

30. GIBBS SCHOOL - January 37, 1909
Back Row:  Sarah Hargrave, Grace Hargrave, Mary Hargrave, Lena Hargrave, Vernie
Hargrave, Harry Hargrave, Bert Tiberghien.
Second Row:  Earl Hargrave, Vernie Mast, Lawrence Hughes, Elsie Alien (teacher),
Frank Hughes, Clyde Hargrave.
Front Row:  Ola Hargrave, Hazel Hargrave, Gladys Hargrave. Dorothy Schaffer.
Picture and names contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

31. GIBBS SCHOOL - 1941-42
Back Row:  Bill Hargrave, Frances Cooper, Rachel E. Smith (teacher), Clifford Dorry,
Eugene Searcy.
Middle Row:  Billy Jennings, Otis Harper, Flavel Bigelow, Jewel Burton, Warren
Cooper, Carl Hargrave,
Front Row:  Shirley Cooper, Velma Harper, Marjorie Harper, Lois Searcy, Catherine
Cooper, Mary Grace Searcy, Lloyd Searcy, Rex Hargrave.
Picture and names contributed by Rachel E. Smith.

32. GIBBS SCHOOL - 1937
Back Row:  Gene Searcy, Leo Douglas, Jack Black, Zelpha Tieherghein (teacher), Rita
Searcy, Wanda Walker, Mary K. Douglas, Darlene Walker.
Front Row:  David Walker, Warren Cooper, W. E. (Spike) Dowell, Lloyd Searcy, Wanda
Douglas, Ilene McCollum. Mary G. Searcy.
Picture and names contributed by Beulah (Chambers)Dowell.

33. RAULIE SCHOOL - March 3, 1897
Back Row:  Willie Mast, Pascal Boon, Barbara Eberlin, Ethel Waddle, Clyta and Clara
Nothnagel (twins), Charlie Mast, Lizzie Boone, Charlie Nothnagel, Alva Noah.
Second Row:  Alfred Crow, Edna Waddle, Etta Boone, Belle Lowe, Katie _______,
Lottie McDonald, Marilyn Harris.
Third Row:  _________ , Edward Nothnagel, Bill Crow, Claude Boone, Charlie Waddle,
Fred Eberlin, George Crow, _________ , James Cooper, Everett Harris.
Front Row:  Cassie Boons, Cecil Cooper, Mollie Noah, Nora Boone, Emma Eberlin, John
Cooper, Rude Grouse, Fred Grouse.Teacher: Mr. Thomas H. Stone.
Picture and names contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

34. RAULIE SCHOOL - 1909
Back Row:  Lewis Cooper, Nove Grouse, Corda Stevens, Anna Faulkner, (teacher), Clyta
Noah, May Noah. Ezra Stevens.
Second Row:  Arthur Grouse. Norman (Dick) Arr, Ruby Hoerath, Ruth Nothnagel, Ola
Stewart, Herbert Stevens (?), Ross Cooper.
Front Row:  Lavonia Arr, Peggy Whooten, Nellie Cooper, Vera Nothnagel, Charles Noah,
Frank Arr.
Picture and names contributed by Ola (Hargrave) Noah.

35. RAULI E SCHOOL - 1907-08
Back Row:  May Noah, Cordie Stevens, Vernon Nothnagel, Mollie Noah, Lewis Cooper,
Clyta Noah, Nove Grouse.
Middle Row:  Johnnie Curtis, Ross Cooper, Ruth Nothnagel, Earl Cooper, Herbert
Stevens, Ed Curtis, Ruby Hoerath.
Front Row:  Ora Curtis, Arthur Grouse, Nellie Cooper, Vera Nothnagel, Ola Stewart.
Teacher:  Stella Phelps.
Picture and names contributed by Ola (Stewart)Young .

Back Row: ________ Grimes, ________ Grimes, Dale Constant, Ola Young (teacher),
Helen Davis, Howard Lee Miller
Second Row:  Dorothy Figg, Betty Johnson, Lavon Constant, ______Grimes, Gerald
Cherry, Don Evan Mast, Bob Johnson, Marvin Lee O'Dell.
Front Row:  Charles Ray Zullig, _______ Grimes, Helen Figg, Doris Mae Zullig.
Picture and names contributed by Opal (Hutchison )Zullig and Ola (Stewart) Young.

37. SPRINGHILL SCHOOL - 1928 - 29
Back Row:  Zelpha Wrightman, Inez Chambers, Roger Akers, Ira Skaggs, Pauline Miller,
Everett Miller, Jack Volk.
Second Row:  Ray Miller, Herschel Chambers, Richard Mast, Delbert Mast, Vada
Chambers, Fred Wrightman, Jr., Wilford Mast.
Front Row:  Dorothy (Dotty) Lay, Hazel Miller,Velma and Thelma Chambers
Teacher: Faye Cusick ( Not in picture).
Picture and names contributed by Dorothy (Lay) Greever.

Back Row:  Beatrice Baxter, Lena Dowell, Elsie Prager, Harold White, Harry Parger,
Gliand Dowell, Elsie Allen (teacher), Howard Moss, Lillian Baxter, Ralph Robinson,
Charlie Hawley, Frank Robinson.
Middle Row:  Arthur McMullen, Mabel Volk, Ethel Volk, Mary Cusick, Charlie Baxter,
Ralph England, Ray Robinson, Marie Mast, Ellen Dowell, Roger Griffith, Faye Cusick,
Ralph Griffith, Buel Dowell.
Front Row:  Carl Williams, John Cusick, Arvil Dowell, Dan Prager, Francis Kincade,
Andy (Pete) Hawley, Fontain England, Imogene Baxter, Ruth Robinson, Katy Baxter,
Thelma Ramsey, Opal Hutchison, Edith Mast.
Picture and names contributed by Opal (Hutchison) Zullig.

Back Row:  Diana Greever, Jerry Greever, Charlene Mathews, Gary Cooper, Janey
Constant, Joey Miller
Middle Row:  John Saale, Carolyn Cook, Joe Saale, Donna Saale.
Front Row:  Betty Miller, Jim Beaman. Tom Cook, Pete Saale, Bobbie Thompson.

Back Row:  Buddy Thomas, Betty Miller, Carolyn Cook, Butch Thomas, Jerry Greever,
Mike Hughes, John Saale. Oakland Douglas (teacher).
Front Row:  Wanda Saale, Stanley Cook, Jesse Greever, Billy Thomas, Gary Hughes,
Nolan Miller, Jean Ann McCracken, Jimmy Plowman. Barbara Beckner, Rose Saale, Lee
Picture and names contributed by Frances (Garber)Saale.

Back Row:  Mrs. Nadine Eckert (teacher), Janey Constant, Dixie Batson, Diana Greever,
Charlene Mathews, Joe Saale, Dick Ailor, Joey Miller.
Second Row:  Betty Miller, Connie Strait, Mary Jane Covert, Carolyn Cook, John Saale,
Bobbie Thompson, Jerry Greever, Butch Thomas, Buddy Thomas.
Front Row: Wanda Saale, Jean Ann McCracken, Rose Saale, Barbara Beckner, Billy
Thomas, Lee Constant, Jimmy Plowman, Jesse Greever.
Picture and names contributed by Frances (Garber) Saale.


Past and Present Of Livingston  County, Missouri by S. J.Clarke Publishing Co., 1913

One Hundred Years In Livingston County by the Livingston County, Agricultural
Bicentennial Committee, July 1976

History Of Caldwell and Livingston Counties, Missouri by St. Louis National Historical
Co., 1886

Missouri Historical Review by the Missouri Historical Society,
Volumes 26  (1931-32) and 28 (1933-34)

A History of Livingston County, Missouri by the Livingston County Centennial
Committee, 1937

Honor Roll of Livingston County, 1917-1918-1919 by the Chillicothe Constitution

History of Livingston County Vol. I., by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

Livingston County History Celebrating 150 Years, 1821-1951 by the Retired Senior
Volunteer Program

Index Of Names
The following index includes all names in this book except those names listed in the
1860 Census, the Springhill Cemetery Records, the map section, and the Photo Album

 AKERS:  Ernest - Ernest, Jr.
 ALLEN:  Dee - N. M.
 ANDERSON:  Anna - Eva - George - J. B. - James - Josiah - Josie
    Mamie - Margaret - Pulliam - Samuel - Thomas - W. H.
 ARNEL:  John F.     .
 ARR:   J. P.
 AVERY:  William
 BALLINGER:   William
 BAXTER:  Charlie - Julia Ann (Henry) - Samuel - Sherman
 BELL:   "Buena Vista" - J. H.
 BEST:   Lewis M.
 BEVELL:  J. K. -  J. T. - Eliza J. - William L.
 BILLS:   Stephen
 BLACK:  James - Shelby
 BOON:  "Uncle" Henry - Roy
 BOYLE:  Barbee - Ethel - J. L. - J. T.C. - John
 BOYLES:  Francis - Harry
 BRASSFIELD:  Adam - James - Mary - Rachel - Riley
 BREEDEN:  Doris
 BREWER:  Bertha
 BROWN:  James
 BURROWS:  Charles
 CAMPBELL:  Elizabeth - Samuel B.
 CHENOWETH: J. - Lemuel
 CLARK:  Cora
 COLE:   M. - Moses - Sarah
 CONKLIN:  J. R. - Runyon
 COOPER:  Chas. - John -Warren
 CRUMPACKER: Archie - Joshua
 CURTIS:  Ida - Thomas
 DAVIS:  Kathryn
 DOSS:   John
 DOUGLAS:  Ernest - Oakland
 DOWELL:  Arthur - Burnie - Clara - Clarence - Claudis
    David "Dave" Thomas - Elijah R. - Flory - Frank - Gus L.
    Gustavas - Isiah - John - John H. - Judith A. (Jarred)
    Leafy - Lial - Lucille - Marjorie - Ollie - Willie
 DRYDEN:  Gustavus - John
 DUNN:  R. K.
 EADS:   Vivian
 ENGLAND:  Ralph
 EWEN:  John
 FAULKNER:  Robert
 FEATHERS:  Norton
 FIGG:   Ralph
 FOSTER:  Elizabeth - Ephraim H. - Robert
 FRITH:  W. G.
 FUNK;   F.
 GANN:  Abe - Tom
 GREEN:  Leona
 GIBS0N:  Dr. Isaac W.
 GIBBS:  David
 GILLISPIE:  Catherine - John F. - Mary - Thomas L.
 GIRDNER:  David - James - William
 GOBEN:  Catherine (Crist) - Dr. G. A. - Levi - William
 GRAHAM:  James - John
 GREEN:  J. H. T.
 GREEVER:  Dorothy "Dotty" (Lay)
 GRIFFIN:  Oliver
 GROUSE:  John - Maggie -Ruda
 HAMMOND:  Lawrence
 HARGRAVE:  Benjamin - Hannah (Harrison) - John- Stella
    Tabitha (Nave)
 HARMON:  John
 HARRIS:  Homer - J. B. - Jess - Samuel L.
 HART:  Cecil
 HASKINS:  G. W. - Joseph H.
 HENDERSON: (Coroner)
 HICKLIN:   Bettie - Jennie - Nancy - Sallie - William
 HICKS:  Martha J. - N. J. - Oscar
 HILT:   Alpha - John - Ida - Irvin - Viola - William
 HOY:   Elizabeth - Thomas
 HUGHES:  A. J. - Andrew Jackson - Charlie - Ezra - Harrison
    Hobert - J . R. - Jane - Marion F. - Milton
    Noel - Nora -Oscar - William
 HUSHER:  Barbara - Edmond - Jacob - Louisa
    Mary - Samuel - Sarah -William
 HUTCHISON: Mr. - Clayton - Eva - J. P.  -James - Jane
    Lodusca - Minnie - Thomas - William
 JAMES:  Jesse
 JENNINGS:  J. T. (Tom) - William
 KEITH:  George - Dr. William
 KIRK:   J. H. - Capt. Joe - L. D. - Lorenzo Dow - Thomas
 LAMP:  Bessie - Fred - Joe - Minnie - Sadie - Stirl
 LAUDERDALE: Cynthia - Robert
 LAY:   Jesse - Lepha (Harrell)
 LEEPER:  Amanda - Charles - Henry - James - James, Jr.
    John - John L. - Sarah
 LENOX:  Dr.
 LEWIS:  Mrs. Albert - H. P. - Roy
 LIGGETT:  G. H. - James - W. S.
 LIPP:   Dorothy
 LONG:  Charlie - Claridon - Earnest - Henry - Logan - Lois
 LOWE:  Georgia  - J. H.
 LUCAS:  Dwayne - Eugene
 LUGENBEAL: Elmer - Icy - M. S. - W. L. (Lumpkin)
 McCARTHY:  Bill - Dan
 McCARTY:  Lillie - Ruby
 McCLELLAND: James - Mahulda
 McCOLLUM:  Alford Edward - Anna Elizabeth (Skinner)
    Eilene - Joseph Vincent
 McCOSKRIE:  Andrew
 McGEE:  Giles - John
 McVEY:  Esther (Archer) - Fred
 MANION:  Edmund - Elizabeth
 MARLOW:  Ben - P. M. - William H.
 MARTIN:  Alexander B. D. - Anne (Duncan) - D. R.
    Experience - G. W. - Thomas - William
 MAST:  Alva - Faye - George - Hazel (Walker), - Linnie V.
    Malinda - Mamie - Mary - Myrtle - Nina (Crumpacker)
    Ralph - Scott U. - Scottie (Piper) - William
 MATHEWS:  John H. - Martha - Stephen
 MILLER:  Eilene - Ray - Dan
 MONROE:  President James
 MORRIS:  Clay
 MOSS:  Bob - Howard - Kate - Robert B. - Sarah (Crockett)
 NASH:  Thomas
 NAVE:  Elizabeth - Isobelle (Dixon) - Jacob - James - Jesse - Lucy
 NEWMAN:  Dr. George
 NOAH:  Shirley
 PARKS:  Adison - Albert - Charlie - William
 PATTON:  Charles W.
 PENISTON:  John - Martha - R. V.
 PEPPER:  G. P. - Samuel
 PERRY:  James
 PFIFER:  William F.
 PINKLEY:  Charles - George
 PIPER:   Charles M. - Chauncey - Estella (Hale) - Van - Vernon
 POND:  Mahala A.
 PRAGER:   Andrew - Clarence H. - Henry - Nora - Ollie
 PREWITT:  Lawrence
 RACHAW:  Anna
 RAMSEY:  Charles - Horace - Lillie - Maggie - Samuel
 RAULIE:  Bill - George H. - Noble - Ora
 REETER:  Donna
 REEVES:  Ann (Ramsey) - Richard W.
 ROSSON:  Luther
 SAALE:  Caroline (Miller) - John - Lawrence
 SANSON:  James
 SAVAGE:  Sherry
 SAWYER:  Dr. W. A.
 SAYLOR:  Elizabeth - Henry B.
 SCHWAB:  Barbee - Ed - Francis - Ida - John A. - W. L.
 SEIDEL:  Elizabeth J.
 SHAW:  Maurice
 SIMMER:  Gloria
 SISSON:  John
 SMITH:  Edward - Mary E.
 SNEEDEN:  Ernie - Linnie - William
 SPECHT:  John
 STEWART:  Douglass - Frank
 STEWART:  John - Les - Malinda (Wagner) - Margaret
    Martha (PorterfieId) - Robert
 STRAIT:  Faye
 STITH:  Maye
 THOMPSON:  L. G. - Samuel
 TIMBROOK:  Mrs. Howard
 TOUT:   Eugenia - Oscar
 TRAMMELL:  James - John
 TURNER:  H. H. - Rev. James
 TYLER:  Bill
 VANDUSEN:  Quinten
 VENABLE:  Mrs. - Agnes - Charlie - John S. - William
 VINCIL:  Rev. John R.
 VOLK:  Arthur - Bertha - Charles - Charles Lester - Cora - Elmer
    Fannie (Raulie) - George - Jacob - John - Josie - Lena
    Mary - Roger W. - Russell "Jack" - Stella - Wallace E.
 WARE:  Alexander - Glade - Isom - Jessie (Wilson)
 WEAVER:  Delila L. - J. C. - James - John - Robert
 WEBSTER:  James W.
 WENKE:  Arthur - W. B.
 WHITE:  Harold - Nanny (Massingill) - Dr. W. L.
 WILBURN:  Charles - Minnie - Reuben - Tabitha J. (Grim)
 WILLIAMS:  C. L. - Dr. Geo. S. - J. E. - Dr. Olin
 WILSON:  Amanda (Jones) Gann - Benjamin - Elizabeth - J. S.
    James M. - Mary  ("Molly'' Lyons)
 WINGO:  Boyd - Burrell W. - George W. - John - Martha J. (Leeper)
    T. R. - Wood
 WINKLER:  Andrew
 WITTEN:  Thomas G.
 WOOD:  Etta E. - Laverne
 YOUNG:  Arthur - Emma - Everett - Fleeta - Harry
 YOUNG:  J. M. - Lena - Lizzie - Maggie - Ola (Stewart)
 ZULLIG:  Mary Emma - Opal - Rosetta

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