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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 216-219

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Charles F. Adams, who for the past twenty years has been closely and influentially associated with the business interests of Chillicothe as a member of the firm of Adams & Sons , wholesale grocers, was born in Vermont, August 25, 1863, and is a son of Charles A. and Eliza (Peabody) Adams, both of whom have passed away, the mother's death having occurred in 1902 and the father's in 1904. They are buried in the Chillicothe cemetery.

Charles F. Adams was still a child when his parents came to Livingston county and when he had reached the usual age he entered a little country school known as Oakdale school, and later attended the Adams schoolhouse. After pursuing the usual course of studies he laid aside his books at the age of sixteen and for twenty years thereafter assisted his father with the work of the farm and engaged also in the creamery business. He then went to Browning and for four years engaged in business there, at the end of which time he disposed of his interests and opened his present wholesale grocery store, with the management and control of which he has since been identified. He conducts one establishment in Chillicothe and a branch at Brookfield, Linn county, both enterprises being managed under the firm name of Adams & Sons. From the beginning Mr. Adams inaugurated a policy of courtesy, fair dealing and reasonable prices and upon this substantial commercial foundation has built up an important and lucrative trade which increases constantly year by year. He has also found time to devote to other interests, being president of the Chamber of Commerce and holding the same position in the Chillicothe Factory Site Association, while he is also a stockholder in the Citizens National Bank.

Mr. Adams was married in Chillicothe in 1888 to Miss Mary Jones, a daughter of Thomas E. and Janie (Hutchins) Jones, who have passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Adams have six children: Alice and Forrest, who live at home; Mildred, who is attending Hosmer Hall in St. Louis; and Charles Jr., George and Dorothy, all at home.

Mr. Adams is a republican in his political views and has been called upon by his fellow townsmen to fill a number of important official positions. He has been mayor of Chillicothe and also resident of the Hannibal & St. Joe Highway Commission and at present is serving as president of the local board of public works. He has membership in the United Commercial Traveler's Association, being a charter member and holds the same distinction in regard to the Elks' lodge. His religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Methodist church, South. He is recognized as a leader in both public life and in business circles and is deeply interested in any good work that tends toward the development of his town and county. Few men are more prominent or more widely known in Chillicothe than Charles F. Adams, for throughout a long period he has been an important factor in its business life and in everything which pertains to its expansion and development.

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