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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 166-167

Dr. Everett Allen is widely and favorably known in Livingston county as an able practicing physician and also as an agriculturist, owning a farm known as Prairie View Farm in Jackson township, on sections 25 and 36, comprising two hundred and sixty-two and a half acres. A native of this county, he was born October 1, 1868, and is a son of William W. and Martha (Turner) Allen, the latter a daughter of James Turner, a pioneer minister of the Mount Pleasant church. William W. Allen passed away February 27, 1913, and is buried in the Galena (Kansas) cemetery, his wife preceding him in death, on January 22, 1894, finding her last resting place at Galena, Kansas.

Everett Allen received his preliminary education in the Potter school and subsequently graduated from the high school at Galena, Kansas. Of studious mind and having a decided preference for a professional career, he concluded to take up medicine as his life work and for that purpose matriculated in the University Medical College of Kansas City, Missouri, receiving his degree of M. D. from that institution in 1899. He first took up his practice at Hickory Creek, Grundy county, Missouri, remaining there for nine years and building up an extensive and gratifying practice, but at the end of that period removed to Trenton, Missouri, before he came to his present location where he has since been following his profession with great success. Ever careful in his diagnosis, he decides quickly after he comes to a conclusion in regard to a case and has done much valuable work in this vicinity. As his reputation has increased he has become more and more popular and today his practice is not only representative but extensive.

On March 6, 1889, Dr. Allen was united in marriage in Jackson township, Livingston county, to Miss Mary C, Varney, a daughter of W. H. and Lucinda J. (Boone) Varney, the former a pioneer farmer of this county who died at Chillicothe, Missouri, November 25, 1912, at the age of seventy-seven years, and is buried in Brassfield cemetery. The Varney family is an old and distinguished American one and has been prominent in various sections of the United States. Dr. and Mrs. Allen are the parents of two sons: William W., Jr., a graduate of the Chillicothe high school; and Fred, who is a student at that institution.

Although the Doctor's attention is largely taken up by his professional duties he has sufficient time to devote to his attractive property which by careful and progressive methods he has transformed into one of the most valuable farms in Livingston county, making such improvements and instituting such equipment as he deems essential to up-to-date and profitable agriculture, In his political faith he is a democrat and gives his unfaltering support to that party. Fraternally he belongs to the Masons, being a member of the blue lodge, and exemplifying in his life the beneficent principles of that order. Along professional lines he is a member of the Grundy County and State Medical Societies, through the medium of which he keeps in contact with his brethren of the profession, enjoying discussions with them on the latest methods and discoveries in the world of medical science. Honored and esteemed, Dr. Allen is a forceful factor in the element of progress in the vicinity and his labors along professional as well as agricultural lines not only redound to his own benefit but contribute in a material way to the general welfare.

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