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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 341-342

Ernest C. Allen is the owner of a farm of one hundred and forty-two and a half acres on section 17, Jackson township, and carefully cultivates his fields with the result that he annually gathers good harvests. He is a native of Caldwell county, his birth having occurred within its borders on the 20th of May, 1869, his parents being Joseph D. and Louise C. (Seitters) Allen. 'The father was a physician and located in Kansas during the infancy of his son Ernest. The mother afterward married Anthony F. Bonderer, of Utica, Missouri.

Ernest C. Allen acquired his education in the public schools of Utica which he attended to the age of fourteen years. He then assisted his step-father at cabinet-making until he was thirteen years of age, spending the rest of his time until twenty-two in the cultivation of the farm. He then started out independently in business and in the southern part of Missouri purchased a farm which he sold some years later. At that time he bought the property which he now owns on section 17, Jackson township, and has since devoted his attention to general agricultural pursuits. He follows mixed farming, cultivating his fields, developing his orchards and also raising stock. He has won success in these various branches, owing to his unremitting diligence and energy.

On the 30th of October. 1894, in Utica, Missouri, Mr. Allen was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Fuchs, a daughter of Christian and Anna Maria Fucks, who came to this state in 1882 from Switzerland, in which country the father had followed the occupation of farming. He died January 12, 1911, and was laid to rest in the Roman Catholic cemetery in Chillicothe. His widow is residing in Utica. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have become the parents of nine children: Joseph A., a graduate of the Utica high school; George F., who is attending the public school of Utica; and M. Louisa, August C., Ernestine C., Francis H., Thomas Lawrence, Frank A., and E. Grace, all yet at home. The family occupy a pleasant residence which Mr. Allen has remodeled. He has made many substantial improvements upon the farm and has erected thereon all buildings which are adequate to the needs of the place, furnishing ample shelter for grain and stock.

In politics Mr. Allen is independent, voting as his judgment dictates. His religious faith is that of the Roman Catholic church. He attributes his success to hard work and close attention to his business

and to the assistance of his wife, who has, indeed, been a helpmate to him through all of his struggles and hardships - struggles which have brought him at length to a creditable position among the substantial farmers of Livingston county.

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