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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 9-10

Frank W. Ashby, who has been for fourteen years in active and successful practice as a lawyer in the courts of Missouri, has behind him a record of able work in the public service and before him a splendid opportunity for future advancement of which he cannot fail to make adequate and effective use. He was born in Chariton county, Missouri, December 19, 1872, a son of Richard and Addie (Gaffenany) Ashby, both of whom have passed away, the mother dying in 1891 and the father in 1898. They are buried in Chariton county, Missouri. Frank W. Ashby comes of a family of early Kentucky settlers who came to Missouri at an early date and made peace with the Indians, doing much to forge the way to civilization in this section of the state. In Randolph county, Missouri, he was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Evans, a daughter of Robert and Mary (Cook) Evans, both of whom have passed away, the father dying in 1887 and the mother in 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Ashby have become the parents of a son, Grant E. The family are members of the Methodist church.

Frank W. Ashby is essentially a self-made man, posessing in his character and personality all of the force, strength and determination which the word implies. He attended the public schools of Brunswick and at the age of fifteen began work on a construction train as water boy and was promoted to brakeman, servicng in that capacity until he had save sufficient money to pay his expenses through college at Stansbury, Missouri. He then studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1898 and in the same year began to practice in the city of Chillicothe, where he has made a success in his profession, standing today in the front ranks of able and forceful practitioners. During his active legal career he has been interested in many important civil and criminal cases and has conducted such litigation in a most able manner. As a lawyer he is clear-minded and well trained, at home in all the major and minor departments of jurisprudence and the higher concerns of public policy and he possesses, moreover, that natural ability which commands success. Mr. Ashby is a democrat of the Jeffersonian type, believing in the majority rule and adhering strictly to the highest standards of political co conscientiousness. He began his public life in May, 1905, when he was elected on the democratic ticket to the office of city attorney and served four years, representing the city in its protracted struggle for municipal ownership.

Efficiently conducting the affairs of the office and impartially and fearlessly enforcing the law he has made a splendid record.

Mr. Ashby is one of the best known lawyers in Livingston county, standing always on the side of the public interest in professional and public matters, He is a young man possessed of a pleasing manner and personality and is deservedly popular with all classes of people, irrespective of party affiliation.

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