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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 102-105

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David J. Ballantyne, who since the organization of the First National Bank of Ludlow in 1905, has capably and acceptably filled the office of cashier, was born at Flint, Michigan, July 22, 1864. He is a son of David and Jessie (McIntyre) Ballantyne, the former for many years a prominent sawmill and lumberyard owner in that city. He died in 1879 and was survived by his wife until 1903. Both are buried in the Glenwood cemetery at Flint, Michigan.

In the acquirement of an education David J. Ballantyne attended the public schools of his native city and left the Flint high school when he was fifteen years of age. He has been identified with financial interests of some kind since the beginning of his active career, his former expert and able work along this line furnishing the broad foundation of his present success. Immediately after laying aside his books he obtained a position as clerk in the First National Bank at Flint and he remained with that institution for nine years, winning rapid promotion to the office of teller. From Flint he went to Spokane, Washington Territory, accepting a position as teller in the Exchange & Traders National Bank, a capacity in which he acted for two years. At the end of that time he went to the mountains and spent eight years prospecting, also doing expert work for the county. In November, 1902, he went to Granite, Montana, to accept a position as paymaster for the Granite Bimetallic M. & M. Company and when he resigned this office, entered the New England National Bank at Kansas City as bookkeeper. He remained in that position until 1905, when he came to Livingston county and aided in the organization of the First National Bank of Ludlow, an institution which was capitalized at twenty-five thousand dollars and which today has a surplus and undivided profit of nine thousand dollars. Since December in that year Mr. Ballantyne has served as cashier of this institution and has proved himself a capable incumbent, quick, positive, exacting and gifted with the ability to comprehend every detail of the many affairs which come within the scope of his activities.

Mr. Ballantyne was married at Spokane, Washington, October 10, 1898, to Miss Miriam Mumpower, a daughter of David and Julia Mumpower, the former a pioneer farmer of Polo, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne have four children: Glenn and Edwin, twins, who are attending school; George; and Alma. Mr. Ballantyne is a blue lodge Mason and is affiliated also with the Order of the Eastern Star, the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Foresters. His political allegiance is given to the republican party and he is active and progressive in all matters of citizenship, giving loyal support to measures for public advancement. he is popular in social circles, while in business affairs he commands the respect and honor of all with whom he has dealings. He is an expert and experienced financier, methodical and accurate as to details, and he displays splendid judgment in handling the affairs of the bank which come under his supervision.

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