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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 128-129

Dr. Reuben Barney, who for fifteen years has successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Chillicothe, is a native son of the city, born January 9, 1869, his parents being Dr. Reuben and Mattie (Prindle) Barney, the former of whom died July 15, 1903, and is buried in Chillicothe.

Dr. Reuben Barney of this review acquired his education in the public schools of his native city and in St. James Military Academy of Macon, Missouri, later entering the medical department of the University of Kansas City. He supplemented this by a course in Bellevue Medical College of New York city, from which he received his degree of M. D. Immediately afterward he located in Chillicothe, where he still resides, making his home in the same house in which he grew to manhood. He has a large and lucrative practice which is steadily increasing and he is now numbered among the leaders of his profession in this section of the state. Aside from his private practice Dr. Barney has been coroner and county physician for a number of years and also president of the board of health. He is also serving as surgeon for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Wabash, and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads, and is physician for the Industrial Home for Girls, these connections showing something of his professional standing in the community.

Dr. Barney was married at Chillicothe to Miss Anna R. Reynolds, a daughter of R. W. and Mildred (Towner) Reynolds, of that city. Dr. and Mrs. Barney have two children, Reynolds and Olive, both at home, In his political views the Doctor is affiliated with the republican party and takes an intelligent interest in the affairs of the city, although his important professional duties allow him little time for political activity. He has, however, served as member and secretary of the board of regents of the Kirksville State Normal School and along professional lines is beside his connection with the Girls' Home examiner of pensions. He is president of the Missouri Vineyard Company and secretary of the Masonic Temple Association, and his religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Episcopal church. He keeps in touch with the most advanced thought of his profession through his membership in the State and County Medical Societies, the American Medical Association and the Grand River Medical Society, of which he is an ex-president. His ability and skill have been demonstrated in the expert handling of a number of complex medical problems, and he is highly esteemed, not only as a professional man but as an upright, straightforward and progressive citizen.

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