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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 356-357

Benjamin F. Beazell, formerly the efficient postmaster of Chillicothe and today closely and intimately associated with business interests of the city, was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, September 13, 1864. He is a son of Samuel W. and Mary Jane (Van Kirk) Beazell, residents of Chillicothe.

In the acquirement of an education Benjamin F. Brazed attended the district school in Rich Hill township and later entered the Northwestern University, at Evanston, Illinois, from which he was graduated in the classical department in 1893. After laying aside his books he purchased the Chillicothe Tribune, which he published and edited for ten years. During the five years of his service as postmaster he made a record which it would he hard to surpass in point of things accomplished. During his term of office the rural free delivery system was established here, the city delivery and clerical forces were increased and salaries raised in practically every department, and many important improvements made in standards and methods. When he left the position the post-office was paying in increased salaries and other appropriations over sixteen thousand dollars more annually than was done before he assumed control, this fact alone indicating clearly something of the force of his administrative and executive ability and his business progressiveness. Mr. Beazell has for some time past been engaged in the real-estate business in Chillicothe and has secured a large and representative clientage, for he is known to possess a comprehensive knowledge of land values and a keen general business discrimination which makes this knowledge doubly effective.

On the 4th of May, 1898, Mr. Beazell was married in Chillicothe to Miss Bertha A. French, a daughter of David A. and Mary Jane (Weaver) French, residents of that city. To Mr. and Mrs. Beazell were born three children: Mary E.; Bertha Ruth, who died when five months of age; and Samuel D. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and in their upright, straightforward lives exemplify the doctrines in which they believe.

Fraternally Mr. Beazell is prominent in the Masonic Order, holding membership in Chillicothe Lodge, No. 333, A. F. & A. M., of which he is a past master; in Royal Arch Chapter, No. 30; Chillicothe Council, No. 28; Paschal Asylum, No. 32, K. T.; and in the Order of the Eastern Star. He is also a member of Chillicothe Council No. 48, of the United Commercial Travelers. Politically he has always been a stanch republican and as such made the race for congress, but in 1912 gave active and intelligent support to the progressive or "Bull Moose" movement, having charge of the state progressive speakers bureau. All during his life he has been interested in those projects which affect the general business and political development and has been in many ways closely associated with the public welfare and with business progress. He is therefore widely recognized as one of the representative citizens of Chillicothe and has attained a place of prominence in Livingston county.

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