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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 320-321

That it is not only given to men to successfully manage extensive affairs is evident in the success which Mrs. Elizabeth Boucher has attained in conducting the various departments of a valuable farming establishment comprising four hundred acres located on section 16, Sampsell township, Livingston county. She is a native of Livingston county, having been born at Springhill, Missouri, and is a daughter of Levi F. and Catherine (Crist) Goben, the former one of the pioneers who penetrated the wilderness to locate here at a time when the Indians still roamed about freely and game was plentiful. Incessant labor and frugal thrift led him to prosperity and when he died in 1901 he was considered one of the substantial men of his parts. His wife preceded him in death in 1893 and both found their last resting in the Springhill cemetery.

Mrs. Boucher acquired her education in the schools of Springhill, abandoning her lessons at the age of sixteen years. In 1866 she was united in marriage, at Springhill, to Andrew J. Boucher, a son of Elisha and Sarah (English) Boucher, both of whom have passed away. Andrew J. Boucher, the late husband of our subject, was a man well liked by his fellows, a man of substantial qualities and one beloved for his generosity and kindliness. He served in the army for some time and for meritorious service was promoted from sergeant to the rank of first lieutenant. Mr. Boucher passed away in 1903, deeply mourned by his faithful wife and a large family. Of their ten children the following are living: Charles, assisting his mother in the development of the farm; Irene, the wife of Charles W. Yeisley, a farmer of Washington; Bertie, a music teacher residing in California; Loretta E., who married William T. Morris, an agriculturist of Canada; Jackson A., a school teacher of Kirksville, Missouri; Vernon A., who practices dentistry in Kansas City, Missouri; and Earl, attending school at Kirksville, this state. Those who have passed away are: John E., who was married to Miss Allie Stanton, on November 23, 1898, and died July 4, 1911, being buried at Pleasant Ridge; Inez (Boucher) Grier, who was married to George S. Grier on September 11, 1904, and passed away March 5, 1905; and Myrtle, who died in infancy In 1884. A woman of many lovable qualities of heart and mind, also a woman of much strength of character, Mrs. Boucher has succeeded in rearing a family all of whom turned out to he useful members of society, bringing renewed honor to the family name. Successful in the management of her extensive farming interests, she has demonstrated an ability which is far above the average and which entitles her to high encomiums.

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