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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 315-316

David Bradford, deceased, will long be remembered as one of the leading farmers of Rich Hill township and by his own energy and efforts won a gratifying measure of success in his undertakings and at his death left a model farm as a visible evidence of the value of his work and activities. He was born in Greene county, Pennsylvania, January 14, 1836, and was a son of James and Mary (Die) Bradford, both natives of the Keystone state, who came to Missouri about the year 1848. They located near Chillicothe, where the father purchased five hundred acres of land which he improved and operated until his death.

David Bradford began his independent agricultural career in 1861, at which time he married and moved upon his farm of two hundred acres, which he developed and improved for three years. At the end of that time he sold this property and purchased one hundred and sixty acres in Rich Hill township, to which he later added forty-two acres. Upon this tract of land he carried on general farming and stock-raising until his death, devoting practically all of his time and energies to the development of the place. The property is lacking in none of the improvements and accessories of a model farm of the twentieth century and shows everywhere the result of Mr. Bradford's long years of careful supervision.

In January, 1861, Mr. Bradford was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Smith, a daughter of W. H. H. and Ellen (Holmes) Smith, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Virginia. They afterward moved to Livingston county, Missouri, but in 1848 went to California for a short time, after which he returned to Livingston county, where he passed away. The mother is also deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford became the parents of ten children. Laura Ellen, the eldest, has passed away. Charles Orestes is at home. James H. is a resident of Ventura, California. William T. died in infancy. Mary Louisa is the wife of William E. Kent, of Berlin, Oklahoma. Alice married Arthur Avery, of Chillicothe. Blanche P. has passed away. Allan Wright married Jessie Nowlin, by whom he has three children: Charles T., born April 28, 1905; Ruth Elizabeth, born January 20, 1907; and Laura M., born August 30, 1909. David Earl died in infancy. Blanche E., the youngest child in this family is the life of N. A. Gladieux, of Chillicothe.

Mr. Bradford gave his allegiance to the democratic party and was active and public-spirited in local affairs and held many responsible township offices. His upright and honorable life won him the respect and esteem of those with whom he came in contact and his death was sincerely mourned by all who knew him.

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