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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 203-204

Hiram Brown. who for the past twenty years has been living retired in Utica, still owns one hundred and thirty acres of land on section 36, Green township, which he has cultivated since beginning his active life and which by well directed effort and presevering industry he has made one of the finest agricultural properties in this part of Missouri. He was born in Mansfield, Ohio, April 21, 1838, and is a son of John and Matilda J. (Snoddy) Brown, the former for many years well known throughout all sections of Ohio. Both have passed away, the father dying in the fall of 1888 and the mother in 1898. They are buried in Ray county, Missouri.

Hiram Brown acquired his education in the public schools of Ray county, Missouri, laying aside his books at the age of eighteen in order to assist his father with the work of the farm. After five years upon the homestead he began his independent career, purchasing one hundred and thirty acres on section 36, Green township, whereon he resided until he retired twenty years ago from its operation. As the years passed by he made substantial improvements upon this property, built a fine residence, barns, granaries and outbuildings and made it in every respect a model farm. His labors in the fields were rewarded by abundant harvests and his success was of so important a character that it constituted an element in the general development and progress of the county. In addition to general farming Mr. Brown was also interested in stock-raising.

On the 10th of February, 1859, Mr. Brown was united in marriage to Miss Antoinette Fortune, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fortune. both of whom have passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Brown became the parents of nine children: William, who is farming in New Mexico; Mexico; Carrie Metilda, who died April 7, 1898; Ida R., whose death occurred April 13, 1870; Lula R. who passed away January 10, 1907; Porter, who operates his father's farm: Edward M., who passed away July 3, 1875; Pearl M., who died January 12. 1896; Oletha, the wife of Mathew McCarthy, a banker in York, North Dakota; and Gertrude, who became the wife of James McCarthy, a lawyer of North Dakota.

Mr. Brown is a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church and fraternally is identified with the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic, in this way keeping in touch with his comrades of the Civil war, of which he is an honored veteran. He gives his allegiance to the republican party and served for nine years as road overseer and for twelve years as school director. He is, however, preeminently a business man, active and energetic, who throughout his entire life has been connected with agricultural pursuits and who has made his influence felt in agricultural development. Nearly half century has come and gone since he made his home in this county and he has, therefore, been a witness of many of the changes which time and man have wrought, bearing his part in the work of upbuilding as a progressive and public-spirited citizen, and well merits the rest from active work which he now enjoys.

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