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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 185-186

Fred F. Carder, a successful farmer and stock-raiser of Mooresville township, where he owns one hundred and twenty acres of land, was born in Jackson county, West Virginia, September 2, 1864. He is a son of Jefferson and Julia (Welch) Carder, who moved to Putnam county, Missouri, in 1877, where the father followed farming until his death in 1880. His wife survived him many years, dying in 1910, and both are buried in the Bethany graveyard, Putnam county.

Fred F. Carder was thirteen years of age when he was brought to Putnam county by his parents. He attended public school during the winter months and after the death of his father assisted his mother in the operation of the farm. He laid aside his books at the age of twenty and at that time assumed entire management of the homestead, which he developed along practical and progressive lines for a number of years. In 1908 he sold that property and moved into Livingston county, where he purchased his present farm of one hundred and twenty acres on sections 32 and 33, Mooresville township. He has since improved the place in a substantial way, building a fine barn, granaries and outbuildings and installing the needed farm equipment. His unremitting energy, his industry and his good management have resulted in a gratifying degree of success and today his land is in a high state of cultivation. Large herds of cattle and sheep graze in the pastures and droves of hogs are also fed and fattened. Mr. Carder is a man of wide experience and broad information and his success has been the result of his ability and industry.

Mr. Carder has been twice married. On the 4th of October, 1888, he wedded, at Unionville, Missouri, Miss Ida Christian, a daughter of Edley T. Christian. She passed away May 2, 1890, and is buried in the Bethany graveyard, Putnam county. To this union were born two daughters: Estella E., who is a student in the Missouri Baptist Training School; and Ida May, who died in infancy. On December 5, 1908, Mr. Carder was again married, his second union being with Miss Martha McPherson, a daughter of Irwin and Margaret McPherson, of West Virginia. The father engages in agricultural pursuits near Parkersburg, in that state. At the outbreak of the Civil war he went to the front at a volunteer, engaging in many hotly contested battles. At the present time he makes his home in West Virginia. His wife died May 26, 1901, and is buried in Liverpool, in her native state.

Mr. Carder is a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church and in politics gives his allegiance to the democratic party. Although one of the later arrivals in Livingston county, he has already become thoroughly identified with its interests and is at all times ready to lend his aid and cooperation to any movement calculated to benefit this section or to advance its development.

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