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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 248-249

A pioneer of Livingston county and a man who entirely through his own efforts has possessed himself of a valuable farm of one hundred acres in Jackson township, Salathiel Coen came to this section in 1868 from Indiana, where he was born March 31, 1851, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lyons) Coen. Both the parents have passed away, the father dying in 1890 and the mother in 1896, both finding their last resting place at Lock Springs, Missouri.

Corning to Livingston county when a boy of about sixteen years, Salathiel Coen received his education in Indiana and this county, leaving school at the age of twenty years. During his vacation periods and leisure hours he assisted his father in the minor duties of the farm and early became acquainted with thorough methods of agriculture. After having passed his twentieth birthday he remained with his father and for five years helped him with the work of the farm, starting at that time on his own agricultural career. He then acquired the property which he now owns comprising one hundred and twenty acres on section 30, township 59, range 25, Jackson township, and there engages in mixed farming. Since taking charge of the farm he has erected thereon a handsome residence and a number of suitable outbuildings and barns by which he has greatly enhanced its value. He also has instituted such improvements as are considered indispensable to modern agriculture and, following progressive and scientific methods, has brought his farm to a high state of productivity.

Mr. Coen was married on September 18, 1873, in Daviess county, Missouri, to Miss Sudie C. Isabell, a daughter of William and Obedience Isabell, both of whom have passed away and are buried in Daviess county. They were well known in the section in which they lived, receiving the good-will and regard of all those who knew them. Mr. and Mrs. Coen are the parents of three, children: Daisy D.; Orville A., following farming in Daviess county; and Mary A ., who makes her home with her parents.

Interested in all matters of a political nature, Mr. Coen is a republican and is a member of the republican county committee, representing therein Jackson township. He is a member of the Independent Order of Old Fellows, and also belongs to Lodge No 488, A. F. & A. M., of Lock Springs, Missouri. The religious affiliation of Mr. and Mrs. Coen is with the Presbyterian church, in the work of which organization they take an active and helpful interest. Ambitious and industrious, Mr. Coen has attained to prominence as an agriculturist in Jackson township, Livingston county, entirely through his own efforts and is highly esteemed not only for his attainment but for the qualities of mind and character which made possible his success. Not only has he been an interested witness of the changes that have occurred here but he has been helpful in the general advancement and, while attaining individual success, has been a factor in general agricultural progress.

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