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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 302-303

Nowadays we find women successful in many lines of endeavor and Mrs. Jennie Cole, the owner of a valuable farm of three hundred and twenty acres on section 3, Sampsell township, gives evidence of the fact that woman, when called upon, readily takes her place in the strife of the world and is often as successful as man, if not more so, in managing extensive affairs. Mrs. Cole, who came to Livingston county in 1870 from Cincinnati, Ohio, when a young girl of four years, was born in the latter city in 1866 and is a daughter of Andrew and Kate (Donahue) Cusick, both of whom have passed away, the father dying in June, 1912: and the mother preceding him many years in death, passing away in 1878. Both found their last resting place at Chillicothe, Missouri.

Mrs. Cole received her education in the public school in Jackson township, making ready use of the advantages that were offered and laying aside her books at the age of twenty-one years. Many years before that time, however, she assisted in looking after the parental household and after the death of her mother a great deal of the responsibility of caring for the family fell upon her shoulders.

In Chillicothe, Missouri, in 1889, she married Wilson Cole, a son of Moses and Sarah (Wilson) Cole, the former of whom passed away in 1900, while the latter is still residing in Jackson township at the age of eighty-one years, making her home with her son Willis, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Cole. After twenty-two years of a happy domestic life Wilson Cole passed away on May 14, 1911, being buried at Mount Pleasant cemetery in Sampsell township. He was one of the foremost agriculturists in this section and a man well liked and highly thought of in Livingston county. Mr. and Mrs. Cole were the parents of seven children, all of whom are at home. They are Kate, Alice, Ellen, Grace, Harry, Minnie and Mary. Mrs. Cole is largely responsible for many of the important improvements that were made upon the property, of which she has taken entire charge since the demise of her husband. A handsome residence is the family home and such other equipment as is to be found on the farm bespeaks the prosperity of its owner. Mrs. Cole evenly divides her duties between bringing up her large family and looking after her farming interests, and her deep conscientiousness in attending to her duties secures her the appreciation and good-will of all those who have the honor to know her. A woman of high qualities of mind and character, she stands as an example of what a mother should be to her family and of what a woman can do if she is called upon to exert her powers.

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