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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 157-158

A well known representative of agricultural interests in Livingston county is James M. Cole, who owns a valuable farm of one hundred and forty acres, of which eighty acres are located on section 8, Jackson township, and sixty in Cream Ridge township. He was born in Jefferson township, Grundy county, December 12, 1868, and is a son of James and Mary (Parker) Cole, the former a retired agriculturist who makes his home with our subject. The father came to Grundy county before the Civil war and for a time was connected with the state militia. He voted the republican ticket until last year, when he severed his allegiance with that party and became a progressive. The Cole family is of Irish extraction but has been represented in this country for a number of years.

In the acquirement of an education James M. Cole attended district school until the age of sixteen years. His desire to see the world and acquaint himself with conditions in other parts induced him to start out for himself and for six years he traveled through various states of the Union. Upon his return he purchased forty acres of land, to the cultivation of which he gave his whole attention and by incessant work and close application was enabled to acquire the means of buying his present place of one hundred and forty acres of fertile land, upon which he pursues general fanning, also specializing in stock-raising, finding this latter branch of his interests a gratifying source of income.

On May 2, 1898, in West Jackson township, Livingston county, Mr. Cole married Miss Mary Stevens, a daughter of J. B. and Josephine (Cravens) Stevens. Her father is one of the pioneers of Livingston county, highly esteemed and well known, and he and his wife are still residing in Jackson township. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have an adopted daughter, Reta, who is four years of age. By political conviction Mr. Cole is a republican and religiously the family affiliates with the Baptist church, in the work of which they take

ready and helpful interest, giving their moral and material support to its local organization and allied societies. Industrious and enterprising, Mr. Cole has attained to a substantial position among the agriculturists of Jackson township, and while he has brought about his individual success, has been a force and a factor in the general upbuilding of this section. Public-spirited, he takes interest in all matters affecting the public weal and gives his support to all measures and movements undertaken to benefit the community in which he lives, and its people.

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