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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 57-58

J. H. Cusick is a leading representative of financial interests of Mooresville, where he is cashier of the Mooresville Savings Bank and also closely connected with the business development of his community as the proprietor of a large hardware concern. He was born on his father's farm in Madison county, Ohio, February 19, 1868, is a son of Andrew and Mary (Donohue) Cusick, natives of Ireland and representatives of old Irish families. The father farmed all during his active life, both in his native land and in America, dying upon his property in Livingston county on June 28, 1903. He had long survived his wife, who passed away in 1872, and both are buried in the Catholic cemetery at Chillicothe, Missouri.

J. H. Cusick was still a lad when he was brought by his parents to Livingston county. He acquired his early education in the district schools and later attended the Stanberry Normal School, from which he was graduated at the age of twenty years. He spent thirteen years thereafter engaged in teaching in this section of the state but at the end of that time turned his attention to business pursuits, establishing himself in the hardware business, with which he has been identified since that time. Upon the organization of the Mooresville Savings Bank in 1904 he was made cashier and a member of the board of directors and since that time has by his able work and definite attainments become recognized as one of the authorities on banking and finance in Livingston county. In addition he owns a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Sampsell township and gives careful supervision to its operation.

In Sampsell township, on the 1st of March, 1898, Mr. Cusick was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Grouse, a daughter of John and Christina Grouse, both of whom have passed away and are buried in the Mount Pleasant cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Cusick have a son, Russell J., who holds the position of bookkeeper in the Mooresville Savings Bank, while he also still gives some time to his school work. Mr. Cusick is a stanch and loyal democrat, believing firmly in the principles and policies for which that party stands and cooperating actively in the affairs of the local organization. For twelve years he served ably as township trustee and for the last six years has been school director. All during his active life he has been recognized as an important factor in business circles of Mooresville and his prosperity is well deserved. He is a public-spirited citizen, giving his support to every movement which tends to promote the moral, intellectual and material welfare of the community.

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