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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 238-239


Leonard M. Dome is among the prosperous merchants of Utica, Missouri, where he has conducted a general mercantile establishment since 1904. As the years have passed his patronage has increased, as he uses modern and up-to-date methods in carrying on the business and supervises all its details carefully, carrying a line of first-class merchandise which he sells at a reasonable profit. His name and his store have become a synonym for fair dealing and he treats his customers and patrons with that courtesy which never fails to appeal.

Leonard M. Dome is a native son of Livingston county, where he was born May 16, 1876, and is a son of Frank and Elizabeth Dome, the former one of the prominent pioneer farmers of Livingston county. He came here from Indiana in 1866, taking up land which he put under cultivation and which he has since transformed into a valuable property, where he reared his children and is still living. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Dome consists of Ralph, a farmer in Green township; Leonard M., of this review: Charles, who is a business partner of our subject; and Susie, who makes her home with her parents.

Leonard M. Dome was reared on the home farm and acquired his education in the Utica public schools, which he left it the age of eighteen years, making himself useful during that time on the farm in assisting his father in his daily labors at such times at which he was not occupied with his lessons. He then became apprenticed to the painting and plastering trade, which he followed for a short time, but later returned to his parents and assisted in the operation of the farm until he engaged in his present business. Ever since he began his operations in Utica success has attended his efforts and gradually his business has increased in trade and importance and now assures him a gratifying annual income.

On April 4, 1904, Mr. Dome married Miss May Musson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Musson, the former a retired farmer, whose wife has been deceased for some time and is buried in the Utica cemetery. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Dome, Bessie and Evelyn.

Mr. Dome is a man of new ideas and his aggressive spirit finds expression in his political affiliation, which is with the progressive party, as he sees in the platform and principles for which this organization stands the salvation from many evils which the two older established factions have countenanced too long. Public-spirited and interested in the growth of the community, he has rendered public service as constable for two years and during that time has discharged his duties in such a manner that high commendation of his constituents has come to him. His fraternal affiliations are confined to the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Dome is one of the younger business men of Utica who has proved by his ability to attain results what can be accomplished by energy and industry, if these qualities are directed along progressive lines. He has made a creditable record as a business man, and for his private character is well liked wherever known, and is one of the popular younger members of society in Utica, where both he and Mrs. Dome enjoy the esteem of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

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