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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 306-310

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Jo Dusenberry, cashier of the Farmers National Bank of Ludlow, has been so closely and intimately associated with various business interests in Livingston county that no history of this portion of the state would be complete without a record of his career. He has constantly followed the most progressive methods and adhered to the highest business standards, all of his undertakings having been characterized by a practical spirit which has produced far-reaching and beneficial results. Mr. Dusenberry was born in Dawn, July 27, 1875, and is a son of Frank and Emma (Essig) Dusenberry, the former a well known physician and surgeon in Richmond and Lexington junction, where he passed away at the age of thirty-eight years. He is buried in Coller cemetery, He was survived by his wife until 1888. The father was of Pennsylvania Dutch origin, while the mother came from German parentage.

Jo Dusenberry acquired his education in the public schools of Braymer, leaving high school at the age of seventeen in order to enter the Chillicothe Normal School, where he remained for three years, He fitted himself for teaching and followed that profession in the public schools of Livingston county for eight years, after which he turned his attention to business interests, accepting the position of manager of a lumberyard at Humphreys. After two years' able work in that capacity he bought an interest in the Farmers National Bank and was appointed assistant cashier, an office which he held until 1905, when he was promoted to that of cashier, in which capacity he is still serving efficiently and conscientiously, being also a director in the institution. His judgment has come to he regarded as a standard authority on all matters of banking and finance, for his progressiveness is tempered by a safe conservatism and based upon a thorough understanding of the conditions which govern all phases of modern business life.

In Humphreys, on the 6th of May, 1913, Mr. Dusenberry was united in marriage to Miss Mabel Stringer, a daughter of Dr. D. K. and Anna (Russell) Stringer, the former a veteran of the Civil war and for many years one of the prominent physicians and surgeons of Humphreys. He is now practicing at Gault, this state. Mr. and Mrs. Dusenberry have a son, Victor Lee.

In politics Mr. Dusenberry was until 1912 affiliated with the republican party but in the latter year he joined the progressive movement. of which he is a stanch and earnest supporter. He is well known in fraternal circles, holding membership in the blue lodge in Masonry and serving as junior warden. He belongs also to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is past grand in that organization, and in addition belongs to the Knights of Pythias at Braymer. His career furnishes many examples of the power of industry and perseverance in the accomplishment of a successful career, for all that he has he has acquired by his own industry and well directed efforts. After he had mastered such learning as his parents could afford to give him he worked upon a farm for ten dollars a month and out of this salary saved enough to pursue his further studies. A man of indomitable energy, strict integrity and liberal views, he has been to a great extent identified with the growth and progress of the city in which he lives. His life is exemplary in all respects and he has the esteem of his friends and the entire confidence of those who have business relations with him.

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