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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 111-112

Clarence J. Edmundson, engaged in farming and stock-raising upon three hundred and sixty acres of land on section 21, Medicine township, is known as one of the progressive and representative agriculturists of this locality. He is a native of Morgan county, Illinois, born June 14, 1867, a son of William D. and Emmeline (Buckner) Edmondson, the latter a niece of ex-Governor Buckner of Kentucky. She died February 18, 1911, and is buried at Wheeling, Missouri. Her husband survives her and makes his home in Wheeling, where he is well known and prominent. He served as postmaster for eight years and was otherwise active in public affairs.

Clarence J. Edmundson acquired his education in the public schools of Chillicothe, having come to Livingston county with his parents in 1871. After laying aside his books he obtained a position as salesman for Wallbrun & Berg, general merchants in that city, and worked in their interests for three years, after which he turned his attention to farming, purchasing three hundred and sixty acres on section 21, range 22, Medicine township, upon which he has since resided. Because his methods have been progressive and practical and his business dealings always straightforward and upright he has won a gratifying degree of success, owning at the present time one of the best improved farms in this vicinity. About two hundred acres are planted in corn and other grain and the remainder in pasturage. He has twenty horses, forty head of cattle and eighty swine, his stock-raising interests being an important and profitable source of his income.

Mr. Edmundson has been twice married. His first union occurred in Medicine township, November 26, 1891, when he wedded Miss Josephine Kilbrun, a daughter of William and Ann (Lightner) Kilbrun, both of whom have passed away and are buried in the Wallace cemetery. Mr. Edmundson's first wife died in 1893, leaving one daughter, Alta J., who is the wife of Stephen Monroe, a farmer of Wheeling township. On April 28, 1895, Mr. Edmondson was again married, his second union being with Miss Nora A. Long, a daughter of Andrew and Abbie (Stephenson) Long, residents of Linn county. Mr. and Mrs. Edmundson have four children: Reuben, Joseph, Herbert C. and Herman, all of whom are assisting their father.

Mr. Edmundson is a democrat in his political beliefs and fraternally is identified with the blue lodge in Masonry. His religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Baptist church, During his forty-one years of residence in this county his genuine personal worth and sterling traits of character have won him the unbounded confidence and esteem of the entire community and the respect and admiration of all with whom he has come in contact.

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