Other People | Frank J. Bradley | Olive Rambo Cook | Jerry Litton |
Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 47-48

Among the native sons of Livingston county who have won notable success in agricultural pursuits is numbered Frank B. Elliott, who owns a neat and well improved farm of one hundred and thirty-five acres on section 8, range 17, Blue Mound township. He was born upon the family homestead, October 21, 1864, and is a son of Wylie and Nancy J. (Brown) Elliott. The father was an early settler in this part of Missouri, having come here from Ohio in 1864 and having made his home in Livingston county when it was undeveloped and meagerly settled. He gave his attention to general farming for a number of years and is today numbered among the most popular and deservedly successful men in this part of Missouri. He has reached the advanced age of seventy-five and is still active and hearty in spirit and interests. He and his wife reared a family of four children: Anna, who became the wife of Clem Blayney, a farmer in Ohio; Frank B., of this review; Clements, who passed away in 1870 and is buried in the Collar cemetery, near Dawn; and Vinton, who is assisting his father. The mother of these children died in 1881, at the age of forty -three, and is buried beside her son in the Collar cemetery. The family is of Scotch-Irish origin, but has been in America for several generations.

Frank B. Elliott acquired his early education in the district schools of Dawn and completed his studies in Avalon College, graduation from the business department at the age of twenty-one. He began his active career by aiding his father in the operation of the homestead and continued to engage in this line of work until 1889, when he went upon a pleasure trip to the eastern states. Returning in 1890, he began farming for himself on a tract of fifty-five acres which he purchased at this time. This he later increased to one hundred and thirty-five acres, its present dimensions, and thereon made substantial improvements, building a comfortable residence, good barns, a silo and outbuildings. In fact he has made this a valuable farm by the care and labor he has bestowed upon it and in addition to general farming he raises high-grade stock, keeping one hundred head of cattle, twelve horses and one hundred swine. It is due to his labor and diligence and the assistance of his estimable wife that he is now the owner of an excellent property and accounted one of the substantial farmers of Blue Mound township.

Mr. Elliott was married in Chillicothe, August 7, 1895, to Miss Kitty Dilley, a daughter of R. S. and Elizabeth (Mann) Dilley, the former a well known carpenter and contractor in Sedalia and a former resident of Chillicothe. Mrs. Dilley passed away in 1887 and is buried in Rose Hill cemetery, in Breckenridge. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott have two children: Fern B., a graduate of the Dawn high school; andWylie H., who is attending school.

Mr. Elliott is a member of the Presbyterian church and an active worker in its ranks, having served as elder for a number of years. Fraternally he is connected with the Modern Woodmen of America and is active and prominent in the affairs of that organization. He is independent in his political views, supporting men and measures rather than parties and taking an intelligent interest in community affairs. He is well and favorably known throughout the county where he has spent his entire life and where a host of friends are eager to testify to his sterling worth.

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