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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 108-110

For over twenty years W. H. Fair has been a factor in agricultural circles of Livingston county, here he owns a fine farm of one hundred and seventy-two acres on sections 4 and 5, Mooresville township. He has cultivated this property by the most progressive methods, influenced in all of his farming operations by a marked spirit of enterprise and initiative, and as a result he stands today among the men of prominence and substantial worth in this section of the state. He was born in Holmes county, Ohio, August 5, 1857, and is a son of Daniel and Lucinda Fair, the former of German ancestry. The father of our subject followed the trade of blacksmithing and later became identified with mercantile interests, after which he engaged in farming for a number of years. His death occurred in 1894, having been killed in a railroad accident, and is buried in the Clark cemetery. His wife survives him and is residing on the old homestead in Coshocton County, Ohio.

W. H. Fair acquired his education in the district schools of Ohio and laid aside his books at the age of nineteen, after which he assisted his father with the work of the farm for several years. In 1891 he came to Livingston county and purchased a farm of one hundred and seventy-two acres lying on sections 4 and 5, Mooresville township, upon which he has since resided. He has made substantial improvements upon the place, erecting a fine residence and barns, and has installed modern machinery and provided all of the conveniences and accessories of a model farm. General farming and stock-raising engage his attention and he has made both branches of his work profitable. He has today one of the finest agricultural properties in Livingston county, the neat and attractive appearance of his place evidencing his many years of care and labor. Aside from his agricultural interests Mr. Fair is a large holder of valuable mining stock in Mexico and Idaho and is also connected with the Uncle Sam Oil Company.

Mr. Fair was married in Holmes county, Ohio, in October, 1881, to Miss Elizabeth Scheu, a daughter of Jacob and Katherine Scheu, the former a shoemaker in that section of Ohio. He died August 17, 1882, and was survived by his wife until 1894. Both are buried in Pleasant Grove cemetery, in Holmes county, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Fair were born three sons. The eldest, Daniel W., resides in Chillicothe. Alonzo D. had grown to manhood and achieved a promising degree of success when his life was cut short by his death at the hands of a murderer in Kansas City, Missouri, in November, 1910. He is buried in the Mooresville cemetery. The youngest son in this family, Lloyd S., is assisting his father with the work of the farm.

Mr. Fair gives his allegiance to the democratic party and has been a director of the school board. His religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Christian church, and fraternally he is connected with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Yeomen. He is a most loyal and public-spirited citizen and in all of the phases of his life, whether in business, social or private relations, is ever found to be a reliable and upright gentleman who well deserves the high regard and esteem which is uniformly given him.

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