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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 247-248

Among the business men of Chillicothe who have won notable success in their chosen calling is Joseph Gladieux, a prominent ice dealer. He has one of the largest and best equipped plants in the city and has been identified with mercantile interests here for over a quarter of a century. He was born in Stark county, Ohio, February 14, 1855, and is a son of August and Mary (Menegay) Gladieux, natives of France. The father came to America when he was ten years of age and settled in Ohio, where he grew to manhood. In that state he followed farming for a number of years, becoming a prosperous and successful agriculturist. He and his wife are now deceased. To their union were born seven children: Louisa, who became the wife of Peter Duprez and died in 1871 ; Mary, the wife of Peter Burgy, who passed away October 17, 1912; August, who died in 1881; Joseph, of this review; Eugene, whose death occurred in 1898; Victorine, the wife of John Klein, of Chillicothe: and Virginia, deceased.

Joseph Gladieux attended the Catholic schools of Stark county, Ohio, and remained upon his father's farm in that section until he was twenty-six years of age. At that time he rented land and improved and developed it for four years, after which he bought his present ice business in Chillicothe, with the conduct of which he has been identified ever since, having built up an extensive and desirable trade. He has won an enviable reputation for reliability and integrity and the prosperity which he now enjoys is all the more creditable because it is the direct result of his energetic and capable management. For a number of years Mr. Gladieux conducted a bottling business in addition to his ice dealing but has now abandoned this branch of his occupation.

On February 15, 1881, Mr. Gladieux married Miss Josephine Pierson, a daughter of Joseph and Mary (Malliard) Pierson, natives of Franco, who emigrated to America, settling in Ohio. The father has passed away but the mother still resides in Chillicothe. To their union were born: Catherine, deceased; Mary, the wife of Joseph Goffinett, of Blue Mound, Illinois; Frank, deceased; Peter, a resident of Walsenburg, Colorado; Clementina, the wife of John Hagerson, of California; Louisa, who married Adam Saale, of Chillicothe; Josephine, the wife of the subject of this review; and Flora and Edward, both of whom have passed away. To Mr. and Mrs. Gladieux nine children were born: Joseph and Mary, who passed away in infancy; Frank Joseph, at home; Irene Mary, the wife of George G. Ferris, of Ottumwa, Iowa; Clara Agnes and Clarence F., twins, who are still with their parents; and Edward George, Victor John and Raymond August, all of whom reside at home. The family are devout members of the Roman Catholic church.

Mr. Gladieux gives his allegiance to the democratic party and keeps well informed on the questions and issues of the day, although he is never active in political affairs in the sense of office seeking. He has lived his life to good purpose, recognizing and using each opportunity as it has come to him, while the methods by which he directs his activities have been always businesslike, progressive and upright. Chillicothe has been his home for many years and the circle of his friends is an extensive one.

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