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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 91-92

Among the most valuable farms of Medicine township, Livingston county, is a two hundred and eighty acre tract on section 33, belonging to James T. Haynes, who came to this county from Illinois in 1894. He was born on September 27, 1853, in Woodford county, Illinois, and is a son of James and Amanda (Hampton) Haynes, both of whom have passed away. He was reared under the parental roof and received his education in the district schools of the neighborhood, discontinuing his lessons at the age of seventeen years. He remained upon his father's farm until twenty years of age, becoming acquainted with the details of agriculture and securing such knowledge as has stood him in good stead in his later career. Leaving his father's farm he hired out as a farm hand for the following two years and during that time by thrift and energy acquired the means to set himself up independently and, coming to Missouri, bought the place which he now owns. Gradually he put his land under cultivation and placed thereon such improvements as he deemed essential to the operation of an up-to-date agricultural enterprise. Following progressive methods his industry and energy have made him one of the substantial men of the locality and his work has not only brought him individual success but has been of constructive value in the development of agricultural methods. He erected a modern ten-room residence on his property equipped with running water, gas and modern plumbing, and there the family make their home. Of the two hundred and eighty acres which he owns, one hundred and eighty are under cultivation and devoted to mixed farming. He specializes in stock-raising and has on his property eleven horses, six head of cattle and one hundred and seventy-five hogs, deriving gratifying income from this branch of his enterprise.

Mr. Haynes was married in Linn county, Missouri, to Miss M. P. Waters, a daughter of Captain R. G. and Margaret (Pruit) Waters, both of whom are deceased, the former having served as captain in the Civil war. To Mr. and Mrs. Haynes were born three children: James R., Flo S. and Margaret L., all of whom make their home on the farm with their father, the son ably assisting in the operation of the place. Later Mr. Haynes married Mrs. Emma Bullock, a daughter of William R. and Frances A. (Harris) Sampson, both deceased. Her father was a member of the Home Guards during the time of the Civil war and was very prominent in the locality where he made his home. The political affiliations of Mr. Haynes are with the progressive party in the principles of which organization he firmly believes. He has made a creditable record along agricultural lines and has found substantial reward in a most gratifying degree of prosperity.

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