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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 19-20

No history of Livingston county would be complete without mention of Andrew J. Hedrick, who is one of the largest landowners and prominent agriculturists of the state, his property holdings aggregating two thousand acres. In the seventy-seventh year of his age, he still operates and manages his farm, which by hard labor and unremitting industry throughout the years he has made a valuable and productive property, Mr. Hedrick was born in Tazewell, Virginia, in September, 18,36, and is a son of Henry and Nancy (Whitley) Hedrick, both of whom have passed away, the mother dying December 22, 1880, and the father November 16, 1890. Both are buried at Utica.

Andrew J. Hedrick acquired his education in the public schools of his native section and laid aside his books at the age of sixteen, securing a position as a farm laborer. He worked thus for two years, after which he came to Livingston county and began his independent agricultural career, buying one hundred acres of land, which he has gradually increased to its present dimensions. Upon this property he is carrying on mixed farming, harvesting annually abundant crops of hay and grain and being likewise extensively interested in stock-raising. In addition to this Mr. Hedrick has gained some local reputation as an expect poultry raiser and has about five hundred fowl upon his premises. He has led an active, useful and honorable life and now occupies a position of prominence and importance in agricultural circles as a result of his sound business ability and practical judgment.

Mr. Hedrick married, in Madison county, Illinois, March 9, 1869, Miss Ella Hughes, a native of Livingston county. They became the parents of two sons: Ira, who is assisting his father; and Ray, who died in infancy. Mrs. Hedrick passed away in March, 1873, and is buried in the Utica cemetery.

Mr. Hedrick gives his allegiance to the democratic party and since making his residence in Livingston county has taken an intelligent and public-spirited interest in the affairs of his community, and served as trustee of the school board for six years. He also was a director in the First National Bank of Chillicothe for a number of years. He is well known in Green township, where be has been a resident for over half a century, during which time his genuine worth, his upright life and his high principles have commended him to the good-will, trust and respect of all with whom he has been associated.

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