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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 241-243

Edward E. Herriman is a descendant of an old Welsh family, members of which at an early date emigrated from the rock-ribbed little principality on Britain's west coast to Canada. The father of our subject was a native of Canada and, crossing the border, made his home for a time in different states of the middle west, eventually coming to Livingston county, Missouri, where he spent the remainder of his life. Edward E. Herriman occupies himself in the dual position of farmer and telegraph operator, owning forty acres of valuable land on section 16, township 57, range 25, Mooresville township, Livingston county. He was brought by his parents to Livingston county in 1871 and is a native of Illinois, where he was born in Erie, October 25, 1866, a son of R. B. and Julia (Mathews) Herriman. After the father left his native land, Canada, he followed the trade of carpenter and wagon manufacturer for a time at Belle Plaine, Iowa, and also remained for some time in Illinois before coming in 1871 to Mooresville township, Livingston county, where he acquired the farm which our subject now owns and to the cultivation of his property he devoted the remainder of his life. He passed away June 30, 1903, and is buried in Mooresville cemetery. The mother, who is surviving, still makes her home on the old farm with our subject. In their family were three children: Edward E. of this review; Carrie, the wife of L. P. Vadnais, who follows agricultural pursuits in Mooresville township; and Luther A., who resides in Chicago, where he fills the position of manager of the Knickerbocker Ice Company.

Edward E. Herriman was reared under the parental roof and, as he was only five years of age when brought to Missouri, received his education in the public schools of Mooresville township, laying aside his text-books at the age of eighteen years. In 1903, upon his father's death, he took charge of the farm and has since devoted a great deal of his attention to its cultivation and improvement. At the age of twenty-one, however, he began to work in the service of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad as telegraph operator and he has ever since held a similar position in connection with this or some other road.

Edward E. Herriman is a member of the Christian church, the services of which he attends regularly and in the work of which organization he takes an active and helpful interest. His political affiliations are with the progressive party, as he is in favor of those principles which are embodied in its platform and believes that by its efforts will be brought about the ultimate salvation of the country from corrupt political practices. Fraternally he affiliates with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which organization he has passed the third chair and he also is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. As a trusted employee of railroad companies, with which he has been connected since 1887, he has gained the full confidence of his superiors in the service. Having lived in this section for over forty years, he has not only been an interested witness of the changes that have occurred but has been a factor in the general advancement of the section. Privately he is a pleasant man, genial of manner and agreeable, and enjoys the friendship of many.

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