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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 118-199

At the age of seventy-five J. W. Herrold is still an active factor in the world's work and a force in agricultural circles of Livingston county, where he owns eighty acres of land on section 29, Mooresville township. He was born near the White river, in Hamilton county, Indiana, April 2, 1838, and is a son of Daniel and Frances (Fierce) Herrold, the former of whom engaged in farming. He came to Indiana from Ohio in his early days and later moved to Knox county, Illinois. He supported the principles of democracy until the outbreak of the Civil war, when he became affiliated with the republican party, continuing his connection with it until his death. His wife has also passed away and both are buried in Victoria cemetery, Knox county, Illinois.

J. W. Herrold was still a child when his parents moved to Knox county and he acquired his education in the public schools of that section, laying aside his books at the age of twenty in order to assist his father with the work of the farm. He began his independent agricultural career as the owner of a farm in Illinois, which, however, he sold in 1869 and came to Livingston county, buying eighty acres on section 20, Mooresville township, whereon he has since resided. He has bent all of his energies to the further development and cultivation of this property and as the years passed made many improvements upon it, building a fine residence and substantial barns and making it one of the most attractive and well equipped properties in this part of the state.

On the 23d of January, 1862, Mr. Herrold was united in marriage to Miss Martha J. Van Buren, a daughter of Peter and Charity Van Buren, the former a pioneer in Illinois and one of the most prominent farmers in the vicinity of Victoria. His death occurred in that section, and that of his wife also, and they are buried side by side in the local cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Herrold have had a rarely happy and contented married life extending over a period of more than fifty years, they having already celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. To their union were born five children, two of whom died in infancy. The others are: Mary, the wife of Samuel Gaines, a farmer near Ottawa, Kansas; Jerusha, who married Neil Kirtley, a prominent farmer in Mooresville township; and John Van Buren, who is also engaged in agricultural pursuits in this township.

Mr. Herrold is affiliated with the Masonic order, holding membership in the blue lodge, and his political views are in accord with the principles of the republican party. He served as director of the school board for many years. He is a faithful and devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church and is a trustee of that institution and a member of the board of managers. He and his wife are well known and highly respected throughout Livingston county, where they have lived for almost half a century and where their fine qualities of mind and character have gained them many friends.

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