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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 340-341

Charles T. Hoyt is a leading merchant of Blue Mound, who owns and conducts a general store and is meeting with gratifying success because of his honorable business methods, his earnest desire to please his patrons and his close application. He is a native son of Livingston county, born October 16, 1872, his father being John H. Hoyt of whom further mention is made elsewhere in this work.

In the acquirement of an education Charles T. Hoyt attended the Vaughn schoolhouse in Fairview township and laid aside his books at the age of eighteen in order to assist his father with the work of the farm. He remained upon the homestead for seven years thereafter but at the end of that time established himself in his present business in Blue Mound. He carries the most complete line of general merchandise in the city, having a store which would be a credit to a community of much larger size. The neat and tasteful arrangement of the stock and the excellent line of goods which he sells have secured for him a gratifying patronage which has increased rapidly as the years have gone by. In addition to his mercantile interests Mr. Hoyt owns also an attractive residence in Blue Mound, in which he lives with his wife and family.

On the 12th of March, 1899, Mr. Hoyt was united in marriage to Miss Eva McKerow, a daughter of Andrew and Susan (Stagner) McKerow, both of whom have passed away and are buried in Blue Mound cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt have two sons, Earl and Lawrence. Mr. Hoyt gives his allegiance to the democratic party and is active and progressive in all matters of citizenship, although he never seeks public office. He is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America, holding a high place in fraternal circles of the city. He is very popular in Blue Mound where he is respected and honored for the many sterling qualities in his character, and he well merits the success which has come to him, for it has been won through business methods which neither seek nor require disguise.

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