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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 66-67

Gilbert Hudgins, senior member of the firm of Hudgins & Comstalk, dealers in groceries, flour, feed and produce in Mooresville, is a native of Livingston county, born January 8, 1869, a son of J. W. and Minerva (Woolsey) Hudgins, the former a pioneer farmer in this section of Missouri. He went to California at the time of the gold rush of 1849 and spent a few years in the mines of that state returning in 1852 by way of the Isthmus of Panama. When he again arrived in Livingston county he resumed his agricultural pursuit continuing to develop his farm until the outbreak of the Civil war when he enlisted in the Confederate army under General Slack served until the close of hostilities. After his discharge be returned to the farm and there died in 1908. His three children are: T. W., who resides upon the home farm; Gilbert, of this review; and Angie, the wife of D. M. McCabrian, of Lawrence , Kansas. The mother of our subject died in 1910 and was laid to rest beside her husband in the family burial ground at Mooresville. On both sides this family is of Scotch-Irish origin and members of the paternal line have been for generations in America, having settled first in Virginia.

Gilbert Hudgins acquired his education in the public schools of Livingston county and laid aside his books at the age of eighteen in order to assist his father with the work of the farm. He remained upon the homestead until April, 1905, at which time he formed a partnership with Mr. Cornstalk in the grocery, flour, feed and produce business, an enterprise in which he still retains his connection. He worked earnestly and persistently in building up the business to its present volume.

On October 3, 1894, Mr. Hudgins was united in marriage to Miss Kate Cornstalk, a daughter of F. W. and Mary Cornstalk and a sister of Mr. Hudgins' partner. They have three children; Gladys A,., who is a graduate of the Mooresville high school and a student in St. Joseph's Academy at Chillicothe; Ray C., who is attending school; and Keith G., aged five. Mr. Hudgins is a democrat and is now in the sixth year of his service as tax collector. He is a charter member of Mooresville lodge. I. 0. 0. F.

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