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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 347-349

Thomas Dick Jones, one of the resourceful farmers and dairymen of Livingston county, who lives upon a well improved farm which he acquired by his own exertions, has resided in this section since he was five years of age and has devoted his entire active career to agricultural pursuits. He is a native of Kentucky, born May 25, 1853, a son of Thomas E. and Julia B. (Hutchins) Jones, both of whom were born in that state. The father engaged in general farming during his active life, following that occupation both in Kentucky and in Livingston county, to which he removed in 1858. He and his wife passed away in this section. To their union were born fifteen children: Ellen Frances, deceased; Charles Edgar, of Chillicothe; Jasper N., who resides in Oklahoma; Catherine, Henry B., Waldo, Adolphus and John W., all of whom have passed away; Thomas Dick, of this review; James W., who resides in Arkansas; Julia and Lizzie, both of whom are deceased; Mary Jane, the wife of C. F. Adams, of Chillicothe; Robert M., who makes his home in San Diego, California; and Alice L., who became the wife of William L. Tunnell, of Chillicothe.

Thomas D. Jones was only five years of age when his parents moved to Livingston county and he has made his home here since that time. He grew up on his father's farm and remained there until he began his independent career, becoming familiar with the best methods of cultivating the soil and studying agriculture in a practical way. Desiring to become independent, he purchased land of his own in Rich, Hill township, which he has greatly improved and which is now one of the highly productive places in this part of the state. In addition to general farming Mr. Jones also engages in dairying, keeping a fine herd of cows for this purpose.

On the 2d of February, 1881, Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Adams, a daughter of Charles A. and Eliza A. (Peabody) Adams, natives of Vermont, who came to Livingston county in 1868. The father was for some time a prominent farmer and a manufacturer of butter and cheese in this section of Missouri and in later years engaged in the wholesale grocery business in Chillicothe. He died on the 11th of March, 1901, having survived his wife for one year. In their family were five children: Carrie, the wife of the subject of this review; Charles F., of Chillicothe; Minnie, deceased; Albert E., who lives in San Diego, California; and Jennie L., who has passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Jones became the parents of seven children: Edna Bascome, the wife of Earl F. Nelson, of Milan, Missouri; Del Rey, who married Allan J. McDowell, of Chillicothe; Irma E., who lives at home: Charles Mervin, who also resides at home; Thomas Edgar, who is attending Columbia University; Esther Eliza, who is still with her parents; and Julia Adams, who also lives at home. The family are devout adherents of the Methodist Episcopal church, South.

Mr. Jones supports always the men and measures of the democratic party, with which he has been affiliated since casting his first vote. He is eminently progressive and public-spirited in matters of citizenship but never seeks public office, preferring to concentrate his attention upon his business affairs. He is a good-roads enthusiast and has done much toward that object by building roads himself, while he has also made a great many speeches on the subject in different parts of the state. He is a strong advocate of the " Farm advisor" and has done a great deal of work in that line in this and adjoining counties. He devotes his time to farming and dairying and by close application and good judgment in all of his operations has been successful in a high degree and as a result has gained an enviable reputation as one of the representative men of Rich Hill township.

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