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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 24-25

J. Bernard Klein, whose intense and well directed energy constitutes a forceful factor in the successful management of the interests of the Klein Plumbing & Heating Company, of Chillicothe, is manager of that concern. His sound judgment has made his opinions of weight in determining the policy of the house and his business acumen has been instrumental in placing it among the leading enterprises of this kind in this part of the state, He is a native son of the city, born August 13, 1889, his parents being Nicholas M. and Margaret (Rommelfenger) Klein, representatives of old German families. The father was one of the early settlers in Chillicothe and for some years was identified with business interests as a successful shoe merchant. He is now living retired in this city.

J. Bernard Klein acquired his education in the St. Columban parochial school and later attended the Hartford (Wis.) high school. He laid aside his books at the age of fifteen and at once began learning the plumbing trade, his special training and practical experience gained at this time becoming the broad foundation of his later success. Since June, 1911, he has been manager of the Klein Plumbing & Heating Company, conducting one of the largest establishments of this kind in the city and doing work throughout a territory of seventy-five miles around Chillicothe. Mr. Klein devotes his entire attention to the affairs of this concern and under his able guidance it has become a profitable business and a factor in the commercial activity of the city.

Mr. Klein gives his allegiance to the democratic party, believing in all progressive political measures and giving his active cooperation to movements for the public welfare. His religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and fraternally he is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus. He is still a young man but he possesses a keen ambition to achieve success in the business world, which combined with his ability and force of personality will undoubtedly he factors in his continued progress.

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