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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 304-305

After a long and useful career as an agriculturist Joseph B. Leavell is living in Chula, enjoying the comforts provided by many years of honest and zealous labor and giving some attention to the hardware firm of Wallace & Leavell, in which he owns one half interest. He was born in Harrison county, Kentucky, January 4, 1855, and is a son of J. H. and Lucinda (Milner) Leavell, the former an early settler in Livingston county. In 1836 he purchased a farm upon which the town of Chula was afterward built and he became very prominent and widely known throughout the county. He died about 1898, at the advanced age of eighty-two, and was survived by his wife until March 19, 1907 Both are buried in the May cemetery.

Joseph B. Leaved acquired his education in the public schools of Maple Grove and Chula, attending during four months of each year and spending the remainder of his time assisting with the work of his father's farm. At the age of twenty he laid aside his books but still continued upon the homestead, where he remained until he was thirty-seven years of age. At that time he and his brother, Samuel, purchased a farm and cultivated it for many years. Mr. Leavell of this review now owns one hundred and twenty-seven acres on section 16, Cream Ridge township. This is a highly cultivated farm divided by substantial fences into convenient fields and improved with a modern residence, erected by Mr. Leavell, and barns and outbuildings, and is equipped with all modern accessories. During his period of residence there Mr. Leavell engaged in general farming and was also extensively interested in stock-raising, keeping horses, cattle, sheep and swine. On February 1, 1913, Mr. Leavell purchased a half interest in the hardware firm of Wallace & Leavell and now gives some of his time and attention to the interests of this concern.

Mr. Leavell married, near Meadville, Linn county, on December 2, 1891, Miss Susan Littrell, a daughter of Joseph and Derinda Littrell, the former a pioneer farmer of Linn county. He died in March, 1899, at the age of sixty-six, and is buried in the Botts graveyard. His wife survives him and resides upon the homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Leavell became the parents of a son, O. B., who is a graduate of the Chula schools and who received the degree of B. A. from Jackson University.

Mr. Leavell is a democrat in his political beliefs and his religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Presbyterian church. Since moving into Chula he has erected another fine home here, where he resides in comfort, honored and esteemed for his progressive spirit and many fine qualities of character which have won him the confidence and respect of the community.

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