Other People | Frank J. Bradley | Olive Rambo Cook | Jerry Litton |
Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 241

Livingston county is proud to number among its citizens such an upright, progressive and public-spirited man as A. B. Macdonald, who for many years has been prominently connected with those enterprises which directly affect growth and development. He is at present proprietor of one of the finest jewelry stores in Chillicothe, fully equipped in every detail, with a modern optical department and all of the most improved instruments for the scientific treatment of the eye. Mr. Macdonald has in addition been closely connected for many years with the public life of the city and as alderman for the second ward has accomplished many things of lasting and practical benefit to the community. His public and private life have alike been above reproach and he well deserves the confidence and high regard in which he is uniformly held. His career has been characterized by honorable dealings and straightforward methods and he today occupies a most enviable position as a progressive business man and public spirited citizen.

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