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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 39-40

Among the extensive and prosperous landowners of Medicine township, Livingston county, is Wade H. Manning, who has become widely known as a stock-raiser of reputation, His farm of three hundred and forty five a acres is located on section it, Medicine township, and there lie was born December 8, 1879, a son of A. H. and Jennie (Anderson) Manning, both deceased. The father passed away in 1901 and the mother preceded him in death in 1896, both finding their last resting place in Chillicothe cemetery.

Wade H. Manning was reared under the parental roof and received his education in the public schools of Chillicothe, where he attended high school, leaving the latter institution at the age of twenty years. During his vacation periods he had acquainted himself with the methods and details of modern farming under the able guidance of his father and he began to manage the home farm and operate the same even before he reached his majority. Upon the death of his father the property came into his possession. Two hundred acres of the tract is under cultivation and there he engages in mixed farming, paying particular attention to stock-raising, the importance of which branch of his business is evidenced by the fact that he keeps fifteen horses, one hundred head of cattle and about two hundred hogs. Since coming in possession of the property he has instituted a number of improvements, including up-to-date equipment, and has remodeled and improved upon his buildings, greatly enhancing the value of the farm. His stock-raising interests are of such an extensive scope that they greatly add to his income and his industry and energy find substantial reward in a most gratifying degree of prosperity.

On October 1, 1911, Mr. Manning was married to Miss Lucy Clowdis, a daughter of Andrew J. and Mary R. (Smith) Clowdis, both of whom are deceased, the father passing away in March. 1904, and the mother in July, 1901. In his political views Mr. Manning is a democrat and is prominent in the local councils of his party, although he has never aspired to public office. His fraternal relation are with the Masonic body, in which he holds membership in the blue lodge. He is one of the most prosperous of the younger farmers of this section and the record which he has made is so creditable that none can grudge him the success which is his.

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