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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 82-85

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Elton L. Marshall, who enjoys the distinction of being the youngest prosecuting attorney in the state of Missouri, is now acceptably filling that position in Livingston county, having been elected on the progressive ticket in November, 1912. He is a keen, able and successful lawyer, a careful and progressive public official and is, therefore, well qualified by character and attainments to fill the responsible office which he holds. He is a native son of Livingston county, born in Avalon, July 29, 1887, his parents being Dr. Andrew and Maggie (Vaughan) Marshall. The father came from Canada in 1872. Having received his medical degree from the State University at Ann Arbor, he opened an office for the practice of his profession in Avalon and is today one of the prominent and successful physicians of that community.

Elton L. Marshall acquired his early education in the Avalon public schools and after completing the high-school course entered the State Normal School at Kirksville, Missouri, from which he received his degree, He spent some time thereafter teaching school, gaining a position of prominence and importance in this line of work and for one year was assistant superintendent of schools in New, London, Missouri, and one year principal of schools in Bowling Green, before he was twenty-one years of age. He later attended the University of Missouri, receiving from that institution the degrees of A. B. and LL. B. and then abandoned his career as a teacher in order to give his time to his legal work, beginning his connection with law in Chillicothe, where his ability soon gained for him a large and representative patronage and won him also public recognition. In 1912 he was elected on the progressive ticket county prosecuting attorney of Livingston county and has already demonstrated his administrative ability, his legal talent and his fearlessness in the discharge of duty.

Mr. Marshall makes his home in the Henrietta Hotel in Chillicothe and is well known and very popular in social and fraternal circles. He is a member of the blue lodge in Masonry and is connected also with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he has in addition extensive affiliations with Greek letter societies, belonging to Phi Alpha Delta, Beta Theta Pi and Delta Sigma Rho. He is one of the representative young men of Chillicothe, interested in public affairs and active in promoting public welfare, advancement and progress. As an official, as a lawyer and as a citizen his success and prominence have a common cause in his aggressiveness, his comprehensive knowledge and his breadth of view, qualities which promise well for still greater future attainment.

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