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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 342-343

James J. Martin, a native son and a lifelong resident of Livingston county, has been engaged in farming since the beginning of his active career and is now the owner of one hundred and thirty-five acres of good land in Rich Hill township. He was born on the 10th of March, 1871, on the family homestead on section 16 and is a son of Joseph and Ellen Martin, natives of Ireland, who came to America in 1850 and located on a farm in Livingston county. The father had been a farmer in his native country and was, therefore, well equipped to begin his life in the new world. He developed a fine property in this section, following the most practical and modern methods, and before his retirement gained a high place in agricultural circles. He has now given up active life and makes his home with his son. His wife died in 1906.

James J. Martin is the only son born to his parents. He was educated in the public schools of his native county and in his childhood he aided with the work of the homestead. After he had attained his majority he continued farming and has now for many years been developing the home farm in his own interests and those of his father. As an agriculturist he is known as one of the most progressive and prosperous in this vicinity, his work having proven profitable as the years have gone by, and his holdings now comprise one hundred and thirty-five acres. A man of resourceful business ability, he has capably conducted his labors and his keen discernment and enterprise have constituted the basis of a most desirable success.

Mr. Martin married Miss Agnes Murphy, a daughter of John and Margaret (Kennedy) Murphy, early settlers in Livingston county, who are now residing in Chillicothe. During his active life the father was a well known cattle feeder and general farmer and gained gratifying success along both lines of his interests. Among their children were: Timothy, who resides in Chillicothe; Patrick J., judge of the county court in Great Bend, Kansas; John, who makes his home in Chillicothe; and Robert J., a resident of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Martin became the parents of three children: Emily Ellen, born on the 5th of August, 1906; Mary Margaret, whose birth occurred on the 24th of September, 1908; and Dorothy Agnes, born in November, 1911. The family are members of the Roman Catholic church.

Mr. Martin gives his allegiance to the democratic party and is now serving as township assessor. He has often been called upon to fill public positions of responsibility and importance and for the past ten years has been continuously in township offices, his work proving one of the dominating forces in local political development. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and is active in the affairs of the Knights of Columbus and belongs to the Anti Horse Thief Association. Mr. Martin needs no word of commendation to the residents of Livingston county, where he has spent his entire life, for the upright and manly principles which have ever governed his actions, constituting him one of the valued and honored citizens of the community, have won for him the confidence and regard of all with whom he has come in contact.

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