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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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O. B. McCOY.

Pages 316-317

The energy, progressive spirit and organizing power which O. B. McCoy has displayed in the building up and development of the Chula Telephone Exchange have gained wide recognition in business circles and have brought him a degree of success which places him in the front ranks of the substantial and representative men of the community. He was born in Calhoun county, West Virginia, February 28, 1872, and is a son of Alexander and Celia (Pribell) McCoy, the former of whom is now residing retired in Chula after many years' identification with farming interests. He was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war and is a man faithful to every trust and obligation of life. In his family were the following children: O. B., of this review; Amanda, the wife of N. J. Cadell, of Iola, Kansas; Eugene, a resident of Chula; and Alfred, who makes his home in Medicine township.

O. B. McCoy acquired his education in the public schools of Jackson township, this county, and laid aside his books at the age of sixteen, after which he worked on different farms for about five years. Later he rented land and carried on general agricultural pursuits successfully. When he abandoned this line of occupation he turned his attention to business, buying a small telephone exchange which was hardly more than the beginning of a business, Mr. McCoy's excellent executive ability was called forth and he bent all of his energies to the development of the concern, organizing, building up and systematizing and making it finally a well managed and profitable enterprise. He has now about three hundred and fifty subscribers and the number is constantly increasing, for Mr. McCoy makes it his aim to provide efficient and rapid service.

In Springhill, Jackson township, February 28, 1892, Mr. McCoy was united in marriage to Miss Laura A. Herring, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Herring, old settlers in Jackson township. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy have four children: Annie M., who is a telephone operator in her father's office; and Lulu, Ova and Mamie, all of whom are attending school. Mr. McCoy gives his allegiance to the progressive party and has been for the past three years a member of the village board. He is well known in fraternal circles, holding membership in the blue lodge of masonry, the Order of the Eastern Star and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His religious views are in accord with the doctrines of the Presbyterian church. He is very prominent and widely known in Chula, for throughout a long period he has been an important factor in its business life, and the prosperity which he today enjoys is well deserved.

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