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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Hal D. McHolland, president of the Chillicothe Publishing & Printing Company and editor of the Chillicothe Daily and Weekly Tribune, is an experienced and able journalist, having been connected with this line of work since his childhood. A spirit of progress actuates him in the conduct of his newspaper and his enterprise and modern methods are manifest also in his business affairs. He is a native son of the city, born January 31, 1874, his parents being David A. and Adaline (Tiffany) McHolland, the former a native of Indiana and the latter of Ohio. The father served in the Civil war as a member of the Fifty-second Indiana Regiment, going to the front as captain and being promoted to the rank of major and then to that of lieutenant colonel. He moved to Chillicothe after his discharge and there engaged in the wagon and blacksmithing business until his death, which occurred in 1876. His wife was active in church and charity work in the city and was also prominent and influential in the affairs of the Women's Relief Corps. She has also passed away, her death having occurred in Chillicothe in 1907.

Hal D. McHolland acquired his early education in the public schools of Chillicothe and supplemented this by a course in Carver Business College. He began his independent career as a carrier boy for the Chillicothe Tribune and he has been connected with this paper since that time, rising through successive stages of progress and advancement to his present influential position. He was successively printer, foreman and then president of the Chillicothe Publishing & Printing Company and editor of the Chillicothe Daily and Weekly Tribune, his progressive methods being manifest in increased circulation and advertising patronage. He has a modern and well equipped plant and is conducting a paper that is thoroughly up-to-date in every particular. While the Tribune is published as a progressive republican newspaper, it takes an independent position in municipal affairs, standing always in favor of reform and advancement in everything relating to the welfare of the individual and of the community.

On the 25th of November, 1896, Mr. McHolland married Miss Esther A. Dawson, a daughter of Joseph A. and Cornelia P. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. McHolland have two children, Adaline Marjory and Joe D. Mr. McHolland is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and other secret societies. His wife belongs to the Daughters of the American Revolution and is prominent in club and social circles of the city. In Chillicothe they are widely known and popular and their home is a most hospitable one, its good cheer being greatly enjoyed by their many friends.

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