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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 72-76

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Raymond F. McNally, cashier and a member of the board directors of the Citizens National Bank of Chillicothe, is a native son of the city, born November 21, 1879. His father, Thomas McNally, came to Chillicothe in the late '60s and for many years engaged in the the contracting business. Upon the organization of the Citizens National Bank in 1889, he was elected its president and served in this capacity until his death, which occurred in January, 1899. He was survived by his wife, who was in her maidenhood Miss Ida Fitzpatrick. She was born in Canada, a daughter of John Fitzpatrick, who was well known as a dealer in marble and monuments but is now retired. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNally became the parents of five children: Raymond F., of this review; Thomas F., who is a lawyer in St. Louis; Mary Tully, who married A. L. Bernardin, Jr., of Evansville, Indiana; Kathleen Elizabeth, now Mrs. W. B. Finney, of Kansas City, Missouri; and Anna Louise, who makes her home with her mother in Chillicothe.

Raymond F. McNally was reared at home and acquired his early education in St. Columbian's parish school, afterward matriculating at Christian Brothers College in St. Louis, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1898. Several years later, when he delivered the master's oration at the commencement exercises, the degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by his alma mater. In 1901 Mr. McNally was elected cashier of the Citizens National Bank, which position he still holds, acting also as a member of the board of directors. He is thoroughly conversant with the banking business in principle and detail and his capable management of the affairs of the Citizens National is manifest in its growing success. It is one of the reliable financial institutions of this part of the state, where it has gained a reputation for conservative care in the interests of its depositors. The official board is as follows: W. W. Edgerton, president: Joseph C. Minteer, vice president; R. F. McNally. cashier; and J. M. Dunn, assistant cashier. The bank is a United States depository, and has a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. Mr. McNally has been chairman and secretary of this group in the Missouri Bankers Association and has been honored by several important committee assignments in it. In addition to his banking interests Mr. McNally is also serving as a director of the Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce and the Chillicothe Factory Site Association, these connections indicating his interest in civic expansion and the force of his public spirit.

On the 23d of October, 1899, Mr. McNally was united in marriage in St. Louis to Miss Annabelle Quinn, of that city. Mrs. McNally's parents had moved to St. Louis a few years previous to the marriage, coming from Little Rock, Arkansas, which had been the family home for many years. Her father, J. P Quinn, was a South Carolinan and later became a prominent merchant in Little Rack. Mr. and Mrs. McNally have a son and a daughter, Raymond F., Jr., and Mary Gray.

Fraternally Mr. McNally is identified with the Knights of Columbus and has gained a position of prominence and distinction in that organization. He was one of the charter members of the local council and was the first grand knight, serving afterward as treasurer of the state council for four years and for two years as state deputy supreme knight. He is a member also of the Chillicothe lodge of Elks and St. Patrick's branch of the Western Catholic Union. Both he and his wife are members of the Roman Catholic church and in their lives exemplify the doctrines in which they believe. They are well known in Chillicothe and their hospitable home is the center of a charming circle of friends. Mr. McNally gives his influence and aid to all progressive public measures and is highly esteemed and respected in public as well as private relations.

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