Other People | Frank J. Bradley | Olive Rambo Cook | Jerry Litton |
Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 35-37

Scott Miller is a leading representative of financial interests of Ludlow, where he has served as president of the First National Bank since its organization in 1905. He has been, moreover, since 1882 one of the substantial and successful agriculturists of Livingston county, owning a fine farm of four hundred acres on sections 4, 9 and 16, Monroe township, which he has developed by practical and progressive methods into one of the most valuable properties in this section of the state. He was born in Mount Morris, Ogle county, Illinois, April 20, 1856, and is a son of John and Anna E. (Schwartzwelder) Miller, both of Pennsylvania-Dutch extraction. The father came to Caldwell county, Missouri, in his early years and settled on a farm three miles beyond Braymer, where he still resides, being active and hearty in spirit and interests at the advanced age a of eighty-six. lie survives his wife, who died in 1906, at the age of seventy-six, and is buried in Braymer cemetery.

Scott Miller acquired an elementary education in the district schools, laying aside his books at the age of eighteen, but is largely self-educated. He was reared to the occupation of farming, having spent his childhood upon his father's property, giving his aid in the minor duties and learning as he grew to manhood all of the details connected with the work of a practical agriculturist. At the age of twenty-one he began his independent career, purchasing a farm of his own, which he developed for a short time. In 1882, however, he sold this tract and moved to Livingston county, where, he purchased two hundred acres of land, to which he has added from time to time until his farm now comprises four hundred acres. Here for thirty-one years he has carried on mixed farming, bringing the fields to a high state of cultivation, raising high-grade stock and meeting with that success which always rewards persistent and well directed labor. He has made substantial improvements upon the property, including a comfortable residence and barns for the shelter of his sixty head of cattle and forty horses. In addition he is extensively interested in the raising of high-grade swine and keeps an average of three hundred upon his farm. Mr. Miller has won success in the development of his land, for he has made a close study of farming and follows always the most modern methods of carrying on the work. Of late years he has extended his activities to include many phases of the business life of Ludlow and is well known in that community as the able president of the First National Bank, an institution founded in 1905 and with which he has been connected since that time.

Mr. Miller married, in Monroe township, where the town of Ludlow is now located, on March 18, 1880, Miss Joan Critchfield, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Critchfield, both deceased, who are buried in McKoskrie cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Miller became the parents of two children: Inez, who is teaching school; and Paul, who passed away in 1907, at the age of twenty-five, and who is buried in the Fairmound cemetery, Denver, Colorado.

Mr. Miller gives his allegiance to the progressive party but has no desire nor inclination for office, although he has served as township treasurer. His interest in public affairs is of a most practical order, manifest by active cooperation in measures calculated to promote the public good. He is a man of unusual ability, business discrimination and foresight and these qualities, combined with his forceful personality, make him a leading factor in agricultural and business circles.

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Other People | Frank J. Bradley | Olive Rambo Cook | Jerry Litton |

Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913
