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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 52-55

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Joseph C. Minteer, prominently connected with business interests of Chillicothe as partner and president of the hardware firm of Minteer, Williams & Minteer, was born in Harrison county, Kentucky, August 20, 1840. He is a son of William and Sarah (Davis) Minteer, both of whom have passed away, the father dying in 1850 and the mother in 1889. The father was a stanch supporter of the democratic party during all his life and well known in community affairs of Harrison county.

Joseph C. Minteer began his education in the public schools of Kentucky and completed it in those of Chillicothe, laying aside his books at the age of eighteen. He spent three years thereafter in a dry-goods store, his practical training and experience at this time constituting the broad foundation of his present success along mercantile lines. He clerked in another dry-goods establishment in Chillicothe for four months and at the end of that time returned to Kentucky, where he remained until January, 1863. Upon his return here he clerked in the establishment con ducted by Colonel R. F. Dunn, spending thirteen years in this position and resigning in order to open a grocery store of his own. This enterprise he conducted for one year, but at the end of that time entered the employ of a wholesale house in St. Joseph and worked in the interests of that concern for eleven years, establishing in the meantime the business of which he is now president. Mr. Williams, his present partner, worked for Mr. Minteer twenty-five years before he was admitted to membership in the firm and on January 12, 1913, Harry Minteer, a nephew of our subject, was also taken into the concern. They conduct one of the most important hardware enterprises in the city and their business is growing along satisfactory lines, its development being due in large measure to Mr. Minteer's persistent and well directed efforts. Mr. Minteer is also prominent in banking circles, for he was one of those who organized the Citizens National Bank twenty-five years ago and still serves as vice president of this strong financial institution.

A democrat in his political views he takes an active and intelligent interest in public affairs, although this never takes the form of office seeking. Commendable principles have governed his life and shaped his conduct in his relations with his fellowmen and he is, therefore, widely and favorably known in Livingston county, where he has resided for so many years.

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