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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 98-100

The educational interests of Chillicothe find an able representative in Allen Moore, who is the president of the Chillicothe Business College and is such has exerted a far-reaching influence upon the young men and women of the community, many of whom he has prepared for a successful commercial career. Although quite a young man, or just because he is a young man, he has been successful, understanding more readily the needs and equipment of this age of intense and complex activity. He was born February 19, 1886, at Stanberry, Missouri, and is a son of Allen Moore, Sr., a native of Indiana, who was born July 4, 1853, at Huntington. About 1880 the father removed from his native state to Stanberry and a decade later came to Chillicothe. He became a prominent educator along commercial lines and was president of the Chillicothe Normal School, the Stanberry Normal School and also the Springfield Normal School. He was of the Quaker faith and in his political views a democrat. His active life was closed January 9, 1907, when he passed away at Chillicothe. On August 16, 1883, he was married at Linneus, Missouri, to Miss Emma Dryden, who was born in that city, June 9, 1862, and reared in Linn county, Missouri. She survived her husband until July 19, 1908. The paternal grandfather, Samuel Moore, was born September 25, 1818, in North Carolina, but at an early age was taken by his parents to Huntington county, Indiana, where he was reared and grew to manhood. During all his life he followed the occupation of farming. He was a republican in his political views and of the Quaker faith. He died at Huntington, Indiana, June 12, 1895. On October 7, 1846, he married Elizabeth Wiley, who was born October 20, 1826, in Ohio, and grew to womanhood in Huntington county, Indiana. They had eight children: George Moore, deceased; Minerva White, of Bloomington, Illinois; Vincent W. Moore, of Huntington, Indiana; John B. Moore, deceased; Allen Moore, Sr., the father of our subject, deceased; and three, who died in childhood. The maternal grandfather was Nathaniel Julien Dryden, a native of Kentucky, who was reared and grew to manhood in Linn county, Missouri. He was a physician and also followed agricultural pursuits for a part of his life. In politics he was a democrat and his religious faith was that of the Methodist church, South. He passed away about 1865. He was married to Martha Holland Russell, who was born in Virginia, May 23, 1820, and was reared in Linn county, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel J. Dryden had fourteen children, including Mrs. Fannie Edwards, deceased; Nathaniel Dryden, deceased; Mrs. Sallie Lyons, deceased; Mrs. Mattie L. Meyer, of Excelsior Springs, Missouri; D. C. Dryden, of Purdin, Missouri; R. H. Dryden, making his home in the same city; Mrs. Nannie Cassity, of Linneus, Missouri; John Dryden, of Sumner, Missouri; Mrs. Mary Stannard, of Ipswich, South Dakota; and Emma, the mother of our subject. The other four have passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moore, Sr., were the parents of seven children: Vincent D., born October 1, 1884, deceased; Allen, our subject; Ralph LeRoy, born August 11, 1887, at Stanberry, Missouri, who is associated in business with his brother Allen; Irene M., born May 16, 1890, who married J. R. Townsend, a real-estate man of Chillicothe, Missouri; Elizabeth M., born November 12, 1892, the wife of R. H. Vertrees, a banker of Olustee, Oklahoma; Mabel. born August 12, 1895, deceased; and George D., born June 6, 1898, who makes his home with our subject.

Allen Moore was reared at home and attended school until he began a course in the Chillicothe Normal School and, graduating therefrom, attended Valparaiso University of Valparaiso, Indiana, until 1906. He then became associated with his father in his various educational institutions and upon the death of the latter took charge and became president of the Chillicothe Business College, which was formerly called the Chillicothe Normal School, and also became vice president of the Springfield Business College of Springfield, Missouri. His brother, Ralph LeRoy, is associated with our subject in conducting these schools. He is a graduate of the Chillicothe public schools and the Chillicothe Normal School and at this writing occupies the position of vice president of the Chillicothe Business College. The courses of instruction these schools furnish are of the very highest class and that they are effective is manifest by the large attendance the institutions enjoy. Both brothers devote their undivided attention to the betterment and conduct of these business colleges, which enjoy a reputation of the highest character in the city and surrounding country. Allen Moore is a democrat in his political views and although he is public-spirited and takes a laudable interest in the upbuilding and development of Chillicothe, has never aspired to public office, as the many demands his schools make upon his time make active participation in political affairs practically impossible. His religion is that of the Methodist church, South. He is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.

Ralph LeRoy Moore was married October 5, 1910, at Twelve Mile, Indiana, to Miss Maud Maus, who is a native of that place. He is a democrat in politics, a member of the Methodist church, South and an Elk. Allen Moore, as the head of two of the most important educational institutions along commercial lines, occupies a foremost position in the city which he calls his home, especially in relation to the younger generation, many of whom have laid by the courses which they took in his schools the foundation for a successful commend career.

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