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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 252-256

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As the oldest physician of Chula, Missouri, Dr. Emmet F. Ogan is not only a prominent member of the medical fraternity here but is also well known as the owner of the Chula News and has important real-estate interests in this city. Dr. Ogan came to Livingston county on September 5, 1895, from Nettleton, Missouri, and is a native of Linn county, this state, where he was born November 25, 1857, a son of Ervin and Rebecca (Jones) Ogan, both of whom have passed away, the father dying in 1884 and the mother in 1881. They are buried in the Ogan cemetery, in Linn county, on the same farm on which the father settled in 1838. He was one of the early pioneers of this section, where he became very prominent and was greatly respected and at an early date was chosen to represent his district in the state legislature.

Emmet F. Ogan was reared under the parental roof and acquired his education in the public schools of Linn county, which he left at the age of twenty years. At such time when he was not occupied with his lessons he helped his father with the work on the farm and subsequently engaged in that occupation independently, buying land for himself which he farmed for seven years and subsequently sold. His natural bent, however, adapted him more for a professional career and at the end of this period he decided to improve his education and took a two years' course at the Chillicothe Normal School. Subsequently he attended medical lectures at St. Louis for three years and after receiving his certificate practiced in Perry county, Missouri, for about a year and a half before he came to Livingston county. Here he has been engaged in practice since September 5, 1895, or for seventeen years, being the oldest resident physician of Chula. As he is careful in diagnosis, painstaking in his work and skillful and experienced, he has built up a large clientage as his reputation has increased. He is considered one of the ablest men in the profession in this section and as his practice has grown he has attained to prosperity. His interests extended to other fields when he became the owner of the Chula News and he now lives a part of his time to making this newspaper one of the best in the vicinity.

On September 28, 1883, Dr. Ogan was married to Miss Lucy A. Duncan, a daughter of Garland and Mildred (Goetch) Duncan, both of whom are deceased and buried in Linn county. Mrs. Ogan also passed away September 1, 1890 and was laid to final rest in the Ogan cemetery on the old home farm in Linn county, Missouri. Of this marriage were born two children; Rebecca A., the wife of D. J. Sidebottom, residing at Harris, Missouri; and Ira, who passed away in 1907 and is buried in Linn county. On July 13, 1898, the Doctor married Miss Ida B. Scarlet, a daughter of Richard and Mary (Cameron) Scarlet. The former passed away in 1892, his burial taking place at Chula, but the latter is still living and makes her home in this city. Of this marriage were born two children, Emmet S. and Richard I., both at home

The political affiliations of Dr. Ogan are with the democratic party and although he is public-spirited and takes interest in all measures inaugurated to promote the public welfare, he has never aspired to office. His fraternal relations are with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which order he has attained the third degree and has filled all of the chairs of the lodge. He is also affiliated with the Modem Woodmen of America. Capable, earnest and conscientious in the performance of his professional duties, Dr. Ogan has demonstrated his ability to successfully cope with the ravage of sickness and disease and his practice is incontrovertible evidence of the confidence which he enjoys. Prosperity is his well merited reward and as his means have increased he has judiciously invested in local property and today owns several valuable business buildings in Chula beside the family residence, where Dr. and Mrs. Ogan extend a warm welcome to their many friends, who often delight to gather at their hospitable fireside.

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