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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 264-265

After a long and useful career as an agriculturist James F. Oliver is living retired in Chillicothe, enjoying the comforts earned during his years of well directed and zealous labor. He is a native son of this section, born in Livingston county, October 28, 1850, his parents being John C. and Jane (Prillman) Oliver, natives of Virginia. They came to Livingston county in pioneer times, settling near Dawn in 1849. There the father purchased land and carried on farming

until his death, The mother has also passed away. To their union were born seven children: George H., John B., Sarah and Thomas E., all of whom are now deceased: Mary E. the wife of J. H. Shield of Iola, Kansas; Parthenia, the wife of William Winfrey, of Avalon and James F., of this review.

James F. Oliver acquired his education in the public schools of Livingston county and at the age of eighteen laid aside his books in order to engage in the butcher business. After three years he took up farming and at the age of twenty-two married and took charge of the farm in Blue Mound township belonging to his mother-in-law. With intelligence and singleness of purpose he carried forward the work of development, making the property a model agricultural enterprise. Being successful in his undertakings, he added to his holdings from time to time and finally operated four hundred acres. Eventually however, he moved to Chillicothe township, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres, upon which he resided until 1898, when he retired from active life and purchased a fine home in Chillicothe where he now resides.

On the 10th of October, 1872, Mr. Oliver was united in marriage Miss Theresa Weir, a daughter of Robert and Sarah (Jacobs) Weir, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Ohio. They came to Missouri about the year 1843 and settled near Utica on a farm which the father operated until his death, which occurred on the 29th of May, 1861. His wife has also passed away, her death having occurred September 10, 1909. In their family were three children: Olivia, deceased; Theresa, the wife of the subject of this review; and William John, of Blue Mound township. To Mr. and Mrs. Oliver were born six children: J. Claude, who is a ranchman of Nevada; Anna , at home; Roy, who passed away July 6, 1888; Vergil, who is a Pullman car conductor and who makes his home in Denver, Colorado; Kate, who married William Epperson, of Great Falls, Montana; and Lulu Grace, the wife of M. L. Crouch, of Joliet, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver are devout adherents of the Methodist Episcopal church, South.

Mr. Oliver gives his allegiance to the democratic party and has always taken a loyal and progressive interest in the affairs of his community, although his public spirit never takes the form of office seeking. Fraternally he is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Masons. He stands high among the substantial men of the community and his progressive spirit and the trustworthy worthy qualities of his character have won for him widespread confidence and respect.

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