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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 71-72

Mercantile interests of Mooresville find a worthy representative in Rev. Thomas G. Petree, dealer in groceries, flour, feed and produce. He is senior partner in the firm of Petree & Son and is a thoroughly reliable, progressive and able business man, besides being well known as a minister of the Methodist church. He was born in Ray county, Missouri, July 27, 1856, and is a son of George and Martha W. (Kincaid) Petree, the former for many years a prominent farmer of Ray county, who followed this occupation until the outbreak of the Civil war, at which time he volunteered and served until the close of hostilities, resuming his agricultural career after his discharge. He became well known in farming circles and also in political life as a consistent democrat and achieved wide popularity on account of his many fine qualities of mind and character. He passed away September 9, 1901, and is buried in the Kincaid burial ground in Ray county, Missouri.

Rev. Thomas G. Petree acquired his early education in the public schools of his native section. His life furnishes many examples of quiet courage, patience and determination, for he was hampered in his struggle for success by the loss of his leg in an accident which occurred when he was sixteen years of age. In spite of this he persevered in his efforts for an education, paying his own expenses through the Kirksville Normal School and the Hamilton Normal School and laying aside his books at the age of twenty, fully equipped for teaching. He followed this occupation for nine years and at the end of that time was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church. He received his orders in 1888 and worked loyally, faithfully and perseveringly in the cause of Christianity until 1902, when he was retired. In the same year he formed a partnership with his son under the firm name of Petree & Son and has since dealt in groceries, flour, feed and produce, securing a liberal and representative patronage and making his influence felt in the mercantile circles of the community.

Mr. Peirce married, at Mooresville, February 24, 1881,Miss Ida L. Tomlin, a daughter of Michael and Eliza (Williams) Tomlin, the former at one time a prominent farmer of Livingston county. Both have passed away and are buried in Gaunt cemetery, near Mooreville. Rev. and Mrs. Petree became the parents of three children, two of whom died in infancy. The other is a son, Thomas Culver, who is in partnership with his father.

Mr. Petree is a democrat in his political views and active and loyal in all matters of citizenship. At the present time he is serving as justice of the peace and is in the fourth year of his work as township tax collector. He is well known in Mooresville and in various parts of Missouri, where he has resided for many years, during which time his genuine worth, his active life and his high principles have commended him to the good-will, trust and respect of all who are associated with him.

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