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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Pages 300-301

Charles M. Powell, for twenty-four years past a lumber merchant in Chula and well known as a representative citizen of Livingston county, was born in Linn county, May 13, 1870. He is a son of S. M. and Emma (Heaston) Powell, the former a pioneer in Linn county, who came to that section at an early date from Virginia. He served during the Civil war and afterward followed farming until his death, which occurred in 1891. He is buried in the Mount Olive cemetery in Linn county and is survived by his wife, who resides upon the homestead. They became the parents of six children: Charles M., of this review; Zelma, the wife of E. Chapman, a merchant in Kansas City, Missouri; Lila, the deceased wife of Elmer Parkhurst; Ola, who is a traveling salesman, residing Kansas City; Edgar, who is engaged in farming in Linn county; and Katie, who married Ike Larson, manager of Mr. Powell's farm.

Charles M. Powell acquired his early education in Sullivan county, completing his studies at Humphrey's College, from which he was graduated. Immediately afterward he opened a lumberyard in Chula, which was the first enterprise of this kind in the community and which is the only one in operation today. Mr. Powell erected his business building upon a tract of land which was at that time a corn field but which is now in the center of the business district of the city. He has been very successful, for he understands the lumber business in principle and detail and has met with the reward of well applied industry. He is also part owner of a hardware store here and in addition to his interests in Chula owns a lumberyard and a farm implement business at Laredo, Missouri. He is recognized by his associates as a substantial and competent business man, whose word is as good as his bond and whose record has been untarnished.

Mr. Powell married, in Chula, November 12, 1893, Miss Rebecca Woods, a daughter of W. C. and Wilmot (Maupin) Woods, the former a pioneer farmer of Grundy county. They reside at Alpha, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Powell became the parents of two children: Chester C., who is assisting his father; and Marian, who is attending public school.

Mr. Powell gives his allegiance to the democratic party and fraternally is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having gone through all the chairs in that organization. He is connected also with the Knights of the Maccabees and the Modern Woodmen of America. A man of upright character and honorable principles, his business dealings have ever conformed to the highest standards of commercial ethics and he is honored and respected by all with whom he comes in contact.

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