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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 67-68

Among the most prominent representatives of agricultural interests in Medicine township, Livingston county, is James C. Raney, who owns a valuable farm of three hundred and sixty acres on section 18. He was born February 16, 1860, in Macon county, Missouri, a son of John and Margaret (Marnnion) Raney, the former of whom passed away in November, 1911, and the latter in 1908. Both were buried in Wheeling township, this county.

James C. Raney received his education in the public schools of Macon and Livingston counties but came to this section in 1871 with his parents. He laid aside his school-books at the age of nineteen years, when he began assisting his father in the operation of the home farm. He was thus engaged for two years, at the end of which time he removed to Colorado, where for the same space of time he engaged as a mine operator, and upon his return to Missouri he bought the farm which he now owns and of which three hundred acres are under cultivation, Following progressive methods he has by industry and energy developed his holdings into one of the most prosperous farms in this section and has made thereon a number of improvements, erecting barns and outbuildings and also a comfortable residence, largely enhancing thereby the value of the property. He engages in mixed farming, paying particular attention to stock-raising, and keeps about eighteen horses, eighty head of cattle and one hundred bead of hogs, deriving a gratifying income from his stock-raising interests.

On October 30, 1883, Mr. Raney was united in marriage to Miss Fannie Turner, a daughter of Thomas M. and Henrietta (Dennis) Turner, both of whom have passed away and are buried in Kansas City, Missouri. The mother died in 1870 and the father in 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Raney are the parents of seven children: Richard, a resident of Chula, Missouri; Margaret, the wife of Frank Stephenson, a farmer of Medicine township; and Tessie, Edwin, Joseph, Emmet and Harold, all yet at home.

Mr. Raney is a democrat in his political affiliations and gives to the measures and candidates of that organization his unfailing support. Public-spirited and interested in the development and growth of this section, he has been honored with public office and served for one term in the legislature as a representative of his district to the forty-fourth Missouri assembly, doing active work on the floor of the house and in committees that has been of constructive value. The family are members of the Catholic church to which they give their moral and material support. There have been no spectacular phases in the life record of James C. Raney but his history is one which may well inspire and encourage others, showing what may be accomplished when energy and ambition lead the way. The prosperity which he has attained is well merited and the confidence and big regard which he inspires everywhere are proof of his worth and the high qualities of his character.

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