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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 265-266

Among the commercial institutions of Chillicothe, Missouri, is the drugstore of Rice & Allen, representing the progress of modern ideas and up-to-date methods. Worthy of a town many times the size of Chillicothe, this business is largely the result of the labors of the senior partner of the firm, John D. Rice, who in that connection has made improvements which rank his store on an even basis with any metropolitan establishment of the kind. Coming to Livingston county from De Kalb county, Missouri, Mr. Rice was born in Cameron, this state, in 1876, and is a son of Joel H. and Kate (Hadley) Rice, residents of Fairport, Missouri, where the father is prominent in the affairs of the town and is considered one of the substantial men of the community.

John D. Rice received his fundamental education in the Cameron high school, rounding out the same with courses in the Chillicothe Normal School, and the Northern Illinois College, from which latter institution he graduated with honors in 1899. He subsequently taught school in Grand River College for two years and then became a teacher in the Chillicothe Business College, in which connection he remained for about twelve years although he gave at same time a great deal of his attention to his drug establishment, The store is conducted under the name of Rice & Allen, and they handle only the best quality of medicines, and also carry a complete line of sundries such as are usually found in drug stores. Particular attention is paid to the prescription department and all precaution is taken that no mistakes can possibly occur.

Mr. Rice was united in marriage in Gallatin, Missouri, in 1900, Miss Lena White, a daughter of Richard and Mary (Savage) White both of whom have passed away, finding their last resting place in Pattonsburg, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Rice are the parents of, daughter, Lucille. The family home, which is owned by our subject is a meeting place of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rice, where a pleasant hospitality and a warm greeting is extended to them

The political views of Mr. Rice are in accordance with the principles of the democratic party while his fraternal relations are with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Maccabees. Aggressive, industrious and energetic, he has become a factor in the commercial life of Chillicothe and while on the highway to individual success gives his support to all matters which make for the general development and advancement and contribute to trade expansion.

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