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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 208-209

On the roster of county officials in Livingston county appears the name of Adolphus Roberts, now serving his second term as county treasurer. Moreover, for twenty-one years he was closely associated with farming interests in this section and his record both as an agriculturist and official is such that it has brought him in large measure the confidence, good-will and friendship of all with whom he has come in contact. Mr. Roberts is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Clarion county, November 6, 1851, a son of John G. and Catherine (Frasier) Roberts, natives of the Keystone state. The father was born July 13, 1819, and the mother on September 20, 1826. Their marriage occurred on the 18th of May, 1847, and to their union were born ten children. The parents moved from Pennsylvania to Jacksonville, Illinois, in 1856 and remained in that section until 1870, when they came to Livingston county.

Adolphus Roberts acquired his education in the public schools of Jacksonville, Illinois, and had completed his course when he moved to Utica, Missouri, with his parents. He here engaged in various occupations until the time of his marriage, after which he settled on a farm near Avalon, being continuously connected with farming interests for twenty-one years. In 1904 he left the farm and took up his residence in Chillicothe, having been elected in that year to the office of county treasurer. His able work won him reelection in 1908 and he is still serving, proving himself a capable and reliable official as well as a resourceful financier.

On January 10, 1884, Mr. Roberts was united in marriage to Miss Sadie McCloughan, a daughter of Charles H. and Mary (Smith) McCloughan. The father was born near Akron, Ohio, and went front that state to Warsaw. Kosciusko county, Indiana, where he married Miss Mary Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are the parents of two children: Mary Agnes, who was born October 13, 1886, and who is the wife of Harvey McCrum, of Ottumwa, Iowa; and Charles Alfred, a resident of Kansas City, Missouri. The family are devout adherents of the Baptist church.

Mr. Roberts is affiliated with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and his political allegiance is given to the republican party. He is one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of Livingston county where he has long made his home. His record is indeed a commendable one and no word of reproach has ever been uttered against his official service. In all the relations of his life his course has been characterized by tile strictest fidelity to principle, and his fine traits of character and his genial personality have won for him many warm friends.

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