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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 243-244

Farming interests of Cream Ridge township find an able and progressive representative in Elmer R. Roberts, who owns a fine property of eighty acres on Sections 21 and 33. He has lived in Livingston county since his infancy but was born in Daviess county, November 14, 1873, his parents being Luellyn and Ida (Critten) Roberts. The father came from his native country, Wales, when he was a young man and settled in Missouri before the Civil war. He volunteered for service in that conflict, serving as a member of Company L, Twelfth Missouri Cavalry, going to the front as a private and receiving his discharge after much active service as a corporal. In 1873 he settled upon a farm in Cream Ridge township and there carried on general agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred one year later, on May 15, 1974, when he was forty-four years of age, His wife survived him many years, dying in 1907, at the age of fifty-six, and both are buried in the May cemetery, in Livingston county.

Elmer R. Roberts acquired his education in the Maple Grove school. which he left at the age of fourteen in order to assist his mother with the work of the farm. When he was eighteen he turned his attention to section work and continued at it for seven years, during which time he saved out of his earnings enough money to help in buying forty acres of land. By hard work and frugal living he in time was able to add another forty acres to his holdings and his farm now comprises eighty acres and is well developed and carefully managed. Upon it he has made substantial improvements, erecting fine buildings and fencing his fields and in many other ways adding to the appearance and value of the property. Here in connection with general farming he raises and fattens stock and his business interests, being well managed, are bringing him a good financial return.

On the 18th of February, 1900, Mr. Roberts was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Wood, a daughter of S. T. and Mary (Wolfe) Wood, the former at one time an agriculturist of Cream Ridge township but now engaged in farming at Winfield, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts became the parents of three children, one of whom died in infancy. The others are: Nola T., who is attending school; and Verle. Mr. Roberts gives his allegiance to the republican party. He belongs to the Anti-Horse Thief Association. His life has ever been an active and useful one and his work in business lines and for the public good has been effectual and beneficial. His property has all been acquired by his own diligence and well directed labor, making him one of the prosperous residents of this part of Livingston county.

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