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Past and Present of Livingston County
Volume 2. Biographies

by Major A. J. Roof. 1913

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Page 222-223

One of the enterprising business men of Chillicothe is William H. Ruddy, who is connected with important mercantile interests as a dealer in meats. He has built up an extensive trade and his enterprising methods and careful management promise further success in the future. Mr. Ruddy is a native of Huron county, Ohio, born near Monroeville, October 4, 1860, his parents being Michael and Mary (Welch) Ruddy, natives of Ireland. They came to America in the early years and made their first location in New York state, and later settled in Ohio, where the father followed farming until November 28,

1878, when he came to Missouri, the family locating on a farm near Avalon, in Livingston county. This property Mr. Ruddy improved and developed until his death, which occurred August, 1910. His wife has also passed away, her death having occurred in Chillicothe. They were devout members of the Roman Catholic church and in this religion reared the nine children born to their union.

William H. Ruddy acquired his education in the public schools of Huron county, Ohio, where his parents settled before they came to Missouri. He began his independent career in Livingston county, where he engaged in farming, but afterward abandoned this in order to establish himself in the meat business in Chillicothe, where he now has one of the high-class markets in the city. He is accorded a liberal patronage and his business is growing annually in volume and importance. The success of his undertaking is entirely attributable to his own efforts, for his methods are careful and systematic and his business discernment keen, and these qualities constitute important elements in the attainment of prosperity.

In June, 1888, Mr. Ruddy married Miss Ann Jordan, who was born in Kentucky in September, 1864. Both are well known socially in this city and are also active in religious circles, holding membership in the Roman Catholic church. Without desire for public office, Mr. Ruddy gives a stanch allegiance to the democratic party and has always taken an active interest in the public welfare which he has aided in promoting by his private activities. He has put forth diligent effort along mercantile lines and has secured a gratifying trade by reason of his honest dealing and his earnest desire to please his patrons.

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